1. Bugfixes and QoL Improvements
  3. Hi folks,
  5. Today's patch fixes the reported issues, as well as adds a few QoL improvements I was working at the time. You can read more details in the patch notes below.
  7. Patch Notes - 17/10 # 1.064.0
  9. Bugfixes
  11. Fixed typos in various cards, perks, and events.
  12. In Untold Tales and Legends, fixed an issue in the Skull Isle fort's Mercenary Guild upgrades, where the first level upgrade choice was not correctly locked after picking it up, and the next ally upgrade choice wasn't correctly unlocked.
  15. Misc Changes/QoL Improvements
  17. In the Chest UI, a new section will display the available farthings during purchases.
  18. Re-organized the Perk entry in the rulebook and added a few more details.
  19. Expanded the rulebook entry on the Overworld map about the significance of the difficulty indicators.
  20. I added a note in Schematic cards: 'Crafting Component to upgrade Equipment in headquarters with the Forge upgrade.' to inform you that they may have an alternative use.
  21. Healer in towns and your properties will also remove any 'Enemy' cards in your deck and hand. As such, the cost of the Healer's service was increased, but it's still somewhat cheaper in player-owned properties.
  22. In Exalted Heroes, Delia's quest was moved to level 17.
  23. Changed a few event graphics with improved versions.