1. Update v1.304:
  2. â– Free Updates
  3. ・Added the equipment “Xuanwu Armor” to commemorate the release of “Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Complete Edition.”
  4.  Available from February 7, 2024, 10:00 JST (1:00 UTC) to February 29, 2024, 23:59 JST (14:59 UTC).
  5.  Note: After the update is applied, players may claim this equipment via Deliveries in the Battle Flag menu.
  6.  Players will no longer be able to claim this equipment via Deliveries after the period above has ended.
  8. â– Additional Features
  9. ・Added a function to detect any tampering with equipment upgrade values and to forcibly change such values to legitimate ranges.
  11. ・Added a function to detect any tampering with values for Martial Arts levels of weapons and to forcibly change such values to legitimate ranges.
  13. ・Added a function to detect any tampering with Stratagem special effect values and to forcibly change such values to legitimate ranges.
  15. ・Added a function to detect any tampering with upgrade values for the Dragon’s Cure Pot and to forcibly change such values to legitimate ranges.
  18. â– Major Bug Fixes
  19. ・Fixed a bug preventing the shooting tutorial in Basic Training from playing when using the mouse for controls.
  21. ・Fixed a bug causing screenshots to become distorted if taken via built-in functions on respective platforms when running full screen mode under certain conditions.
  23. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash if players deflected an enemy’s long-range Critical Blow and interacted with a Battle Flag at the same time during Co-op.
  25. ・Fixed a bug causing the player or invading players to go outside the bounds of the stage under certain conditions in the sub battlefield “Realm of Battle,” making it impossible to progress.
  27. ・Fixed a bug causing the boss Yan Liang to go outside the bounds of the stage in certain battlefields in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  29. ・Fixed a bug causing the Spirit of Changgui to immediately recover if the player deflected their Critical Blow and then depleted their Spirit with another attack.
  31. ・Fixed a bug causing the Spirit of Shrimp Soldiers to immediately recover if the player landed a hit with a certain attack and then depleted their Spirit with another attack.
  33. ・Fixed a bug causing the boss Yuan Shao’s Spirit to immediately recover if some of his attacks were deflected and his Spirit depleted while the game was running at 30FPS.
  35. ・Fixed a bug preventing some of the boss Xu Chu’s attacks from functioning properly.
  37. ・Fixed a bug causing some positive effects that are meant to remain active indefinitely to be disabled after the player received aid during Co-op.
  39. ・Fixed a bug in which certain Grace effects did not activate for guest players during Invade sessions where the Co-op host had activated the effects.
  41. ・Fixed a bug preventing Graces from being bestowed on pieces of high rarity equipment acquired by players who had reached the “Path of the Rising Dragon” and beyond if they responded to the recruitment of hosts in “Path of the Crouching Dragon” battlefields.
  43. ・Fixed a bug in which level sync caused players’ stats to decrease if they started Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey with a level lower than the battlefield’s recommended level.
  45. ・Fixed a bug preventing level sync from functioning properly if players started Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey with a level higher than the battlefield’s recommended level.
  47. ・Fixed a bug preventing the BGM from transitioning in the latter half the battle against the boss Xu Shu in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  49. ・Fixed a bug occurring under certain conditions in The Thousand-Mile Journey which enabled players to use actions that should have been restricted by Stratagems.
  51. ・Fixed a bug causing the boss Hua Xiong’s HP Gauge to remain visible even when he was not engaged in combat in the main battlefield “The Battle of Hulaoguan Pass.”
  53. ・Fixed a bug in which enemies and companions stopped engaging in combat under certain conditions in the main battlefield “Behold the Glaive of Righteousness.”
  55. ・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.
  57. ・Fixed a bug causing the effects of “Taiyi's Primordial Principle” to be applied to weapons other than dual swords, sabres, and halberds in certain situations.
  59. ・Fixed a bug preventing the effect “Dash Speed Increase” from being applied properly while drawing or sheathing a weapon.
  61. ・Fixed a bug preventing the effects of Inner Discipline restrictions from being applied correctly to elemental damage.
  63. ・Fixed a bug preventing players from selecting Set Bonus Requirement Mitigation in Filters.
  65. ・Fixed a bug that displayed an incorrect value for the player’s current amount of Genuine Qi when they moved to the Level Up menu just after increasing levels via Apex Bonus.
  67. ・Made adjustments to the text in some languages for the notification displayed when Fortitude Rank changes.
  69. ・Fixed other minor bugs.
  71. Update v1.303:
  72. â– Adjustments
  73. ・Made adjustments to prioritize actions that activate Frenzy mode while the player is equipped with a whip.
  74.  Note: This change will prioritize the shift to Frenzy mode rather than the performance of a Fatal Strike during combat against an enemy in Spirit Disruption.
  76. ・Made adjustments to the movement patterns of the boss Yuan Shu.
  78. ・Made changes so that the boss Yuan Shu cannot land multiple hits with Water Phase charging attacks.
  80. ・Made changes so that damage dealt with Fatal Strikes is not affected by the special effect “Pangu's Creation of the World.”
  82. ・Added a message that will be displayed when players complete Mile 1000 in The Thousand-Mile Journey for the first time.
  84. ・Made adjustments so that some items will be added to Exchange Golden Horse Hooves earlier than before in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  87. â– Major Bug Fixes
  88. ・Fixed a bug causing the game to lag after the player applied elemental attributes via Wizardry Spells while equipped with a whip.
  90. ・Fixed a bug that decreased the amount of damage dealt by consecutive hits with some Wizardry Spells after applying update Ver1.300 or later updates.
  92. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes triggered Revenge Accomplished if the player performed a Fatal Strike with a whip, even if they had not defeated the enemy.
  94. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the animation camera from engaging when the player performed a Fatal Strike with a whip on some enemies.
  96. ・Fixed a bug preventing damage Bonuses based on Spirit from being applied if the player performed a Spirit attack without accumulating power after successfully deflecting with a long sword.
  98. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the first strike of normal attacks with a slashing spear from hitting enemies within range of the Wizardry Spell Deathly Bog.
  100. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the Divine Beast Chenghuang’s positive effect Chenghuang's Prance to be applied multiple times.
  102. ・Fixed a bug that prevented some actions from triggering input buffering for the Wizardry Spell set to R2+△.
  104. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Shrimp Soldiers to perform consecutive Critical Blows after their Spirit had been depleted by the player deflecting their Critical Blow.
  106. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players or NPCs to immediately recover Spirit after taking elemental damage from an attack that did not trigger a hit reaction animation if they were inflicted with a status effect and their Spirit was depleted at the same time.
  108. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from recovering from Spirit Disruption if they fell from a cliff just after their Spirit was depleted.
  110. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Guan Yu’s spirit to immediately recover if his Spirit had been depleted during his Critical Blow “Soaring Phoenix.”
  112. ・Fixed a bug in which Red Hare did not roam around the area properly after Lu Bu dismounted.
  114. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players equipped with a spear from landing Spirit attacks during certain actions made by the boss Yuan Shu.
  116. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the screen to become distorted for a split second after the player used the Wizardry Spell Flashing Icicle.
  118. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the player to take elemental damage after deflecting any Corpse Demon attacks except Flame attacks.
  120. ・Fixed a bug in which the invading NPC Zhang Ying was not carrying a bow despite a bow being equipped.
  122. ・Fixed a bug preventing positive effects meant to increase damage from being applied to Wizardry Spells.
  124. ・Fixed a bug causing some tutorials to be displayed in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity” in “Path of the Rising Dragon” and beyond.
  126. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a certain sound to play when the player cleared the main battlefield “Desolate Waterside Village.”
  128. ・Fixed a bug in which some doors would not remain open when playing with all flag progress retained in the main battlefield “Desolate Waterside Village.”
  130. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the player character to die after defeating the boss Yuan Shu in the main battlefield “The Rampant Demon Emperor.”
  132. ・Fixed a bug that prevented certain buffs from affecting the boss Yuan Shu during Co-op in the main battlefield “The Rampant Demon Emperor.”
  134. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the player from picking up items in the sub battlefield “The Lost Sacred Artifact” and completing the battlefield.
  136. ・Fixed a bug in which Demonized Xiahou Dun would become stuck in the ground upon appearing in The Thousand-Mile Journey, making it impossible for the player to progress.
  138. ・Fixed a bug causing the player character to die if they remained in the battlefield for some time after defeating all enemies in “Rapid Elimination” in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  140. ・Fixed a bug causing a certain noise to continue ringing if the player summoned a Divine Beast while battling Mezuki in “Horde Eradication” in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  142. ・Fixed a bug allowing players to perform a Fatal Strike (against unaware enemies) on certain NPCs when they appeared in “Horde Eradication” in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  144. ・Fixed a bug that occurred if the player had progressed to Mile 91 and beyond in The Thousand-Mile Journey in saved data from before update Ver1.220, which prevented battlefields in Mile 102 and beyond from being selectable when the player first applied update Ver1.300.
  146. ・Fixed a bug causing previous settings for Maximum Morale Rank via Inner Discipline to be reset upon beginning Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  148. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed players with only two of the DLCs to play Mile 101 and beyond during Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  150. ・Fixed a bug preventing the battlefield selection screen from appearing for guest players when searching for an alternative battlefield in any level of Mile 8 or 9 during Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  152. ・Fixed a bug in which the special effect “Pangu's Creation of the World” remained active after the player performed a Fatal Strike (against unaware enemies) or summoned a Divine Beast.
  154. ・Fixed a bug in which the player’s Spirit was not always completely depleted upon performing a Spirit attack with the special effect “Pangu's Creation of the World” activated.
  156. ・Fixed a bug causing HP recovery to drop to 0 when the HP recovery amount for the Dragon’s Cure Pot passed a certain amount as a result of upgrading Benefits in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  158. ・Made the selling price of equipment with upgrade levels of 14 or higher equal to that of equipment with an upgrade level of 13.
  160. ・Fixed a bug occurring during Co-op in The Thousand-Mile Journey, in which drops of equipment with upgrade levels of 12 or higher were enabled for guests with only two DLCs if the host had all three DLCs.
  162. ・Fixed a bug occurring after changing restrictions via the Inner Discipline screen in any main or sub battlefield and then moving to The Thousand-Mile Journey, which caused the player’s Morale Rank to decrease even if they had not changed their Maximum Morale Rank.
  164. ・Fixed a bug occurring after exchanging Benefits via the Exchange Golden Horse Hooves screen on the Thousand-Mile Map and then traveling to any main or sub battlefield, in which the Benefits exchanged were lost under certain conditions.
  166. ・Fixed a bug that activated the special effect “King of Fusang's Manifestation” under certain conditions when players opened the Battle Set screen, even if they had not fulfilled the activation requirements.
  168. ・Fixed a bug in which there was no selling price set for “Stratagem: Unhindered Healing” in some cases.
  170. ・Fixed a bug in which the Favorites and Lock options for Stratagems in the Inventory and Set Stratagems menu were not consistent with the display in the Inventory menu.
  172. ・Fixed a bug occurring under certain conditions, in which players received notifications that the feature Store Genuine Qi in the Level Up menu had been unlocked even though it had not.
  174. ・Fixed a bug causing a discrepancy of 1 for the recommended level displayed in the “Recommended Lv. for Each Transcendence Bonus Rank” screen in Inner Discipline.
  176. ・Fixed a bug in which no confirmation message appeared when setting the Maximum Morale Rank via Inner Discipline at a value lower than the player’s current Morale Rank.
  178. ・Fixed a bug in which certain processes caused a discrepancy in the Current Morale Rank field in Inner Discipline and the player’s actual current Morale Rank.
  180. ・Fixed a bug in which closing out of the game at a certain point after clearing any battlefield caused the Maximum Morale Rank settings in Inner Discipline to be reset when the player resumed play.
  182. ・Fixed a bug causing the list of Hidden Tome drops to be displayed in the Character Directory pages for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei even when the DLC “Upheaval in Jingxiang” had not been applied.
  184. ・Fixed a bug that delayed the rendering of the Battle Flag held by the protagonist when the player returned to the title screen from THEATER.
  186. ・Fixed a bug in which the name of the set bonus Twin Swords of Ingenuity was incorrect in some languages.
  188. ・Fixed a bug in which name of the positive effect granted by the set bonus Principle of Daode was incorrect in some languages.
  190. ・Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.
  192. ・Fixed other minor bugs.
  194. Update v1.302:
  195. â– Major Bug Fixes
  196. ・Fixed a bug causing Apex Bonus Levels to be reset to their initial values after players applied update Ver1.301.
  198. ・Fixed a bug causing the Genuine Qi of guests to drop to 0 when the Recruit session players progressed through consecutive battlefields in The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  200. ・Fixed a bug occurring when players opened treasure chests within the battlefield “Calm in the Storm” in The Thousand-Mile Journey and then returned to the title menu, which would cause the treasure chests to return to their unopened state.
  202. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash if players were defeated during Recruit sessions in The Thousand-Mile Journey and then used Golden Horse Hooves to complete the battlefield again.
  204. Update v1.301:
  205. â– Major Bug Fixes
  206. ・Fixed a bug causing the game to crash upon startup when HDR was enabled.
  208. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the in-game cursor to shift out of alignment when the mouse cursor was moved in the Character Creation menu.
  210. ・Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash during the cutscene after the boss battle in the main battlefield “Desolate Waterside Village.”
  212. ・Fixed a bug that caused the error message “The game could not be started with this saved data as you are no longer able to access the add-on content: ‘Battle of Zhongyuan’” to be displayed and made it impossible to load the saved data.
  214. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash when players completed Mile 100 in The Thousand-Mile Journey with any two of the DLCs “Battle of Zhongyuan,” “Conqueror of Jiangdong,” and “Upheaval in Jingxiang” downloaded.
  216. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Inner Discipline restrictions to also be placed upon the enemy.
  218. ・Fixed a bug occurring when players rechallenged the boss Yuan Shu during online multiplayer sessions, in which the battle would be considered “cleared” prematurely.
  220. ・Fixed a bug occurring during Co-op sessions in The Thousand-Mile Journey, in which guest players would become unable to progress if the host disconnected immediately upon defeat.
  222. ・Fixed a bug in which the bosses “Zhang Jiao, General of Heaven” and “General of Heaven's Illusion” recovered immediately when their Spirit was depleted at the same time as they were staggered due to a status effect.
  224. ・Fixed a bug that enabled duplicate purchases of “Fated Grace Drop” Benefits via Exchange Golden Horse Hooves on the Thousand-Mile Map while in battlefields outside of The Thousand-Mile Journey.
  226. ・Fixed a bug in which companions did not react when Divine Beast Resonation was activated by the player.
  228. ・Fixed a bug preventing the correct Martial Arts motion from playing when the companion Zhou Cang was Encouraged.
  230. ・Fixed a bug preventing the stage and character models from being displayed in certain locations in the main battlefield “Desolate Waterside Village.”
  232. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players to leave the boss area when hit with the boss Shuyao’s Critical Blows in the main battlefield “Desolate Waterside Village.”
  234. ・Fixed a bug preventing Zhou Cang from appearing at the correct location after guests interacted with Battle Flags in the sub battlefield “The Loyal and Brave Servant” during Co-op sessions.
  236. ・Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Martial Arts to be displayed incorrectly after players swapped Martial Arts at the blacksmith under certain conditions.