Update 7:
Fixed worker slots' collision area extending above them
VIPs waiting for player's decision if they should be added to work are no longer counted against workers with an assignment when selecting Staff Lodging
Fixed Canteen tutorial sometimes not showing if the player saved and loaded the game before it should
Reshaped paths for vehicles to prevent temporary jams caused by civilians stopping on a sidewalk.
Patients who die when in the trenches waiting to be carried for too long now show a communicate that they died in transit (previously they died quietly and player lost morale without being informed)
Fixed bugged actors that were spawned in the Infinity or position 0,0,0 to spawn correctly
Fixed scouts ordered after previous team was killed sometimes being stuck on train station if the timing was correct
Fixed a sequence break that happened after the previous chapter was ended when in a Kitchen UI (rare occurrence)
Fixed Canteen UI sometimes bugging out with certain VIPs or refugees being accepted
Fixed a rare crash that occurred when the game language was set to Japanese, Chinese, or Korean
Game Design:
Chapter 2's Witch Doctor quest now properly unlocks Depot or Looting Location on the map, depending on player's choice
The "Cause a Full Belly Is a Righteous Belly!" achievement is now properly serialized and does not need to be completed in one sitting to unlock
Fixed an issue where VIP civilians in the Rehabilitation Tent when the Plague event started could become sick, potentially locking one doctor's bed by having the doctor stay in a loop of waiting for the patient that the medics will never carry (while the operation is marked to start)
Fixed the communicate that shows when no medics are working on cemetery counting medics in transit with a corpse while assigned to the cemetery, to be ignored and therefore showing the communicate
Fixed the Enter Scout Tent button for Mouse controls in the top left corner not showing properly at the very start of Chapters 2 and 3
(PC ONLY) Fixed mouse detection size of a mission entry when previewing scout squad within the Scout Tent to be of correct size (it was slightly too big, covering detection of the mission above)
Fixed the "Preview teams" button in Scout Tent not doing anything on Gamepad
Fixed soldiers carrying boxes in trenches sometimes having wrong animation
Implemented various fixes to Simplified Chinese translation
Fixed text clipping in French and German for various special HQ tasks the player can send workers on
Fixed text clipping in French Save UI
Increased the size of in-game tooltips for added readability
Update 6:
Fixed GOG builds not registering some achievements properly
Fixed a rare occurence in which a scout team could not be awarded resources a quest promised them
Fixed a save made when an operation emergency is waiting for player's reaction potentially breaking after load when continuously doing the save-load loop in the same gameplay session
Fixed a crash that could occur if a player loaded a game in which a truck comes back with resources from some location
Fixed a number of errors that could cause a savestate to be loaded improperly and show the loading screen overlaying the gameplay
Fixed a rare instance of workers potentially stuck on custom missions once they are complete
Fixed a small number of niche old issues that could linker in some savestates
East Asian fonts made approx. 25% bigger in most places to improve readability
Fixed UI toggle shortcuts being available when in decision views (like Operation Emergency) which could lead to decisions being made accidentally by the player
Fixed UI toggle shortcuts being available when inside CCS, Rehabilitation Tent or Scout Tent (it caused unintended behaviour)
Fixed doctor's rest marker resetting on its own if the doctor was not tired at all when the marker was being set
Fixed VIP medic brothers potentially breaking ordering of new medics from HQ after a save/load loop
"Not enough medicine" info no longer overrides info on how long a doctor will be resting, when set to rest
Fix for wrong option description appearing in Worries About the Daughter Scout Quest in chatper 2
Fixed a potential bugged Worker Level Up option that could be available if the worker was part of a special event - like a nurse being mentored by Head Nurse Janet
Combat power of a wounded patient is now visible in their card checked during operation event
Patient's face is now shown correctly in the operation event patient card
Slight improvements to workers' names' readability in the assignment UI
Fixed inspection of the Patients in the CCS showing erroneous info before entering Rehabilitation Tent
Fixed the Enter Scout Tent button for Mouse controls in the top left corner not showing properly at the very start of Chapters 2 and 3
Fixed humans' animations sometimes not changing to correct ones when they were out of the screen for some time
Update 5:
Fixed a possible temporary lock of a doctor's working state if they were forced to rest while at full energy
Scouts killed on missions are now properly dead
Fixed an issue where the player could lock themselves from turning off a Tutorial prompt if they accessed it while getting a task from HQ when playing on a controller and switching to KB/M configuration before turning the windows off
Fixed loading a game saved during combat cutscene processing the combat as if the player had not enough defenders
Fixed starting chapter 2 or 3 when having the Advance Dressing Station's ambulance garrage upgraded sometimes causing locks
Fixed the CONTINUE button not showing if it led to Chapter 2 or 3 save, only fixing after entering LOAD ui and back
Fixed a few potential block of medics' tasks that were a result of an older bug no longer present in current versions, which could bleed out onto newer ones
Fixed the Release From Duty box potentially breaking progression and requiring restart if the user put enough soldiers there to yield +30% or more morale gain
Fixed social reaction dialogues preventing player from activating level-up for characters.
Fixed the morale gain preview in the Release From Duty box when at +20% and over
Fixed some clipping assets around the Watermill.
Update 4:
- Fixed a potential memory leak that could bug out a truck on the scout map after taking certain steps
- Fixed memory leak that could happen upon losing the game
- The Load Game UI invoked after losing is no longer windowed
- A truck which was cancelled now properly can be assigned again onto a depot
- Added "Set Default" button to Options UI
- Fixed ADS ambulances sometimes not driving off to CCS after being given 2 wounded to carry
Update 3:
Added autosave feature
Added shortcuts for all buttons that are present in the top left corner of the screen (the same ones that are accessible via the gamepad's shoulder buttons). These shortcuts are also bindable in the menu
Added binding in the menu to the following keyboard controls: camera panning, camera rotation, pausing, changing game's speed, skipping dialogue/cinematics
Saving when a task window is visible (gamepad only) no longer leads to sequence break on load (this is not retroactive)
Fixed a rare memory leak that would cause the IGM to be unresponsive after a Chapter was complete.
Game Design:
Fixed an issue where the soldier's value markers were empty at the end of the rehabilitation process if the process was very quick
Resources are no longer truncated when loading with more than basic Warehouse capacity after upgrading the warhouse
Fixed workers carrying wounded or items from train sometimes blocking and possibly impacting performance (this is not retroactive)
Fixed missing food depot in Chapter 2 Scout Quest "Family Matters Are Never Simple"
Fixed bottom rehabilitation tent cards not scrolling up on their own after being moved and sometimes potentially blocking
Amputated german captives no longer invisible in the rehabilitation tent
German Captives' patient cards no longer hide their surname after loading the game
Fixed workers sent onto special tasks at the end of the chapter blocking when progressing to the next
Updated splines for ADS ambulances to prevent collisions when one vehicle leaves the garrage while the other approaches it.
Nurses assignment to the Hospital wards now is correctly capped at the amount that can work there. The cap has been fixed to behave correctly with upgrades
Fixed missing wounded on Mine Explosion in Chapter 2
Priority to carry wounded from ADS to ambulance is now higher than to carry wounded from trenches to ADS as intended
Upgrades with unmet requirements now state these requirements in the description (for clarity, mostly for the Truck Garrage which requires a Scout Tent, both in different tabs)
Fixed misc events like the construction of the Memorial Stone breaking the game's progress in various ways (like locking combat from happening or the whole Chapter from finishing) (this won't be retroactive in most cases)
Older saves with a quest for X-Ray that have the upgrade locked for some reason now have that upgreade specifically unlocked (no need to use the "Turn off tutorials" workaround)
Scout teams can no longer be sent back to hospital when they are on an active mission
Problematic spaces where staff could get stuck in certain situations were excluded from navigation.
Update 2:
Game Design:
Fix for supplies not arriving after Train Derailment in Chapter 1
Fixed popups sometimes calling invalid, unresponsive windows that caused blocking of player's progression
Fixed an issue with VIP workers that were denied working within the Hospital which would stay in when progressing to the next chapter, possibly taking other worker's place and causing performance issues
Fix for Digging the tunnel: Work in the dark quest appearing 2 times in a row
medics will no longer ignore wounded/dead people in rehabilitation tents (that could've gotten there due to other soldier's traumatic breakdowns)
Rebalancing of improvements construction times and costs
Decreased cost of hiring new units
Decreased the amount of Morale lost when a patient dies being denied operation
fixed ambulances sometimes not driving away after wounded have been taken from them
fixed a corner case in which some upgrades of buildings might not expel people passing by them, effectively blocking them
fixed most cemetery entries stating that a patient died in transport when in fact, it could've been not so (this is not retroactive)
Tooltips show up after hovering for 0.4s instead of 2s like before
fixed Engineers with production cost reduction gained via a positive trait stacking incorrectly with a production cost reduction upgrade of their workstation
general optimization improvements
Fixed font issues that happened after saving when using Asian languages and then loading and changing the language
16:10 resolution should be visible in the settings
fixed a critical error that could cause trucks traveling to points on the Scouting Map to break the game upon loading another save, requiring a restart
fixed an issue with "ghost ambulances" (ones that would just stand in the way and block the road) that could spawn after the player loaded the game after turning it off and on again (this is not retroactive)
fixed some bloated saves not loading properly (and hopefully not bloating anymore)
Fixed loading a game with tutorials OFF after changing them in the Main Menu to ON, potentially disallowing the player from interacting with buildings
fixed some bugged load states not loading properly
fixed VIP patients that died showing with a white rectangle for a face when viewed in the cemetery UI after loading the game (this is not retroactive)
Fix for black screen appearing after Arillery Attack during Digging Mine in Chapter 2
Fixed workers assigned to the same task as a worker with a trait affecting others (such as "Extraverted") potentially crashing the game when assigned to Upgrade tasks or special story tasks
Removed barrels clipping with a wall in the 1st tier of Engineering Depot.
fixed VIP German soldier patient having his job not localized in the cemetery UI
Update 1:
21:9 visible in options again
Old saves done before release should not be broken now
Various visual fixes to units moving in columns/lines on the map
Medic teams will now not desynchronise their shifts upon load effectively blocking themselves from working at all
The columns of soldiers with vehicles will no longer negatively impact saving when they are on the map
Soldiers' rank in the Rehabilitation Tent no longer shows an additional 1 or 2 black marks for unobtainable rank
HQ task UI will no longer popup when a tutorial window is visible causing a sequence block
Tutorial windows that keep showing up will stop up to after third occurence
Multiple minor fixes to the english lockit - mainly missing "on" in "operate on patients" phrases.
Eng Localization Bug fixes