1. Update v1.18.14350:
  2. New Features and Content:
  3. Frog Mount
  4. The fearless frog is now available in both campaign and versus. It can be found in swamps and along rivers
  5. The frog’s jump gives it the highest possible jump height of the mounts, makes navigating tree tops a breeze, and even allows you to change direction mid-air
  6. A swim speed bonus allows the frog to move faster in bodies of water than on land. Use this to your advantage!
  7. Reduced fall damage makes a fall from high up not as punishing as it otherwise would be
  9. Witches & Witch Huts:
  10. The witch is a new, powerful ranged unit that throws potions, which apply poison to all units in an area. Instead of being spawned at spawners like other mobs, they are spawned from witch huts
  11. In campaign, witch huts are spawned as part of villages but cannot be used until you earn the witches’ trust
  12. In versus, the witch hut is a neutral structure that activates periodically throughout a match. When players interact with an active witch hut, they can spawn witches for their team
  13. Custom settings allow you to disable witches entirely, change how they’re built, or change the timing of the witch hut event in versus
  15. Cauldron:
  16. Cauldrons are special structures that enhance nearby allied mobs, increasing their damage and adding knockback to their attacks
  17. The buff from the cauldron applies automatically to nearby units and even lingers for 20 seconds once you leave its aura of influence
  19. Piglin Clanger
  20. The clanger is a disruptive piglin with an area of effect attack that knocks back and stuns player mobs
  21. They are fast moving and deal very little damage, but they are a serious threat when combined with other piglin units and structures
  23. Piglin Air Chopper:
  24. The air chopper is a giant fan that allows the piglins to more effectively spread spores into the Overworld
  25. This structure rotates to face incoming player mobs and will blow them away while applying spore damage to them
  27. Achievements:
  28. We’ve added 10 new achievements / trophies to the game that reward exploring our new content
  30. Hero Select Update:
  31. You are now able to sort any owned Heroes by rarity
  33. New Custom Game Options:
  34. General Improvements
  35. A player’s last used custom settings will be used for their next game session
  36. Players still have the option to reset it, but especially helpful for versus matches
  38. Campaign and Versus can have their own default setting per mode
  39. This is helpful for things like setting starting resources
  41. Setting changes are communicated in the lobby
  42. Now when the host changes a setting, it will appear in the lobby chat, only updating after a delay to prevent spam
  43. If the host closes their settings and cancels their changes, that is communicated too
  46. New Settings (All Modes)
  47. World Seed
  48. Enter a 10-digit seed to create consistent world terrain generation. This does not necessarily guarantee dynamically spawned things, like bases, will be in the same place
  50. Knockback Resistance (player/mob/piglin)
  51. Allows players to granularly set how much knockback that the player, their mobs, or piglin units take
  52. For example, you could set knockback very high, but increase the player knockback resistance to have everything except players get knocked back really far
  54. Water is Lava
  55. Instead of generating a water block, the world will instead generate lava, making the world a lot more treacherous
  57. Hazard Damage
  58. The amount of damage applied when touching hazards (not the lingering damage they apply like poison)
  60. Hazard Density
  61. The density of hazards and buffs in the world
  63. Starting Build / Gather Allays
  64. How many build and gather allays the team starts with
  66. Allay Chest Density
  67. The frequency of chests generated in the world
  69. Allay Chest Yield
  70. The amount of resources obtained from allay chests found in the world
  72. Player Health Regeneration
  73. Modifies the players health regeneration stat
  75. Automatically Buffed Towers
  76. When enabled, towers will automatically come with the buffs from the kaboomery, spyglass, and battle drum
  78. Mob / Structure Build Cost
  79. Modifies the cost to spawn mobs or build structures
  81. Tiger / Frog / Bird / Beetle Mount Enable / Disable
  82. By default all mounts are enabled and can spawn in campaign worlds and may spawn in versus worlds. If they are set to disabled, their homesteads will not generate and their spawners will not be active
  84. Cauldron Tech Enable
  85. Enables or disables the cauldron from being built, same as the other tech unlock settings
  88. New Settings (Campaign Only)
  89. Power Tower Density
  90. The number of power towers generated for players to collect
  92. Roaming Piglin / Mob Density
  93. The amount of roaming piglins and vanilla mobs found in the overworld
  95. Llama Damage
  96. Sets the damage of llama animals
  98. Starting Power Tower Cores
  99. The amount of power tower cores you can start with, to help players shortcut building these
  101. Village Chest Yield
  102. The amount of resources generated by the villagers each day
  104. Stable
  105. If enabled, will spawn any enabled mounts (those not disabled by the other custom setting) at villages as if the player had unlocked them
  107. Witch Hut Placement
  108. A meaningful change to the witch experience with a variety of options:
  109. Standard - Witch huts work as they do in a regular campaign
  110. Disabled - Disables witch huts, witches, and cauldrons, similar to playing the game before the November update
  111. Village Buildable - Instead of witch huts being generated in the village and players unlocking them, witch huts cost resources and can be built in villages, but can be destroyed
  112. Freeform Buildable - Same as above, except the witch hut can be built anywhere in the world
  114. Warrior Spawner Placement
  115. Same as the witch hut experience, but with warriors:
  116. Standard - Warriors are unlocked via campaign progression. Once unlocked, they spawn for free, automatically in villages
  117. Village Buildable - No more warrior unlock and free spawns, but you can build their huts in villages for a cost and they can be destroyed
  118. Freeform Buildable - Same as above, except the warrior spawner can be built anywhere
  120. Warrior Count
  121. If Warrior Spawner Placement is set to standard (e.g. the original), then modifies the # of free warriors that spawn at villages
  123. Invasion Pacing
  124. How quickly the piglin invasion ramps up. Will influence the max amount of actions piglins can make, the composition of roaming piglins, etc.
  126. Invasion Activity Level
  127. The max number of actions that piglins can take. By default will ramp up naturally, but can be influenced by the above setting
  129. Village Attack Strength
  130. Changes the distribution and weighting of how strong attacks will be against villages
  132. Village Attack Auto-Resolve Strength
  133. A modifier to the amount of damage that piglins deal to players when they are not there to defend village attacks in person
  135. Piglin Personality
  136. The types of actions that each piglin horde will prefer:
  137. Attack - prefers to attack villages, homesteads, wellhouses
  138. Upgrade - prefers to upgrade their bases
  139. Expand - prefers to build bases and outposts
  140. Passive - doesn’t make any actions
  142. Number of small / medium / large bases & outposts
  143. The starting and max # of bases and outposts that each horde has
  146. New Settings (Versus Only)
  147. Mirror World
  148. Generates a world where each team’s starting location is the same and the terrain is made symmetrical for a more balanced experience
  150. Day Night Cycle
  151. By default, there is a day / night cycle in versus matches. During the night, roaming piglins appear and their attack waves are more deadly
  152. Players can keep the cycle consistent (default setting) or they can lock it to only day or only night
  154. Flames of Allegiance
  155. The amount of starting flames of allegiance that a team starts with, governing how many mobs they can spawn. The more starting flames, the less Flame of Allegiance improvements that can be built
  157. HQ Zone Immunity
  158. Makes the HQ and any surrounding structures invulnerable for a specified amount of minutes. After the duration expires, the immunity wears off and everything is vulnerable
  159. Players can use this to prevent rushing and build up their base for a specific duration
  161. Damage Escalation
  162. Versus matches have a natural damage escalation that increases player mobs and the redstone launcher. It typically occurs at 40 / 50 / 60 minutes, but this setting lets you modify when it occurs
  164. Witch Hut Placement
  165. Similar to the campaign settings, players can choose to modify the witch experience:
  166. Standard - Witch huts spawn as an event and activate periodically throughout the match
  167. Disabled - No witch hut spawns on the map, so very much a “classic” experience
  168. Village Buildable - Like warrior spawners in PVP, players can construct the witch hut in their HQ and spawn the units for a cost
  170. Witch Hut Activation Time / Variance / Duration
  171. If players have left the above setting to standard, they can modify how often it occurs, whether there is any randomness, and how long it lasts for
  172. Some settings can be set to zero, making the witch hut always active, or permanently active after an initial delay, etc.
  174. Piglin Aggression
  175. Changes to how piglins spawn at barracks and what waves they send. This can result in more frequent waves or piglins that are totally passive
  178. General Game Improvements:
  179. Pathfinding improvements:
  180. Focused on fixing pathfinding issues, like creepers not detonating on walls when given an order to a non-pathable location and certain ranged units’ closing distances
  182. Type Select improvements:
  183. Overhauled the Type Select interface by moving it down to the hotbar location. Unit types are separated by category. Options are now clearer in terms of selecting all down to selecting a specific unit type
  185. Bannerview Improvement:
  186. Added a visual indicator in the Bannerview mode on how to exit the mode
  188. Unit RPS and Difficulty Tuning (Campaign and PVP) improvements:
  189. RPS Combat Balancing
  190. Continued mob and piglin combat balancing to improve the strategic decision-making and reward players when they choose correctly - and better communicate when they choose a bad mob composition
  191. At Fabled difficulty, if players choose a favorable mob composition vs the piglins, they will be more readily rewarded and win a battle quicker than before while losing fewer mobs
  192. At Fabled difficulty, choosing an unfavorable mob composition is a bit more punishing now, and rewards strategic thinking, so make sure you are paying attention to which mobs are good vs specific piglins!
  194. PvP combat matchups have also been updated to provide a more balanced experience, and to build off the work above
  196. Difficulty Tuning
  197. Fabled difficulty (the standard difficulty) has been updated by the unit RPS changes above
  198. The changes make Fabled difficulty more strategic than at launch (you will need to pay closer attention to counters and have a mixed mob composition)
  200. Updated higher difficulties (Mythic & Legendary) that require more strategic decision-making from players and intensify when players choose a favorable or unfavorable mob composition
  201. If players enter a battle with an unfavorable mob composition (eg: Plank Golems vs Blaze Runts), they will lose that battle a lot faster
  202. If Players enter a battle with a favorable mob composition (eg: Plank Golems vs Mace Runts), they will more easily win that battle a lot faster
  204. Updated Storied difficulty so that players are not required to pay close attention to the combat balance and can have a fun, relaxing experience
  207. PVP Updates & Improvements:
  208. Reduced the Protector Tower cost to make it a more competitive option in defending
  209. Stone cost reduced from 450 to 300
  210. Iron cost reduced from 200 to 150
  212. PvP hotbars will now have the Abundant Allays upgrade placed on them by default
  213. Grindstone Golems now take a bit less damage from Skeletons so they can more easily close the distance and counter Skeletons
  214. Warriors can now be refunded in PvP when next to a spawner
  215. Public PvP matches will now require only 4 players in a lobby before the game starts instead of 6
  216. Witches in PvP
  217. The witches are available to be recruited onto your team during a repeating in-game event
  218. The Witch’s Hut will unlock at certain moments in the match and allows either team to spawn them on their team
  219. Either team can acquire Witches from the Witch’s Hut as long as you have the resources
  220. Witches in PvP cost Diamond and Coal to spawn
  222. Frog mounts have been added to PvP worlds in a few different biomes in the world - see if you can find them!
  223. Piglin bases have been updated to include new Piglin content of the Clanger and Air Chopper
  224. Clangers have a chance to spawn later into PvP matches as a powerful foe against your mobs!
  225. Air Choppers can also spawn in place of destroyed Piglin Arrow Towers, which makes gathering Prismarine a little trickier!
  227. Deconstructing a structure in PvP will now allow you to be over your resource cap, so your team doesn’t lose out on potential resources
  228. Mount homesteads are now shown in the World Map so players can more easily find the mount they want
  229. Pinging a piglin outpost in the world map will now show a Prismarine icon next to the chat log entry (helping let your team know you are going to get Prismarine)
  231. Gameplay Updates & Fixes:
  232. Fixed some structures only being partially affected by Stone Mason buff while in range of Spyglass/Kaboomery/Battle Drums (MCLG-133)
  233. Fixed the HUD staying transparent if the player is pushed off a Redstone Launcher (MCLG-312)
  234. Enemies can no longer fire projectiles backwards or through themselves (MCLG-304)
  235. Deconstructing the Flame of Creation upgrade no longer refunds too many cores of creation (MCLG-386)
  236. Fixed a rare case where duplicate Firsts could appear in Campaign (MCLG-446)
  237. Improved handling of "out of data storage" error (MCLG-106)
  238. Improved displaying the game at resolutions higher than 1080p with non-100% DPI settings (MCLG-34)
  239. Fixed the Hero's texture missing for a moment after entering the Switch Hero screen (MCLG-149)
  240. Piglin bases that have upgraded no longer show their old icon on the compass (MCLG-317)
  241. Fixed an issue where the Portal Guard would not attack player walls if there was a tower behind the walls
  242. Arrow Towers
  243. Arrow Towers now have an arc shot where they can shoot over obstacles such as walls
  244. Arrow Towers shoot a bit slower now, but each shot deals more damage to maintain its DPS
  245. Arrow Towers now target larger Piglin units primarily
  247. Scatter Towers
  248. Scatter Towers now shoot double the arrows they did before, but each shot does lower damage to maintain its DPS
  249. Scatter Tower targeting will now prioritize groups of smaller units
  251. Fixed an issue with Zombies so that many Blaze Runts can counter them better than before
  252. Fixed issues with camera speed settings so FOV changes are less drastic when taking damage or sprinting
  253. Fixed an issue where some mobs could try and target bone walls in Piglin bases that they shouldn’t have been able to target
  254. Fixed issues with ranged mobs so they can more reliably attack units that they should be able to attack
  255. Players can now build overtop existing walls with other structures, which refunds the wall segments that were removed
  257. Update v1.17.53059:
  258. Fixes:
  259. Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  260. Added missing German character dialogue and subtitles from the campaign prologue changes in the last game update
  261. Fixed several issues that caused players to get disconnected from multiplayer sessions
  262. Fixed a crash that could occur on Steam when signing into a Microsoft account via the Marketplace after backing out of an offline game
  263. Fixed an issue that could cause an old objective and empty map to appear after defeating the second piglin outpost in campaign
  264. Fixed in-game invitation prompts not responding to mouse input
  265. Fixed an issue with accepting a game invite from Xbox Game Bar while in a respawn state
  266. Fixed players being unable to join a friend's lobby if they had previously cancelled joining their game
  268. Update v1.17.49848:
  269. New Features and Content:
  270. Improved PVP Communication Tools:
  271. Updated World Map Markers - The types of available world map markers have been expanded to allow for more descriptive communication.
  272. On the Map screen you may cycle through the four types of markers:
  273. Attack (eg: “Let’s attack at the Orange Base!”)
  274. Defend (eg: “Let’s defend at the Blue Base!”)
  275. Gather (eg: “Let’s gather at the swamp biome!”)
  276. Default (eg: “PLAYER NAME has pinged the swamp biome.”)
  278. New map marker messages will be displayed in the chat log to help attract your teammates' attention
  280. Updated Structure Placement - A new UI feature has been added beside the hot bar when placing a structure which allows players to communicate several important phrases. A player can:
  281. Say that they intend to build the selected structure
  282. Request that a teammate build the selected structure
  283. Quickly say “Yes” or “No”
  285. Lobby Roles - Players who wish to play in a certain style can now select from several presets to convey that intent to their fellow team members. Selecting a role doesn’t impact gameplay, but it’s a good way to tell your team what you intend to do in the upcoming match. Roles include:
  286. Builder: Focused on building and defending your home base
  287. Explorer: Scouting piglins or the enemy team for information and gathering resources for your team
  288. Fighter: Primarily focused on attacking the enemy team
  289. Piglin Hunter: Focused on gathering Prismarine from Piglin bases
  290. Flexible (Default): A flexible role with no specific goal in mind
  293. Custom Game Options:
  294. We’ve added Custom Campaign and Custom Versus modes to give players more freedom and control over their game experience.
  295. These new modes allow you to customize a whole range of different settings that can result in a completely different spin on the game! Make the game easier or more challenging, try a different twist on what you know and love or just give yourself tons of resources so you can play around in a sandbox!
  296. When choosing a custom campaign, you will skip over the tutorial and prologue and start immediately in the main campaign when the piglin invasion is in full swing. If you’re not enjoying what you’ve selected, most settings can be changed between saves. The only exceptions are for settings that must be set when the world is created such as world size or starting resources.
  297. Custom game options are also available in private versus matches. Invite your friends and craft your ideal match!
  298. A quick breakdown of the different settings:
  299. World - Change the overall size of the world, the number of rare resource veins, and bonus settings like gravity, knockback, and fall damage.
  300. Resources - The amount of resources you start with and the max number you can hold. Includes a bonus challenging option that makes you lose a % of resources when a player character dies.
  301. Player - Change your character's health and damage or give them bonuses like always on speed, jump, or invulnerability.
  302. Player Tools - Change your mob & structure health, damage, and construction speed. You can unlock all melodies for use or even restrict some melodies from being used in a game (e.g. no creepers, no redstone launcher, etc).
  303. Piglins - Change the amount of health & damage of piglin units, structures, and bosses.
  305. This is an experimental mode, as there are many combinations we have not been able to test every single one, so there may be unexpected results!
  306. We plan to add even more custom settings in the future for further customization and experimentation. We hope you enjoy it and can’t wait to see what unique worlds you build!
  308. Auto Lure:
  309. A new gameplay option has been added that makes mobs automatically follow the player after being spawned
  310. This feature can be enabled in the Controller Settings and Keyboard/Mouse Settings screens by turning on “Auto luring”
  312. Mob Refund:
  313. The player now has the ability to refund lured mobs at ANY player-built mob spawner
  314. This allows the player to remove mobs from their spawned army one at a time and replace them with different mobs. The resource price of the spawned mob will be refunded back to the player directly into their resources
  315. Mobs the player finds around the world cannot be refunded
  317. Structure Health Bars:
  318. Player and Piglin structure health bars are now visible in Banner View
  319. Only structures that are in range of Banner View will have health bars visible
  320. The last game update made enemy structure health visible, but now your own structures also show health bars
  322. Piglin health bars are now visible while using the Redstone Launcher
  323. Only structures that are in range of the Redstone Launcher will have health bars visible
  325. Piglin structures hit by the player sword will display their health bar for a short time
  326. The most recent Piglin structure in range of the player that has been damaged by player mobs will display its health bar for a short time
  327. If player mobs are actively attacking two structures, whichever the player is closest to will have its health bar displayed
  330. Pet Animals:
  331. You can now pet animals by pressing and holding the “Pet Animal” button when you are beside them. We’ve added new animations for the animals to show just how much they appreciate it!
  333. General Game Improvements:
  334. Mob Pathfinding:
  335. Improved mob behavior around ledges and cliffs to reduce the frequency of mobs accidentally falling or getting lost
  336. Mobs can no longer forcibly or accidentally push each other off ledges
  337. They will follow players down jumps that are within mob fall height
  339. Improved Creeper Behavior:
  340. Creepers detonate more reliably on their assigned target when given orders by the player
  342. Improved Visibility of Resources:
  343. Rare resource deposits in the world will now glow, or gleam, occasionally to make them easier to spot when moving through the world
  344. Improved Map legend to more accurately communicate which resources can be found in which biome
  346. Player Empowerment Improvements:
  347. Reduced Fall Damage
  348. Players, their mounts, and their mobs fall a greater distance before taking fall damage. This results in fewer frustrating, fall-related deaths
  350. Speedy Mason
  351. Reduced time interval between structures being upgraded by the Stone Mason
  352. Structures do not upgrade faster, but the time between a structure finishing the upgrade and the next starting has been reduced
  353. This is further reduced with the Well of Fate mason upgrade
  356. Mob Combat:
  357. The combat effectiveness of player mobs and piglin units has been updated. These changes were done to make each unit more unique and effective on the battlefield and to better highlight the differences between each unit
  358. Players will now find that individual golems have more unique roles on the battlefield, and players will have to be more careful that they pick the right mob to counter specific piglin units or structures
  360. Banner View:
  361. Mob Pathfinding / Banner View:
  362. The banner view visuals have been updated to provide the player with a more accurate representation of where their mobs will go when given a banner view order
  363. Mob pathfinding has been improved so that they are more reliable in getting to their predicted destination
  365. Path presentation
  366. Banner view presentation has been completely overhauled
  367. Aiming with banner view now presents a rectangle path that better reflects the actual width of the path mobs will follow. This change is intended to better align player expectations with the mob’s pathfinding reality
  368. The mob navigable rectangle updates its position in near-real time to better communicate where mobs will actually end up after being given an order, while still maintaining the independent targeting reticle for ranged mobs
  369. When either Charge or Focus Target is activated, confirmation dotted lines and arrows appear briefly before fading out - those show the projected path that mobs will navigate
  370. Blue flags that were placed at the end of the banner view path have been removed to improve visual clarity of banner view use
  373. Versus Mode Accolades:
  374. Three new accolades can now be awarded to players at the end of a match:
  375. Prismarine Pillager - Awarded to the player who collected the most Prismarine
  376. Fantastic Fortifier - Awarded to the player who built the most walls
  377. Runts’ Worst Nightmare - Awarded to the player who defeated the most piglins
  380. User Interface Improvements:
  381. Menus & Flows:
  382. A new welcome message now appears that details new content when first logging in after applying a patch
  383. New menus and options to set up a Custom Game in Campaign and Versus Mode
  384. The Lost Legends tab in Marketplace has been vastly improved! Players can now see the latest monthly legend and reward, as well as a list of previous Lost Legends
  386. HUD:
  387. Improvements to the visibility of icons on the compass
  390. Other Fixes and Improvements:
  391. A message now appears when players are approaching the structure limit (MCLG-288)
  392. Fixed village chests sometimes missing in some villages (MCLG-52)
  393. Allays no longer get stuck building steep ramps (MCLG-361)
  395. Prologue Improvements:
  396. Reworked Prologue Flow:
  397. We streamlined the length of the prologue to almost half what it used to be by removing some repetitive beats and unnecessary travel. It’s now faster and more action-packed!
  398. Fast travel is now enabled for all the villages once the player defeats the first group of piglins at the village in the prologue
  399. Updated piglin compositions throughout the prologue to better highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the player’s golems compared to the various piglin units
  401. Known Issue: Some voiceovers in the prologue are not present when playing in German. These translations will be added in an upcoming game update soon
  403. Updated In-game Text:
  404. Updated prologue objective messages to better guide players and highlight what roles the starter golems fill on the battlefield
  405. Updated the tooltips for mob spawners to better show the strengths and weaknesses of all the different player mobs
  406. Added mob descriptions while using Type Select in banner view to better show the strengths and weaknesses of player mobs
  408. Updated Carpenter Hut Objective:
  409. The carpenter hut flow in the prologue has received a lot of polish and now dynamically reacts to the player’s actions and guides them to complete the objective more consistently
  411. Banner View Tutorial:
  412. The banner view tutorial during the Piglin Outposts beat in the prologue has been updated to better guide players through the different functions of banner view
  414. Objective Beacons:
  415. The player's objectives in the prologue are now highlighted with beacons of light that can be seen from anywhere in the world. This makes it easier to find these locations
  417. World Map:
  418. Prologue objectives now have an identifying decal and beacon on the world map to better guide the player to their locations
  420. Player Compass:
  421. Flashing icons on the compass no longer fade out on the edges of the compass. This makes it easier to track and follow those icons
  422. A large arrow is now shown on the right or the left of the compass depending on where the flashing icon is in relation to the player’s position. This helps players know which way to turn to find these locations
  423. The flashing icons’ outlines have been thickened to improve visibility
  424. The flashing icons’ animation has been improved to improve visibility
  425. The middle arrow in the compass now becomes larger when underneath a flashing icon to better indicate to players that this is the direction they need to go
  426. Players’ map markers on the compass will pulse after exiting the map screen to improve their visibility
  428. “How to Play” Tutorial Pages:
  429. Updated the videos and descriptions for several tutorials
  430. Added a new tutorial for the new Mob Refund feature
  432. Co-op Campaign Flow:
  433. Players who have not completed the tutorial and attempt to join a co-op session are now prompted with a pop-up to suggest they finish the tutorial first before joining a co-op game
  435. Village Attack Timer:
  436. A timer has been added on-screen during the “Build Defenses” objective to help communicate the amount of time left until the piglin attack begins