- Patch 1.3.19 and Xmas event
- Xmas event is back!
- And we have a big patch for you as well!
- Changes in version 1.3.19:
- - Fixed issue with washing animals not affecting their cleanliness stat
- - Fixed "Horse ride" achievements
- - Fixed "Luxury stud" achievement
- - Fixed "A trip" achievement
- - "Warehouse" popup made optional to make it easier to achieve "Know-it-all" achievement
- - Decreased inspection timers to make it easier to achieve "The clean guy" achievement
- - Increased delay for horses running away from boxes
- - Increased chance for claws disease
- - Fixed issue with getting stuck while being on a leash behind the player
- - Animals defaecate now more often while sick
- - Blocking entrance to Vet Clinic from DLC should not be possible anymore
- - Corrected pillow tooltip shown when an animal is laying on a pillow
- - Fixed ear cleaners hologram
- - Removed a few unnecessary collisions for a bit of performance boost in some circumstances
- - Removed tooltip "Medical card" when taking animal from a van
- - Fixed issue where it sometimes teleported a horse for no reason
- - Corrected some translations