1. The Quality of Life and Death - Final Update
  3. Hello Inkulinati Masters,
  5. With the 1.0 release behind us, and your post-release feedback coming through, it was time to do some final Inkulianti polishes and touch-ups. And we’ve also heard you loud and clear on the “Why can’t we play as Death in Duel Mode?!?!” issue. So, scribes, get ready - after defeating Death in Journey mode, Death will be available to play in Duel Mode. It’s the one brush with Death you can positively look forward to! We’ve also added a few “Town” Battlefields in Duel Mode, so you have more variety when facing your friends, foes, or family.
  7. We’ve also made some changes to the UI, so your battles are now clearer to read and plan. We’ve improved the Movement UI preview, making it more curvy so it better presents the potential movement of your Beasts. Also, the icons in Beasts tooltips that describe passive abilities are now coloured so that you can spot and differentiate those abilities from the description of Beast actions.
  12. We’ve fixed up a nice chunk of the bugs that you all reported, balanced the Travelling Frog (it costs a bit more to get the Frog now), fixed some text and localization issues, and a lot, lot more. Check out the Changelog below to see all the changes that we’ve made. This will be our last Inkulinati update for the foreseeable future and it couldn’t have been done without your help. So for all your reports, thank you. An honourable tip of the hat is aimed in your direction. We’ve also given a nice sweet 50% discount to celebrate it all, so if you’ve been thinking about getting Inkulinati, now is the time.
  14. And hey, just because this is the last update doesn't mean we're leaving you. Quite the opposite! You can still find us here on the Steam forums, where we’ll still be available to help you out. And if you want to stay in touch with us, there's a Discord server where you can find us and other Inkulinati players every day of the week. You can join us right here.
  16. Thank you so much for all your support during our Inkulinati journey and between you and us, stay tuned for more updates from us in the near future ;)
  19. Until next time,
  21. Your Yaza Games and Daedalic Teams
  28. This update includes bug fixes and quality of life improvements
  30. Balance
  31. Frog the Traveller cost increased from 100 to 200
  34. UI and Effects
  35. Improved camera positioning on battlefields
  36. Visual changes in the presentation of the unit movement path
  37. Visual tweaks on battlefields - borders connect more smoothly, text generated in the background does not extend beyond the margins
  38. Information about an additional nap effect has been added to the "Take a nap" icon for Rabbits, Apes and Pilgrim Wolf
  39. An additional icon has been added to the beast when the player has a talent that affects the unit being drawn (e.g. "Born Ready" Talent)
  40. The green range field covering the outline of the drawn beast has been removed
  41. Beast Perks have a colored icon to distinguish them from attack icons
  42. Added plague VFX dedicated to "Plague spreaders" (Skeletons)
  43. Clearer selection of icons when selecting unit actions
  46. Bug Fixes
  47. Pop-ups displayed in the Academy should no longer be repeated in Journey mode
  48. Character screen, Academy and other Non battle screens UI should now be better adapted to ultra wide screens
  49. Removed the double obstacle on the water battlefield in Act 2
  50. Frog Traveller is now immune to Fire Sparks damage like all Water Beasts
  51. After performing a double-sided attack (e.g. Greatsword Whirlwind), the unit turns in the direction indicated by the player
  52. Fixed a bug with the lack of Apocalypse on two battlefields where the Apocalypse should have been there from chapter 1
  53. Fixed missing SFX of the Sheep's "Ringing the Bells" action
  54. Fixed a bug that allowed flying beasts to fly infinitely when the player had the "Rushing water" and "Marathon armor" Talents
  55. Controller: Fixed a bug in tooltip mod that prevented exiting tooltip mode with the left stick
  56. Improved readability of the last sentence in tooltips that reach the edge of the screen
  59. Texts and Localization
  60. Improved descriptions of Beasts
  61. Localization updated for all languages
  64. Other Changes
  65. Saving player settings in duel mode - now settings return to default only after quitting the game or switching to another mode (Journey or Academy)
  66. Additional "Town" battlefields have been added in Duel mode
  67. After defeating Death for the first time, Death and her army of skeletons will be available as a playable character in Duel Mode
  68. Limited camera zoom during AI turn
  69. Added the option to view currently owned Beasts, Hand Actions and Talents while in the Shop
  70. Removed talents descriptions from Tiny Inkulinati profile's tooltips in Duel Screen
  71. Godfrey set as default first player's Tiny Inkulinati profile in Duel mode
  72. Controller: added an option to disable tooltips in dialogs in Journey mode
  75. Known Issues
  76. Beast Boredom reduction tooltip/ overlay is not correctly dismissed after selection
  77. Bestiary: Lower-most row icons have an offset mouseover trigger area if they are too close to the tab's lower border
  78. Initially occupied Gate is skipped when Beast is pushed/ shifted against an adjacent enemy Gate
  79. Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Controller DualShock may not function properly on some platforms
  80. The game may not work properly on touch screens
  81. Possible UI issues on ultra wide screens