1. Update v1.5.0.14:
  2. The final chapters and the conclusion of the storyline
  3. The arrival of the three final chapters marks a turning point, revealing events that will shape the destiny of the Suthseg Kingdom and the entire Europa. In our previous major release, we delved into the intricacies of the world through the tales of our officer companions. Now, it's time to reignite the momentum of the main storyline.
  5. Agatha and the Wilkur sisters have dedicated their efforts to the Royal Garden and the Greener Pasture projects, while Oliver and the rest of the team have been tirelessly investigating the whereabouts and identity of Uncle Dan. If it's been a while since your last playthrough, I highly recommend checking the Story Progress menu. You can access it by clicking on the objective reminder in the top bar to refresh your memory with a summary of the story so far.
  7. Higher-tier enemy fleets and challenges
  8. As tensions rise throughout Suthseg, factions are deploying formidable fleets led by skilled officers and crews. The situation demands more powerful ships and personnel. If you've been at odds with specific factions, expect Cruisers and even larger ships to pursue you. Outlaws, seizing the opportunity amidst the unrest, are also reaping the benefits of the chaos.
  10. Unlocking the Production of the Jormungandr Battlecruiser
  11. As you progress through the final chapters of the story, you will discover the essential Blueprint required for the construction of the Jormangandr Battle Cruiser hull. We highly recommend creating copies of this blueprint rather than utilizing it immediately.
  13. Salvaging Ship Parts from Defeated Enemies
  14. After triumphing over your foes, you can now salvage parts directly from their ships. If you spot something appealing on a specific enemy vessel, defeating them repeatedly is an option if manufacturing doesn't align with your preferred playstyle.
  16. Ultra-Wide Resolution Support
  17. We're excited to introduce ultra-wide resolution support. While the implementation may not be flawless, it will provide you with a broader view of the world compared to the game's original resolution.
  19. Introducing Additional Ease of Access and Quality of Life Features:
  20. Shopping List: Easily accessible through the Journal menu, this screen consolidates all bookmarked items. It allows you to set desired quantities and provides an overview of your current inventory.
  21. Remote Construction Cost Viewing: Now, you can mouse-over facilities in the remote settlement menu to view construction costs beforehand. This feature enables you to plan upgrades more efficiently, knowing the required materials in advance.
  23. General improvements:
  24. Improved battle AI behavior further, boarding and evasion should now function as intended.
  25. Production order now has notification preferences to reduce notification flooding on the screen.
  26. Improved save file and autosave handling procedure to avoid producing corrupted save file crashing the game at start.
  27. Check for facility upgrade requirements remotely by bringing up settlement menus and hovering over the facility button.
  28. Made locked storyline content more obvious on the Storyline Progress GUI.
  29. Added more contributors to the end credits. This included testers who provided reports/feedback/comments to the game after release.
  30. Removed Rider Bay's interception tag to avoid misleading players to believe that they are meant to fight other riders.
  31. Reduced valuable items price to compensate for additional value added from salvageable parts.
  32. Improved scrolling sensitivity and consistency on scrollable UIs.
  33. Quests journal and shopping list now memorize the tab you last browsed.
  34. Optimized the system process when switching between item tabs.
  35. Optimized transaction time for transactions with merchants.
  36. Added auto-detect and graphic setting adjustment upon the first launch.
  37. Sorted the contributor list in the credits screen alphabetically.
  38. Added an information text to let players know when they don’t have enough hangar space for a new ship.
  39. Enemies will now rarely surrender during a fight.
  40. Reduced the performance spike when an item production is finished.
  41. Added a hangar slot reminder to quests that provide a ship as rewards.
  42. AI ships' boarding and evasion actions should now function as expected.
  43. Adjusted the "How to Play" section to align with the current game reality and added more sections for new features.
  44. Added a warning prompt informing players when items received via a quest overflow into the local warehouse.
  45. Increased "Novel" stock on merchants from 5 to 250.
  46. Improved visibility of officer promotion item icons.
  47. Enhanced AI sensor precision, enabling more accurate range maintenance.
  48. Increased consistency in the ways shield recharges are activated and deactivated.
  49. Addressed some underlying AI principles to increase consistency in AI behavior.
  51. Bug fixes:
  52. Fixed crashes caused by the achievement handler function
  53. Fixed Francine level up items being misplaced
  54. Fixed legacy rendering logic causes random crash on some ports
  55. Fixed the issue where you couldn't control the camera when turning off the GUI using the "/" button.
  56. Fixed visual glitches from shield particles when ships are traveling across the world's chunk.
  57. Proofread and improved text clarity on the GUI.
  58. Proofread and improve text clarity on officers trait and tactic descriptions.
  59. Fixed display errors in final encounter fight dialog.
  60. Fixed missing final battle music.
  61. Fixed crashes caused by escorts being set to Evasion after victory under some conditions (this caused some crashes during the final fight as well).
  62. Fixed storyline progress status menu resetting itself to act 1 randomly.
  63. Fixed random crashes upon starting a career as an industrialist.
  64. Entering and exiting shipyards should no longer cause players to gain or lose crew out of nowhere.
  65. Refilling resources should no longer cause discrepancies in crew count.
  66. Fixed issues with AI states not recognizing multiple parameters correctly.
  67. Fixed some officer skills that were not using resources and giving bonuses correctly.
  68. Fixed weapons reload time calculation/display errors.
  69. Fixed intimidation chance not resolving correctly at low percentages.
  70. Fixed escort ships ramming causing screen shake.
  71. Resolved inconsistencies in fleet travel speeds displayed on the GUI. You will notice that ships now cruise at a slower speed, but in fact, the UI has been exaggerated.
  72. Fixed crashes caused by toggling commands on destroyed escorts.
  73. Addressed button state inconsistencies on escorts.
  74. Corrected game crashes when switching between accounts on the same device.
  75. Fixed issues with raider bays not toggling on/off correctly in and out of battles.
  76. Resolved problems with autosave being generated at incorrect times.
  77. Fixed a bug where officers' skills incorrectly toggled shield generation on, even when manually turned off.
  78. Fixed missing localization in various sections of the game.
  79. Fixed inconsistencies occurring when items were removed after surrendering to revenge fleets and law enforcers.
  81. Update v1.4.0.11:
  82. Fixed crashes caused by hovering mouse over items in the character creation menu
  84. Update v1.4.0.10:
  85. Fixed misplaced officers level up items
  87. Update v1.4.0.9:
  88. Fixed cross-platform achievement handler crashes the game on start
  90. Update v1.4.0.x:
  91. Notable Improvements:
  92. Reduced the amount of pre-battle banters for inessential encounters
  93. Improved quest steps during early game to introduce mechanics and content with better pacing
  94. Hovering over upgradable facilities in the warehouse menu will now show the name and amount of material needed for the upgrade
  95. Hovering over facility upgrade info will now display the result of the upgrade
  96. You can now check how many items you have along with stack price while hovering the mouse cursor on an item
  97. Updated characters description and improve text consistency
  98. Increase encounter difficulty on officer quests to match with the pacing which they were unlocked
  99. Increase rewards from quests within officers questlines to be proportionate to tasked players were asked to perform
  100. Balancing:
  101. Reduced Aetherhawks Riders HP
  102. Lower enemies surrendering threshold to reduce the likeliness of enemies surrendering prematurely while boarding
  103. Bug Fixes:
  104. Fixed some officers upgrades skipping levels
  105. Storyline progress tab disappearing on some sequences
  106. Replace confusing commission quest text in Fort Broden
  107. Fixed magnifying glass showing up on empty inventory space
  108. Reduced the Calibration Room's reload bonus
  109. Fixed achievements unlocking consistency
  110. Move Caitlin (officer) unlocking info to act 5
  111. Fixed multiple discrepancy for numbers on ships detailed parameter view
  112. Improve stability on officers level up process
  113. Improve stability on search box use cases
  114. Fixed demand and reward inconsistency for Laventum Industrial Yard's Procurement Agent
  115. Fixed issues with crash upon loading a save game
  116. Fixed boarding range number inconsistency in the shipyard detail screen
  117. Fix some line break errors on GUI from newly added features
  118. Fix the boarding range amount being added in raw value instead of percentage
  119. Fix merchant information misplaced at branches of the Silberblum stores such as Huntington Quarry (You should now be able to see that there are marbles on sell there from the search menu)
  120. Fix airframe purchase price being inconsistent