- 🔮 Item Tweaks & Bug Fixes! ðŸ›
- Hey Tricksters!
- Trivia Tricks' 63rd regular update goes live today, containing quality-of-life improvements across several areas of the game!
- Look forward to our next release, which will update every category with new questions, relevant to the events of 2024.
- AI players will now decide whether to use items earlier in the round to ensure items such as the Crystal Ball are used correctly and mirror human behaviour.
- AI players will be more likely to use their items the longer they hold them for. This will make games with AI players more interesting with more happening during the game.
- The ready timer will no longer begin counting down if the host hasn't readied up. This stops games from accidentally starting while the host is still changing settings.
- Improved the uniqueness of item spawns during Chance Round to diversify which items are seen during a game.
- Added text under the 'Visible Answers' and 'Change Answer' options in the lobby to better explain their usage.
- In the Character Creator, the ‘Save Character’ menu has been renamed to ‘Overwrite who’ for extra clarity.
- Improved the wording and ordering for the Windowed settings in the Settings Menu to better promote 'Borderless Fullscreen', and describe 'Exclusive Fullscreen'.
- The Space and Summer stages have been optimized slightly to fix performance hitches.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if the player entered a gamepad input on a certain frame while joining an online game.
- Fixed the Golden Pants' sparkle not sparkling enough!
- Fixed a visual error in the Twitch Latency menu.
- Fixed a visual error displaying a placeholder question on the TV when joining a game.
- Fixed the Tab Menu not respecting the player's aspect ratio correctly.
- Tweaks to a few of Mr. Tricks’ lines after Chance Round has finished.
- Again - thank you for all your continued support! Please consider leaving an honest Steam Review letting us know what you think about the game. This helps Trivia Tricks to find more quiz heads on Steam. Thank you!