1. Version
  3. Tweaks
  4. [Heavy Duty] Minigun's wind up will now also reduce weapon AP cost by the amount equal to twice the amount of extra burst rounds granted by this status effect
  5. Bugs
  6. Fixed the bug that allowed pyrokinesis and other explosives to go through force field
  7. Fixed the bug where Vanishing powder grenade would not work if it was last one in the stack or if stack was removed from the utility slot
  8. You can no longer use hyperallergenic in blueprints that do not support it (and thus wasting it)
  9. Fixed the bug that caused Cooked Shot to apply wrong acid on hit effects
  10. Fixed the bug that, in some rare cases, caused an item effect to be consumed from the other equipped weapon when using the currently equipped one without the effect triggering
  11. Fixed a rare instance of a bot not spawning during the RAF encounter and breaking the scripting
  12. Fixed yet another zone transition problem with a random encounter featuring a hole in the ground
  13. Securing a certain outpost will now be properly reflected in conversation with Harmost Stavros
  14. [Expedition] Lemurian Security Marine Armor is now considered a tactical vest for trading purposes (instead of a suit)
  15. [Expedition] Fixed Ray's dialogue text incorrectly stating that the player is selling the Shark when they are in fact selling the Glow
  16. [Expedition] Fixed various dialogue issues when a certain npc rampages through the camp
  17. [Expedition] Fixed some instances in which Aegis jet skiers could still be found patrolling around the camp island even when they shouldn't
  18. [Expedition] Fixed a way to steal an Aegis Patroller without being detected, which led to some unintended behavior
  19. [Expedition] Fixed a visual artifact seen while wearing a female version of the bison leather overcoat with a crossbow equipped
  20. [Expedition] Pirate Deucers and Sormirbaeren Pilkaesters are no longer immune to chill
  21. [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger returning some of his own items alongside the ones the player gave him at the end of the questline
  22. [Heavy Duty] Fixed some exosoldiers not despawning from The Compound after a certain event
  23. Various minor dialog/zone fixes