1. Small Update v1.6.0.6
  3. Hello all,
  5. We have some new additions that further improve the game. You can read below:
  7. *v1.6.0.6*
  8. - Fix of the bug that caused ships to freeze aiming and movement due to a code exception (very old bug) caused in campaign rarely when players saved a refit design which involved a change of guns and those ships participated in a battle the same turn. Hopefully this is the definite fix . Please report if you anticipate it again.
  9. - Fix of another rare bug that could cause overweight ships due to a wrong save of engine data.
  10. - Adjusted the ship damage model to make "All-or-Nothing" armor schemes more viable. Taking damage out of the citadel will have smaller impact so well protected ships will distinctively endure more damage.
  11. - Gun accuracy improved slightly at all ranges.
  12. - Shell dispersion logic optimization, addressing issues that could be caused at the edge of range for large caliber guns,which previously would not be able to find a firing solution.
  13. - Ship maneuverability mechanics’ optimizations and fix of the reverse bug, that could make ships in division to not be able to complete their reverse movement. These changes also improve the way that ships maintain their division formations.
  14. - Fixed auto-refit mode reducing too much the speed of the ships.
  15. - Further auto-design optimizations, making it faster and more effective.
  16. - Minor other fixes.