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Farm Manager 2021 - Agrotourism (c) PlayWay S.A.
Release Date : 01/2022 Protection : Steam
Discs : 1 Genre : Action
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Your farm opens to tourists who want to experience the idyllic
country life and visit your homestead. Prepare a suitable place for
your guests and make sure that your visitors are satisfied with
their stay. Agritourism DLC includes an Agritourism mechanic, Your
farm can be visited by the tourists who are willing to pay for a
comfortable place to sleep. Satisfaction, track the satisfaction
level of your guests and make sure they have various entertainment
options at their disposal. New animals with horse and alpaca.
Entertainment buildings, Agritourism Centre, Petting zoo, Horse
stud and a Fishing pond. Utility buildings, Guest house, Visitors
parking and a Farm shop. Production building Wool workshop.
Decorations, Gazebo, Scarecrow and a Fountain.
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- Extract
- Burn or mount the .iso
- Run setup.exe and install
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play
NOTES: This release is standalone and includes the following DLC:
> Farm Manager 2021 - Brewing & Winemaking DLC
> Farm Manager 2021 - Agrotourism DLC
The game is updated to v1.1.476. For more information on what is
new see the following link.
General Notes:
- Block the game's exe in your firewall to prevent the game from
trying to go online ..
- If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary
to run this game with admin privileges instead
- Only SiMPLEX is allowed to use our isos for 0day releases.
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CODEX is currently looking for
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▓██ ▀▀ ▄ nothing but competition! ▄ ▀▀ ██▓
▓██▄ ▄▓▀▓ ▓▀▓▄ ▄██▓
▄██████▓▀ Greetings to STEAMPUNKS & CPY ▀▓██████▄
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██ ▄ ▀█▓██▓▀█▄█▀█▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄█▀█▄█▀▓██▓█▀ ▄ ██
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▀█▓▄ LNK^CPS ▄▓█▀
▄▀ 02/2015 ▀▄
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