1. Update v1.009.004.101162:
  2. Hero Class Updates
  4. We’ve overhauled the underlying Hero System once again to split up Loadouts i.e. Hero Background Traits into separate Hero Class and Hero Weapon. A lot of internal structures have been changed to make this possible. When you first launch the game on this version, all your Heroes will automatically be updated to the new Resource Setup.
  6. Separated Hero Class and Weapon loadouts. Class and Loadout can be picked individually based on the expected weapon restrictions.
  7. Added new Hero Class: Death Knight - A Hero Class that specializes in high damage Melee attacks, backed up by Debuffs and summoned Undead units.
  8. Can equip:
  9. Great Weapons
  10. One Handed Weapons
  11. Shields
  12. Fist Weapons
  13. Polearm Weapons
  15. Added new Hero Class: Spellblade - A Hero Class that uses both Melee and Magic attacks to deal magic damage from a distance and physical damage when the enemy gets close.
  16. Can equip:
  17. Great Weapons
  18. One Handed Weapons
  19. Shields
  20. Fist Weapons
  21. Polearm Weapons
  23. Added new Icons to Hero Classes
  27. Even More Skirmisher Weapons & Loadout Updates
  28. Added 3 new Skirmisher Weapons
  29. Javelin
  30. Melee Strike - 14 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  31. Javelin - 22 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  32. Cannot be Mounted
  34. Sword & Net
  35. Melee Strike - 14 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  36. Throw Net
  37. 18 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  38. 90% Base Chance to Immobilize
  39. Cannot be Mounted
  41. Sword & Throwing Dagger (Ways of War Only)
  42. Melee Strike - 14 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  43. Dagger Throw - 22 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  44. Cannot be Mounted
  46. Updated Culture Loadouts
  47. Barbarian
  48. Added Javelin Loadout
  49. Added Sword and Net Loadout
  51. Dark
  52. Added Sword and Net Loadout
  54. Feudal
  55. Added Javelin Loadout
  56. Added Sword and Net Loadout
  58. Industrious
  59. Added Sword and Net Loadout
  61. Reaver
  62. Added Sword and Net Loadout
  63. Added Fire Orb Loadout
  64. Added Reaver Staff Loadout
  66. Primal
  67. Added Javelin Loadout to all Primal Animals (except Spider)
  68. Added Sword and Net Loadout to Primal Spider
  70. Oathsworn
  71. Added Sword and Throwing Dagger Loadout
  73. Wizard Kings can now use Orbs & Staves of all Base Damage Types
  76. Hero Balance
  77. General
  78. Reduced Base Hero Stats
  79. Reduced HP from 90 to 80
  80. Reduced Defense from 3 to 2
  81. Reduced Resistance from 3 to 2
  83. The Command and Channeling Ritual abilities can no longer have their cooldowns reset
  84. Eldritch Sovereign: Enthralling Truth now correctly lasts until the end of combat
  87. Godir Origin: Dragon Lords
  88. Reduced Base Dragon Lord Stats
  89. Reduced Defense from 4 to 3
  90. Reduced Resistance from 4 to 3
  92. Reduced HP gain from Breath Transformation (Level 12) from 30 to 20 HP
  93. Reduced HP gain from Primal Transformation (Level 8) from 25 to 15 HP (Same as other transformations on its tier)
  94. Hero Skill “Exhilarating Roar”
  95. Renamed to Dragon’s Roar
  96. Allied Units in a 2-hex radius gains Stengthend
  97. Enemy Units in a 2-hex radius gains Weakened
  99. Dragon Lords are now allowed to change their Class & Dragon Claw after Ascension
  102. Hero Class: Warrior
  103. Distracting Charge and Reckless Charge are now mutually exclusive
  104. Reckless Rage and Critical Momentum are now mutually exclusive
  105. Unyielding - No longer grants +2 Resistance
  106. Graceful Charge - Reduced Grace granted from +2 to +1
  107. Willbreaker - Increased radius from adjacent enemies to 3 hexes
  108. Warseeker
  109. Now only works on enemy units
  110. Effect now lasts for 2 turns rather than until end of combat
  111. Reduced max stacks from 5 to 3
  114. Hero Class: Defender
  115. Graceful Defence - Reduced Grace granted from +2 to +1
  116. Tireless Retaliator - Now grants Tireless Retaliation while in Defense Mode
  117. Resistant Vanguard - Reduced Status Resistance granted from +2 to +1
  118. Fighting 1 - Reduced Damage increase to 10% instead of 15%
  119. Fighting 2
  120. Increased Damage increase to 20% instead of 15%
  121. Now mutually exclusive with Greater Vigor
  122. Renamed to "Greater Fighting"
  125. Hero Class: Mage
  126. Magecraft 1 - Replaced +10% accuracy with +10% damage
  127. Magecraft 2 - Replaced +10% accuracy with +10% damage
  128. Arcane Strength - Replaced +10% accuracy with +10% damage
  129. Lightning Evocation - Reduced Jumps from 3 to 2.
  130. Maximized Magic - Critical Hit Chance reduced from 30% to 20%
  131. Devastating Evocation - No longer incorrectly removes the chance to inflict burning from Fire Evocation
  132. Wildfire renamed to Wildfire Strikes, reworked to inflict damage and spread burning to adjacent targets with basic attacks.
  133. Displacement - Now only triggers from Melee attacks.
  136. Hero Class: Ritualist
  137. Astral Bond - Reduce Retaliation Attack bonus from +2 to +1 (This change also affects Mystic School of Summoning's Summoners)
  140. Hero Class: Ranger
  141. Melee Training and Skirmisher Training have swapped positions
  142. Invigorating Takedown - Reduced Strengthened granted from +2 to +1
  143. Go for the Kill - Changed from Applying to Melee & Physical Ranged attacks to All attacks.
  144. Scatter Shot
  145. Reduced Action Point cost reduced from 3 to 1
  146. Reduced Range from 6 to 4
  149. Signature Hero Skills
  150. Learning a Signature Skill now grants an extra skill point for the Hero
  151. Note that this is NOT retroactive! You will need to respec a hero and relearn signature skills to get the extra points.
  153. Souldraining Strikes - Now inflicts 2 remorse when attacking with a single action attack.
  159. Added Ways of War Ruler Lore Entries to the Encyclopedia
  160. Added a horizontal scrollbar to our scripting dialog
  164. Improved likelihood of AI casting Race Transformations
  165. The issue was that the Ai discount for research did not correctly apply.
  166. increase AI value for racial transformations. and adjusted the research for the AI.
  169. Combat AI
  170. AI is now much less likely to move before using a free ability
  171. AI understanding of the Command hero abilities has been improved
  172. AI understanding of the Astral Ward ability has been improved
  173. Melee units are now much less likely to move away from the frontline when using a ranged ability
  174. Reduced Threat Projection Range of Melee units from 4 to 3 hexes (so Ranged units don't feel like running as far away from them)
  175. Lowered the importance of threat by 70% when victory is certain (so units aren't as skittish while winning)
  176. Lowered the importance of threat by 90% when loss is certain (so ranged units don’t kite as much when they're going to lose anyway)
  180. Changed the On Target Killed effect exclusion from Non-Vital to Friendly Units, as a result enemy summons will again trigger the following:
  181. Empire Tree - Rite of Possession - Balor: Power from Slaughter
  182. Empire Tree - Knightly Order - Order of the Indomitable
  183. Unit Enchantment - Bloodfury Weapons
  184. Elder of Chaos - Fires of War
  185. Order Paragon Skill - Lead by Example
  186. Mage Hero Skill - Devouring Spell
  187. Ranger Hero Skill - Invigorating Take Down
  188. Ranger Hero Skill - Kill Shot
  189. Ranger/Warrior Hero Skill - Grim Executioner
  190. Warrior Hero Skill - Warseeker
  191. Warrior Hero Skill - Willbreaker
  192. Warrior Hero Skill - Killing Momentum
  193. Gold Golem - Strike Gold
  194. Ascended Warlord
  197. Buffs/Debuffs
  198. Grace - Now stacks only up to 3 times down from 5
  199. Vicious Killer
  200. Now does 4 more morale damage
  201. Now correctly affects units 3 hexes away
  203. Keepers Mark/Steadfast - Changed the way Out of Turn activation of the effect is handled
  207. Dark
  208. Unit ‘Warlock”
  209. Weakening Bolts - Increased Damage from 10 to 12
  211. High
  212. Unit “Awakener”
  213. Spirit Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14
  215. Mystic School of Potential
  216. Unit “Spellweaver”
  217. Rift Bolts - Increased Damage from 6/6 to 7/7
  219. Mystic School of Summoning
  220. Unit “Summoner”
  221. Astral Bond - Reduce Retaliation Attack bonus from +2 to +1
  223. Combat Spell “Conjure Summoning Rift”
  224. Now selects a valid empty hex in the province to be summoned on
  225. Updated description to specify it summons on an empty hex in the target province.
  227. Oathsworn
  228. Harmony no longer loses devotion when vowing to destroy a Umbral Dwelling
  229. Oathsworn Peacebringer
  230. Line Shot - No longer a base ability
  231. Line Shot - Increased damage from 20 to 24
  232. Line Shot - Reduced Range from 4 to 3
  234. Oathsworn Sealbearer
  235. Reduced HP from 65 to 55
  236. Reduced Defense from 2 to 1
  237. Reduced Resistance from 2 to 1
  241. Ambitions
  242. Prospector “Artisan Equipment” - Upkeep changed to Hero Upkeep +50 instead of 10 per unit.
  243. We have decided to keep the Ambition Hero Only
  245. Steward Minor Ambition - Now rewards 40 Renown for having a Positive City Stability for 5 Turns
  248. Rulers
  249. Changed Ambitions for rulers that can no longer have the Prospector Ambition. This will cover 5 rulers in total, over 3 DLCs:
  250. Blint now has the Delver Ambition
  251. Fangir now has the Explorer Ambition
  252. Aerelazaliar now has the Teacher Ambition
  253. Ydgaard now has the Collector Ambition
  254. Ryc'turi now has the Imperialist Ambition
  257. Society Traits
  258. Keepers of Knowledge - Reduced Knowledge Income from Open Borders Treaty from 20 to 10
  259. Cult of Personality
  260. Increased the Morale Penalty for Units not in an Army led by a Hero from -10 to -20
  261. Heroes gain +10 Gold upkeep per gained Renown level
  265. Removed Pantheon TML Tags on Society Traits
  266. Fatal Strikes no longer shows up in the Unit Panel, only as an Ability Modifier.
  267. Critical Skirmisher now shows up in the Unit Panel.
  268. Critical Second Wind now shows up in the Unit Panel.
  269. Knockback Retaliations now shows up in the Unit Panel.
  270. Evasive Strikes now shows up as an Ability Modifier.
  274. Added Oathsworn Equipment skins
  275. Sword and Pistol
  276. “Fire Magelock” - Reduced Base Damage from 20 to 16
  277. “Fire Magelock” - Now has a 1 Turn Cooldown
  279. Sword and Crossbow “Shoot Crossbow” - Reduced Base Damage from 22 to 20
  283. Fixed an issue where Combat would softlock after the Vassal Turn in Manual Combat if Control AI Allies was enabled.
  284. Fixed an OoS that could occur due to the same Unit Upgrade being provided from multiple places
  288. Astral
  289. Tome of Evocation
  290. Unit “Evoker”
  291. Lightning Bolts - Increased Damage from 10 to 12
  293. Tome of Scrying
  294. Unit “Watcher
  295. Lightning Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14
  298. Chaos
  299. Tome of Pyromancy
  300. Unit “Pyromancer”
  301. Fire Bolts - Increased Damage from 8 to 10
  304. Materium
  305. Tome of Alchemy
  306. Combat Spell “Antimagic Tincture” - Now dispels 2 Negative Status Effects instead of all
  307. Special Province Improvement “Alchemist’s Lab” - Increased costs from 130 Production and 60 Gold to 250 Production and 100 Gold
  309. Tome of Transmutation
  310. Unit “Transmuter”
  311. Shift Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14
  314. Order
  315. Tome of Cleansing Flame
  316. Unit “Pyre Templar”
  317. Defense - Reduced from 5 to 4
  318. Fire Cleave - Now correctly damages obstacles
  319. Fire Cleave - Now correctly indicates a 90% chance to inflict burning
  320. Fire Cleave - Now correctly has reduced effectiveness on secondary targets for enchantments, status effects etc.
  323. Shadow
  324. Tome of the Doomherald
  325. Unit “Banshee”
  326. Cruel Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14[/list
  328. Tome of Severing
  329. World Map Spell “Conjure Spellward”
  330. Now selects a valid empty hex in the province to be summoned on
  331. Updated description to specify it summons on an empty hex in the target province.
  333. Tome of Corruption
  334. Unit “Umbral Mistress” - Base Movement speed reduced from 48 (Very fast) to 32 (Normal)
  338. Added a new property called “Cannot be Displaced”. This is given to the following units:
  339. Unit Type: Tower
  340. Unit Type: Siegecraft
  341. All T5 dragons
  342. All T4 Giants
  343. Godir Origin: Dragon Lord
  344. Horned God
  345. Earth Titan
  346. Bone Dragon
  347. Ironclad
  348. Karagh
  350. Displace Effects on Abilities sometimes worked against units with Large Target and sometimes did not. Now they consistently work on all units except units with Cannot be Displaced. This influences the following abilities:
  351. “Displace and Replace” modifier on many Charge Attacks and the Item Forge
  352. “Push Back” modifier on two Hero Skills and the Item Forge
  353. Equipment “Cloud in a Bottle”
  354. Water Spirit Ability “Tidal Wave”
  355. Wind Rager Ability “Whirlwind”
  356. Thunder Bird Ability “Thunderclap
  357. Mercenary Ability “Drive Back”
  358. Ironclad Ability “Direct Fire”
  359. Dragon Lord “Tail Bash”
  360. Dragon Ruler - Astral Elder “Stormcall”
  362. The following effects are reworded from Displaced to Teleported because they still work on all units:
  363. Direcaster Ability “Hysteria Storm”
  364. Siege Project “Sow Confusion”
  365. Wizard Tower/Astral Dew Combat Effect “Displacing Reality”
  367. Units
  368. Autumn Fairy
  369. Lightning Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14
  371. Winter Fairy
  372. Frost Bolts - Increased Damage from 12 to 14
  374. Ghost Ship
  375. Wail of the Lost now applies 2 Remorse
  377. Unit Role: Mythic
  378. Increased Base Stats
  379. Increased Damage by 10%
  380. Increased HP by 10
  381. Increased Defense by 1
  382. Increased Resistance by 1
  384. Umbral Mistress and Scourges did not gain these Stat Increases
  388. Added a new Raze Operation for Umbral Seeds
  389. It is no longer possible to reduce the duration of pillage operations below 1 turn.
  390. Materium Empire Skill “Arcane Artisans” - Reduced Mana gain from Mines from 10 to 5
  396. AI
  397. Fixed a crash that could occur due to no Diplomatic state being found while processing if a stack would walk over a city district.
  398. Fixed a hang that could occur due to AI Razing a Umbral Seed that was not on the edge of the Umbral Domain
  401. Art
  402. Fixed an issue where Rulers did not face the opponent in the diplomacy screen
  403. Fixed an issue where Non-Scout units with Pegasus mounts hold their reigns and weapons at the same time
  404. Fixed an issue where Mount Masters paired with a Blessed Dragon mount increased the Model Count on your Ruler
  405. Fixed an issue where the hero is not centered in the "Hero Panel" while having the "Blessed Dragon" mount equipped
  406. Fixed an issue where the Pyre Templar’s Weapon was shown while embarked
  407. Fixes for multiple units that weren’t visually embarking when going into water
  408. Iron Golem, Accursed Ogre, Accursed Blade
  410. Fixed an issue where tails were not getting Ghost Effects in Events
  413. Animations
  414. Fixed a Vertex Explosion occurring when using Sprint on a Warbreed
  415. Fixed an issue where Units mounted on the "Blessed Dragon" had a weird animation when they performed an attack
  416. Fixed an issue where Units mounted on "Horned Bear" moved their legs when using range, support and eating abilities
  417. Fixed an issue where the Defender’s "Pushing Attack" ability has a wrong animation
  418. Fixed an issue where Ogrekin Sunderer throws Javelin in an odd way
  419. Fixed an issue "Sundering Sweep" ability had issues with its animation
  422. Faction Creation
  423. Fixed an issue where Eagle Mounts in Faction Creation and Oathsworn cultures caused one to lose their entire body
  424. Fixed an issue where the "Herald of Glory" outfit did not hide the hair over the male "Halflings" feet
  425. Fixed an issue where "Herald of Glory" helmet was not correctly attached on the male Simian and Ogrekin forms
  426. Fixed a missing hair color option for Simians
  429. Transformations
  430. Fixed an issue where Ascended Rulers with Angelic Transformation would not show their Wings
  431. Fixed an issue where Toadkin with Wightborn transformation had see through mouths
  432. Fixed an issue where Peacebringer with Naga transformation causes the portrait to only show part of a Naga tail
  433. Fixed an issue Insectoid units with helmet loses their eyes when applying certain Major Transformation
  434. Fixed an issue where "Simian" form legs disappear from the knees down when the "Astral Attunement" transformation spell is used
  435. Fixed an issue where The "Shield of Artica" has a very bright texture when the hero is affected by "Astral Attunement" transformation
  436. Fixed an issue where Gloomstrider's tentacles have a few puffed spikes
  437. Fixed an issue where Dragon Lord Order and Chaos' crown is placed around the neck
  440. Combat
  441. Fixed a crash that could occur when apply the Combat Results
  442. Fixed a crash that could occur on getting Unit Kill Rewards
  443. Fixed issues where Ghostfire did not properly count as burning for multiple effects, like Immolate (extra damage if target is burning) and Curse Eater
  444. Fixed an issue where Summon Auto Spells would run (infinitely) on Water Maps
  445. Fixed an issue where the "Astral Dew" magic material doesn't provide a combat enchantment during combat
  448. Culture
  449. Mystic School of Potential
  450. Fixed an issue where Arcane Inspiration picked spells that are already max inspiration
  453. Diplomacy
  454. Fixed an issue where the Demonic Warlord personality was allowed to respond to Improved Diplomatic State Events
  457. Economy
  458. Fixed an issue where the Bathhouse could be moved in front of the Tavern
  459. Fixed an issue where Master Masons discounted SPI’s
  462. Events
  463. Fixed the following events not unfogging the quest location
  464. Power Made Flesh
  465. Profound Desire for {Unit}
  466. Into the den of {Unit}
  468. Fixed an Exploit with Profound Desire
  469. The ranking up of the units now happens after the battle, upon quest completion (the units now actually have to fight in the battle to gain the additional experience)
  471. Arcalot
  472. Fixed an issue where Urrath's Grasp applied to Pantheon Heroes
  475. Happenings
  476. Cosmic
  477. Fixed the signature hero skill Shield of Faith lacking an identifier for counting as Faithful so that the Dawn of the Lodestar can correctly recognize the Hero.
  478. Fixed the signature hero skill Condemning Strikes lacking an identifier for counting as having Zeal so that the Dawn of the Lodestar can correctly recognize the Hero.
  481. Intrigue
  482. Added mana cost to "Short-Lived Regency"
  483. Fixed a crash that could occur when updating the Banner of a Intrigue Player
  484. Fixed a crash that could occur due to Intrigue Rulers with no names triggering Notifications for the Player
  485. Fixed the ending of the Prisoner Happening when you assassinated the hero, which could soft-lock the ruler from being defeated.
  486. Fixed an issue where an unintended Location button was present in the "Day of Judgement" event
  487. Fixed an issue in the final event of the Usurper Intrigue (Return of the VictimPlayerLeader): Ensured the correct cities were used in the event.
  488. Fixed an issue where the Reaper ruler that appears during the "Possession: Reaper" intrigue happening was not correctly centered in multiple screens
  491. Heroes
  492. Fixed an issues where not all Pantheon Heroes were eligible for Pantheon Recruitment
  493. Fixed an issue where Recruitable Heroes would change every turn/after shuffling
  494. Fixed an issue where “Consolidating Push” would damage or debuff the user
  495. Fixed an issue where “Still as Stone” did not work when engaged
  496. Fixed an issue where “Rustbreath” did not remove status effects
  497. Fixed an issue where “Restore (Overflowing)” granted 20 THP instead of 10 THP
  498. Fixed an issue where “Lead by Example” duplicated/repeated additional Effects of Support Abilities
  501. Ambitions
  502. Fixed an issue where completing an Ambition refreshed the City Income which completed the Ambition again.
  505. Interface
  506. Fixed a crash that could occur in the Faction Creation Screen
  507. Fixed an issue where the Ability Bar did not update when pressing the defence mode
  508. Fixed an issue where the Ways of War Ascension Skills had the wrong icon in the Skill Tree
  511. Customization Interfaces
  512. Fixed an issue where Panels with customization options remain displayed after switching to a different tab inside "Appearance" screen
  513. Fixed an issue where The "Outfit" image change to an image of the shader's head instead of the shader's body when changing the body type
  514. Fixed an issue where The "Halfling" shader images for the choices under the "Head" category are tiny
  515. Fixed an issue where some items in the hero editor would not properly update their visuals
  516. Fixed an issue where the picker would stay open when switching tabs in the appearance screen
  517. Fixed an issue where The first two "Molekin" beards are impossible to view on the shader inside the "Beard" window
  520. Controller
  521. Fixed an issue where the right stick button on controller would not react properly to presses
  524. Text & Descriptions
  525. Bounties for capturing cities now also mention that vassalizing the city is an option for completing the bounty.
  526. Forming Realm now mentions in its description that it disables free cities.
  527. Primal Dispute now mentions the victory condition in its description.
  528. Lightless Realm Unit property now correctly indicates -2 vision instead of -3.
  529. Fixed a debug text being present in the tooltip of the "Necrotic Spires" city structure
  530. Fixed incorrect description of Warrior’s Soul
  531. Fixed an issue where quest objectives that were set through scripting could not always get the correct description.
  532. Snow Spirits had Freeze Immunity but now it shows on their unit panel
  533. Elusive Form Trait passive now has the correct value
  534. Mistling Fey Trick now has the correct bleed chance value
  535. Fixed Keepers of Knowledge not mentioning all aspects it gives.
  536. Fixed description of Wizard Kings' Quickened Ritual
  537. Fixed Swift Restoration skill description to say "reduced" cooldown instead of no cooldown.
  538. Sundering Evocation fixed typo in sundered resistance string, now hyperlinks correctly.
  539. Cascading Evocation no longer mentions it gives Fire Evocation +5 damage, because it didn’t.
  540. Added the word “gain” to the Wildfire description.
  541. Sundering Evocation now correctly states that Lightning Evocation is now ‘also’ a Debuff ability instead of becoming a Debuff ability.
  542. Fixed a missing string insert in Willbreaker
  543. Fixed Blood Trail not mentioning it inflicts Marked
  546. Rulers
  547. Fixed an issue where several Rulers suddenly wore unintended capes
  548. Removed any headgear from O'neron (Eldritch Realms) to show his bold bald personality again.
  549. Fixed the loadout of Naz’ru (Eldritch Realms) so he correctly uses a barbarian weapon
  550. Fixed an issue where the Pronouns of Dragon Lords & Eldritch Sovereigns would reset
  553. Tomes
  554. Tome of the Reaper - Greater Reanimation now correctly works to keep enemy undead after combat.
  555. Tome of the Crucible - Meteor Arrows now correctly give +3 Damage instead of +4
  556. Tome of the God Emperor - Was wrongly stacking condemned, now can no longer stack
  559. Umbral Abyss
  560. Fixed an issue where Umbral Tyrants heroes don't have the Umbral Demon tag
  561. Fixed an issue where Free City AI with war coordination does not attack the Umbral Dwelling but instead roams around.
  564. Units
  565. Balor - Chaos Brand now correctly Berserks enemies until the end of combat
  568. World Map
  569. Fixed an issue where moving an army onto a city or province base of a friendly vassalized city would not be handled correctly.
  570. Fixed an issue where indirectly defeating an infestation, by attacking an army that is not on the infestation itself, would not complete bounties for clearing the infestation.
  571. Fixed a crash that could occur due to a unit temporarily gaining more vision and triggering a meet while re-activating post combat, before their relation modifiers had been reactivated.
  572. Fixed issues where Underground Terraforming did not work for several Spells
  573. Fixed issues with Primal Den Generation
  574. Fixed an issue where battles inside owned Ancient Wonder's borders retained their special combat enchantments
  576. Update v1.009.003.99786:
  577. General
  579. Fixed an issue where the Grammar Engine would not properly initialize on Consoles.
  580. Art
  582. Fixed an issue where a Spawnkin Transformed Simian would float when equipped with the Horned Bear Mount.
  583. Fixed an issue where unequipping the Cape while having the Ogre Mask/Guardian Helmet on would make the two handed melee weapon disappear.
  584. Fixed an issue where the Blessed Dragon riders legs in Faction Creation would sometimes out of sync their animation
  585. Fixed an Vertex Explosion that could occur during the Avenger attack animation when using a Form with the Tail Slider set to None
  586. Fixed an Vertex Snapping issue that could occur with Dark Culture when using a Form with the Tail Slider set to None
  587. Fixed an issue where mounted Hero units would hold the pistol in an unnatural position when using non-attacking abilities.
  588. Fixed an issue where the Reigns of mounted units would attach to the back of a Wizard King
  589. Fixed an issue where eyes were missing for Units when using Gaia’s Chosen.
  590. Fixed an issue where Wizard King Rulers had a duplicate Empty Cape option
  591. Fixed an issue where Simian Form Skeletons had the incorrect Legs
  592. Fixed an issue where a number of Capes no longer received the Primary Faction Color.
  593. Fixed an issue where the Arrow would disappear from the Crossbow while using a Melee Strike
  594. Fixed a clipping issue that would be present on Warlocks when using Transformations that remove Helmets
  595. Fixed an issue where Magelock Weapons no longer played the Charge & Firing PFX
  596. Fixed an issue where the Sword & Crossbow “Shoot Crossbow” ability would sound like a gun when mounted on a Spider Mount.
  597. Fixed an issue where the Spider Mount “Web” ability would sound like a Magelock when equipped with a Sword & Crossbow.
  598. Combat
  600. Fixed a crash that could occur due to Transformed Mind Controlled units losing track of their owner.
  601. Fixed an AI Hang that could occur due to a Unit not being able to complete their Movement because of a Spawned Unit on the Destination Hex.
  602. Culture
  604. Fixed an issue where Echo Casting could be used on the same Spell multiple times in a turn by aborting the spell priming.
  605. Fixed an issue where Oath of Harmony would lose devotion by Vowing to Destroy an Umbral Dwelling
  606. Fixed an issue where Primal Den Terraforming would no longer work for Dune Serpents and Tunneling Spiders.
  607. Diplomacy
  609. Fixed an issue where War/Allied States could potentially not resolve correctly for Vassal Free Cities
  610. Fixed an issue where Free City Diplomacy was not locked while being a Player Vassal.
  611. Empire
  613. Fixed an issue where the Rite of War Empire Skill could spawn Boats.
  614. Fixed issue where the Call of Chaos Empire Skill unintentionally boosted the power of rewards from Infestations and Ancient Wonders.
  615. Fixed an issue where Teleporter Special Province Improvements were not discounted by Provincial Architects.
  616. Events
  618. Fixed a crash that could occur when sending a Hero to the Prison or the Crypt during an Event.
  619. Fixed an empty effect in the event called "Captured Escapees"
  620. Fixed an issue where Heroes in the Gladiator Ancient Wonder event would not have any Weapons/Equipment.
  621. Faction Content
  623. Fixed issue where Reclaimers & Artifact Hoarders unintentionally boosted the power of rewards from infestations and ancient wonders.
  624. Fixed an issue where the Cheerful trait did not grant Bonus Morale
  625. Happenings
  627. Fixed an issue where the Usurper Intrigue could not continue due to a quest validation failing.
  628. Fixed an issue where the Calamity Dragon from the Possession: Calamity Intrigue Happening would not be fitted properly to several Portraits
  629. Interface
  631. Fixed an issue where Dynamic Text was missing in the Cooperation Tooltip.
  632. Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the Encyclopedia through the Unit Library Button Prompt
  633. Item Forge
  635. Fixed an issue where Eldritch Relics were not marked as Eldritch Sovereign Weapons.
  636. Multiplayer
  638. Added Safeguards for a crash that could occur when transitioning between Game Scenes
  639. Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur due to Vision refresh triggering in a different order resulting in First Meet with Free Cities occurring in different sequence/locations and potentially starting or not starting wars.
  640. World Map
  642. Fixed a crash that could occur due to a Lord Hero being assigned an Independent Side.
  643. Fixed a crash that could occur due to lost Terraforming Data when reverting Terraformed Provinces.
  644. Fixed a crash that could occur due to a Unit/Army not being removed from the Siege System properly after entering a Siege Zone manually but leaving through Auto-Explore.
  646. Update v1.009.002.99524:
  647. Readded the Tropical Realm to the Base Game
  649. We wanted to make the trait more interesting, so we added elements to it that are tied to Ways of War. We've changed the setup, but unfortunately if you don't have Ways of War some of the trait won't work as described in the realm trait.
  650. Increased the Color Intensity Settings of some Weapon Enchantments (Fire, Lightning) to increase visibility in combat
  654. Changed On Target Killed effects to no longer apply when the Target Killed is a Non-Vital unit. This effects the following:
  656. Shadow Transformation - Raise Zombies
  657. Elder of Chaos - Fires of War
  658. Empire Tree - Death Magic
  659. Empire Tree - Rite of Possession - Balor: Power from Slaughter
  660. Empire Tree - Knightly Order - Order of the Indomitable
  661. Unit Enchantment - Bloodfury Weapons
  662. Order Paragon Skill - Lead by Example
  663. Mage Hero Skill - Devouring Spell
  664. Ranger Hero Skill - Invigorating Take Down
  665. Ranger Hero Skill - Kill Shot
  666. Ranger/Warrior Hero Skill - Grim Executioner
  667. Warrior Hero Skill - Warseeker
  668. Warrior Hero Skill - Willbreaker
  669. Warrior Hero Skill - Killing Momentum (& Item Forge)
  670. Druid of the Cycle - Life from Death
  671. Gold Golem - Strike Gold
  672. Ascended Warlord
  673. Ascended Sorcerer - No longer blocks other abilities that try to unlock a second spell per turn
  677. Ambitions
  679. Heroic Leadership - Moved the unlock to Renown Lvl 2. This reduces the total Morale gained from the Trait from 20 to 15.
  680. Changed Prospector Ambition to Hero Only
  681. Prospector "Artisan Equipment" - Increased Unit Upkeep from +2 Gold to +10 Gold
  682. Godir Origins
  684. Mortal Champion "Decisive Command" - Changed from a Once per Battle to a 2 Turn Cooldown
  686. Wizard King “Quickened Ritual” - Changed from a Once per Battle to a 2 Turn Cooldown
  688. Dragon Lords
  690. Dragon Claws are now restricted by Hero Classes
  691. Order & Materium Dragons now start with Armored Claws
  692. Redid the priorities on the Dragon Visual Modularity
  693. Re-added the Magic tag to Dragon Breath so it can be modified again
  694. “Elder of {Affinity}” - Reduce Defense & Resistance on Elder Dragon Skills from 2 to 1
  695. Hero Classes
  697. Mage
  699. Adjust skill positions to clearly reflect what unlocks what.
  700. Ritualist
  702. Adjust skill positions to clearly reflect what unlocks what.
  703. Raise Undead - Changed from Once per Battle to a 3 Turn Cooldown.
  705. Warrior
  707. Sweeping Charge - No longer is affected by Extra Damage Modifiers
  710. Rebalanced Crossbow Damage Values
  712. Shoot Crossbow - 26 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  713. Rebalanced Sword & Crossbow Damage Values
  715. Melee Strike - 12 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  716. Shoot Crossbow - 22 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  717. Rebalanced Pistol & Sword Damage Values
  719. Melee Strike - 12 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  720. Fire Magelock - 20 Base Damage +4 per Item Tier
  721. Rebalanced Dragon Claws, War Claws & Armored Claws Damage Values
  723. Dragon Claws - 16 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  724. War Claws - 23 Base Damage +3 per Item Tier
  725. Armored Claws - 12 Base Damage +2 per Item Tier
  726. Dragon Claws can now gain Retaliation Damage Infusions
  728. Warclaws can now gain "Push and Displace" Infusions
  730. Rings can no longer gain the "Zeal" Infusion
  732. Rings can no longer gain the "Killing Momentum" Infusion
  734. Wands
  736. Reduced Infusion Point Cost to fix over 50% of them Summoning Spiders.
  737. Heal - Reduced Infusion Point Cost from 2 to 1
  738. Conjure Animal - Reduced Infusion Point Cost from 3 to 1
  739. Animate Flora - Reduced Infusion Point cost from 3 to 2
  742. Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur due to the City Automation Manager changing a Province Base without informing the Boost System
  743. Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur due to a missing Player Property based on Unit Rank
  744. Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur due to a missing Unit Property in the Unit Upgrade Manager
  745. Fixed an Out of Sync that could occur due to the AI running scripts outside of an action, and skipping a call to resolve the hex world.
  748. General
  750. Fixed a crash that could occur when generating a new Hero Selection
  751. Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a old Combat Save with a dead hero
  752. Fixed a crash that could occur when generating a map while having a Pantheon Hero with a removed/inaccessible Hero Skill
  753. Fixed a crash that could occur due to a missing Relation between Factions.
  754. Fixed Texture Streaming Artifacts in Item Forge, Empire Development & Hero Skill Trees
  755. Fixed End Game saves sometimes not being created
  756. Added a Safeguard for a Crash that could occur on exiting the Game
  757. Fixed a crash that could occur when loading old saves due to Units reordering while activating
  758. Art
  760. Fixed blue smoke coming from Character Eyes
  761. Fixed animation issues that could occur between Units with an Escape Passive & First Strike
  762. Fixed an issue where Spikes from Umbral Flesh would remain Visible if returning to before the Society Trait Choice
  763. Fixed an issue where defeated Rulers were missing bodies in the defeat Event.
  764. Fixed an issue where forged Cestus would turn Arms into sticks
  765. Fixed an issue where Mounted Heroes with the Sword & Crossbow Weapon did not perform an animation when using Twin Awakening.
  766. Fixed an issue where the Demonkin Wings would clip through the Insectoid Torso
  767. Fixed an issue where Wings would be static during certain animations performed with a Cestus
  768. Fixed an issue where the Reaper was no longer in the Icon Frame
  769. Fixed an issue where the Red Army Color was not applied to Weapons
  770. Fixed an issue where the Dark Knight had their Chestpiece covering their face
  771. Fixed rotation issues with Naga Transformed Ascended Rulers
  772. Fixed Supergrowth not being visible in the front-end on Ascended Rulers
  773. Fixed the Orb PFX being alive in the Defeat Screen
  774. Combat
  776. Fixed an issue where a Unit could get stuck after resurrection because it no longer tracked whether it had used a Movement Enhancing ability
  777. Fixed that a Unit could become unkillable if they slipped away and were damaged simultaneously
  778. Diplomacy
  780. Fixed an issue where Trades weren't getting validated correctly
  781. Factions
  783. Re-added Nykareth to the front-end Faction Selection
  784. Heroes
  786. Fixed an issue where Recruitable Heroes were changed every turn
  787. Fixed an issue where Heroes with Initiate of {Affinity} were not able to select their additionally available Signature Skills.
  788. Fixed removed Hero Skills being picked up by AI Rulers/Heroes
  789. Ambitions
  791. Fixed an issue where captured routed units did not count for the Fearmonger Ambition
  792. Fixed an issue where the Conqueror Ambition would not trigger if the attacked Stack was not on the Centre hex
  793. Godir Origins
  795. Fixed an issue where Ascended Mortal Champions could not get Command
  796. Fixed an issue where Primal Rulers did not receive the Mire Crocodile Disease Immunity
  797. Fixed an issue where Defensive Swipe would not put the Dragon Lord in Defensive Mode after use
  798. Fixed an issue where you were unable to pick a Lvl 8 Signature Skill if you had a higher Lvl Dormant Skill
  799. Hero Skills
  801. Fixed an issue where triggering the Mage Displacement out of turn would make them unable to act their next turn.
  802. Fixed that the Inferno Hound could spawn from the Call of the Wild Ability
  803. Fixed Snipers Focus excluding a required skill causing a glitch in certain Tooltips.
  804. Fixed an issue where Controlled Chaos did not work on other Heroes with Controlled Chaos
  805. Interface
  807. Fixed a crash that could occur when hovering over Hero Skill Tooltips that did not have a assigned Hero Skill Group
  808. Fixed a crash that could occur when editing a Ascended Rulers Mystic Culture
  809. Fixed an issue where Helmet & Cape Customization Menu's did not have a slider when editing a Hero in-game
  810. Fixed an issue where Unit Banners would not reappear on resurrected units due to a Hitpoint desync
  811. Fixed an issue where damage previews did not understand repeating disspells (Consume Chaos)
  812. Fixed an issue where selecting a Hero in the Hero Overview would reset the Scrollbar Position
  813. Fixed an issue where Society Traits were not remembered correctly when editing a Ruler
  814. Fixed an issue where changing appearance of a Hero and Randomizing could result in a crash
  815. Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking on a Astral Echo that spawned Adjacent to a City
  816. Fixed a crash that could occur when building Shield Picker Buttons
  817. Fixed a crash that could occur when editing the Hero Appearance
  818. Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting to menu while adjusting the Hero Appearance
  819. Fixed an issue where the Free City Panel could not be closed properly
  820. Text & Descriptions
  822. Fixed an issue where the Screen Name Modifiers for Morale effects from vision of Death & Infernal Might were missing
  823. Fixed a String Insert issue on Nature & Order Dragon Breaths
  824. Fixed an issue where Feudal Lords description still referred to the Old Lord Skills
  825. Fixed an issue where Rally was not a Countable property
  826. Controller
  828. Fixed an issue where scrolling the Faction Emblem
  829. Item Forge
  831. Fixed an issue where Retaliator Infusions were not Mutually Exclusive
  832. Fixed an issue where the Umbral Demon Slayer Infusion from the Umbral Bow Blueprint was marked as an Active Infusion
  833. Fixed an issue where the Infusions on the Slayer Sword Blueprint could be edited
  834. Modding
  836. Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the Resource Browser
  837. Fixed a crash that could occur when linking a Hero Property to a Culture
  838. Fixed a crash that could occur when the first Culture in the Encyclopedia contained a Sub-Culture
  839. Pantheon
  841. Fixed an issue where the Pantheon Recruitment Cap would reset on a Save/Load Cycle
  842. Fixed an issue where reloading Combat would reactivate all Transformation Visuals on an Ascended Ruler
  843. Fixed an issue where Governor Income from Ascended: Forgemaster was not applied
  844. Units
  846. Fixed an issue where the Flesh Abomination did not have the innate +2 Defense for Umbral Demons
  847. World Map
  849. Fixed an issue where Routed Units during a Water Combat would drown
  850. Fixed an issue where turns could hang due to Non-Vital units remaining in Ancient Wonders
  851. Fixed an issue where Dragon Claws/Eldritch Relics would appear in generated Reward Sets
  852. Fixed a crash that could occur when a Faction War argument would be despawned by standing on an infestation while moving to attack an infestation defender adjacent to the infestation