1. January 25, 2024 - Patch Notes
  3. General
  5. Fixed a bug with random stutters and freezes during some explosions in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home.
  6. Fixed performance in the outro video in Episode 8: Phoenix - The Low Road.
  7. Fixed a bug in the 'Chainsaw Massacre' mutator. Now bots don't receive a chainsaw that cannot be used by a player after an exchange.
  8. Fixed a bug in the 'Gun Shortage' mutator. The mutator now affects bots.
  9. Fixed a bug in the 'My Chainsaw and Me' mutator. The scenario now continues when the player with the chainsaw exits.
  10. Fixed a bug in the 'My Chainsaw and Me' mutator. Now, the player is resurrected with an infinite chainsaw.
  11. Fixed marking voiceover for Episode 8: Phoenix characters.
  12. Fixed voiceover for planting thermite.
  13. Added thermite burning sound.
  14. Fixed a bug with the missing hint 'Exchange heavy weapons' in Episode 8: Phoenix.
  15. Fixed a bug where players were unable to stop Bull with Vanguard's shield.
  16. Fixed a bug where players were able to use Vanguard's shield even with no equipment charges.
  17. Fixed a bug where mutators were not displayed in Challenges for some players.
  18. Fixed a bug with a missing silencer on a lever-action rifle.
  19. Fixed a bug when players were able to get through a closed window in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home.
  20. Fixed a bug when players were unable to open the door in Episode 8: Phoenix - Fighting for Home when playing with other people.
  21. Fixed several bugs when players would respawn behind the closed doors in Episode 8: Phoenix maps.