1. Endless mode update out Now! Also Orcs?
  3. Wait what? Orcs? Those guys can swim now?
  5. Before talking about the latest Ship of Fools update, let us introduce Don’t Kill Them All, our brand new game being revealed on Kickstarter TODAY!
  7. It would mean the world to us if you show your appreciation for our work by backing our next game! You can also wishlist it now on Steam to stay in the loop. We’ve put a lot of care into it and we’re sure you’ll like it a lot!
  9. To back our project on Kickstarter
  11. To watch the trailer on Youtube
  15. Hey Fools! Developer Dan here, bringing you details about this new Ship of Fools update releasing the highly anticipated endless mode along with a plethora of balance adjustments and bug fixes.
  17. Since the game's launch, the community has eagerly requested an endless mode, allowing a successful run to continue indefinitely. So we did it! From now on, upon winning any run, you'll have the option to embark on an Endless Mode adventure, retaining your current equipment and starting anew from The Forgotten Waters.
  19. But beware! Each time you enter a new loop, enemies receive a substantial power boost. This added challenge compounds with the modifiers provided by The Lighthouse brightness levels.
  23. Hold on a moment... Are we suggesting that it's now feasible to duplicate any item at the High Sea’s fountain on each loop? This would theoretically allow for an infinite number of identical trinkets to be equipped simultaneously, right?
  25. YES.
  27. Let the crazy builds go wild and shall the fun remain endless!
  29. v1.4.0 patch notes
  30. New features:
  31. Endless mode added
  33. Balance changes:
  34. Reduce owlet movement speed when charging the boat before exploding
  35. Increase paper plane ammunition homing force and damage
  37. Fools balance changes:
  38. Quill: Missing a shot only removes 2 stacks instead of all of them. Sentry gun not hitting enemies does not count as a miss. We felt that her ability was too punishing, making her almost unplayable in certain situations. Now Quill is a strong pick while still requiring some good aiming!
  39. Betty: Initiate rage mode when getting hit by a regular paddle attack from another player instead of only initiating from a heavy hit. This allows for the other player to continuously initiate Betty’s rage mode while she remains shooting!
  40. Finley: Rework reward pool from repairs. Now when repairing, Finley has a chance of spawning:
  41. Regular resource: 60%
  42. Basic chest: 25%
  43. Ancient chest containing an item: 5%
  45. Jules: All light trinkets are now included in the pool of obtainable items from his ability. Jules will now generate a trinket when defeating The Eye of the Storm. Prior to this update, activating Jules' ability upon defeating the final boss was unnecessary. However, with the introduction of Endless mode, this item now serves a purpose in subsequent loops!
  47. Miscellaneous:
  48. Prevent sentry cannons from shooting an enemy with an active deflection bubble
  49. Barnaby and Jules ability now remove the generated item from the pool of obtainable items to make sure those items are not generated again in the same run
  50. Replace Mama Gull inventory image
  51. Replace Yoyo trinket activation keyword from “damage” to “accuracy”
  52. Something special added to the main menu…
  54. Bug Fixes:
  55. Fix plank bundle given by the siren in The Edge cave sometimes falling in the water
  56. Fix achievements for completing a run not being shared with the client in an online game
  57. Fix some special chest encounters ending too soon
  58. Fix siren ship misplaced hole making it hard to repair
  59. Fix enemies looping sound never stopped in certain situations
  60. Fix projectile attack ground target sometimes not being deactivated
  61. Fix item transfering when switching fools not working properly as the client in an online game
  62. Fix paddle reach bonuses given not applied to the client in an online game
  63. Fix homing projectiles not being able to hit enemies that are very close to the water level
  64. Fix Mama Gull projectiles not hitting some boss parts
  65. Fix sometimes being able to open the map during sector loading soft-locking the game