1. Patch 5 for Creature Lab - fixes to persistent issues
  2. Hi, serial mutant producers!
  4. First - thank you for your understanding! We have informed you that we had taken another
  5. day to prepare a solution for save games/sending scientists to missions issue. However, it
  6. turned out that this problem is particularly complicated to resolve from a technical standpoint.We are working hard on it and consider it our highest priority. We will provide the promised solution ASAP, but it didn’t make it to the today’s patch.
  8. However, we are delivering fixes to other persistent issues in today’s patch, including the much-requested revision of custom substance naming. From now on your custom names should appear on the map and everywhere else, which will help you locate substances on your terms - please note that you have to rename the substances again (as the new system works upon confirming the custom name you're entering).
  10. We have also amended the issue with Dark Web missions, where players were asked to deliver not the type of limb that they really should deliver. More info on fixes is in the patch notes below.
  12. We have also decided to present you with a visual roadmap of our future updates. Hope it will give you full clarity of what are our plans for supporting Creature Lab.
  14. We also want to send special thanks to all the people whose feedback is helping us to combat the most persistent issues in the game. Especially those community members that send us their DxDiag files, save files, and other data that help us directly in locating and reproducing the issues. Big kudos!
  16. Patch 5 for Creature Lab + Roadmap
  18. As for the roadmap, you can find info on our plans for further patches, including content updates below.
  20. The patch introduces the following changes:
  22. removed the issue with saving custom names for substances, and made the custom names visible on the map, and every other place they weren't properly displayed
  23. resolved the issue of missions in the Dark Web improperly communicating which type of limb is to be delivered to fulfill the commission
  24. slowed down the default speed of the combat visualization and added buttons to speed up, slow down or pause the combat
  25. added a bilingual pop-up during language change that informs the player about the need to close the game and restart it to change to the desired language
  26. blocked the possibility of pouring elixirs (non-mutagen mixtures) into the stasis chamber and added a text informing what should be done to use the stasis chamber properly
  27. revised the text suggesting using wrong elements in the second mission based on drinking an elixir
  28. repaired the texts that displayed code fragments instead of proper icons
  29. added certain missing text fragments in all supported languages
  30. minor revisions to the Chinese-language translation
  32. Please also know that we are working on all the technical issues reported by you:
  34. For the black screen issue upon trying to run the game, we have determined from the data gathered from players that the most likely reason for the issue may be that system configurations don't meet the minimal requirements for the game - but we continue to investigate further.
  36. For the map freeze issue, we made progress in pin-pointing the possible sources of the issue, however we are still seeking videos of the issue happening, so if you have such a video or would be able to make one, we would be grateful if you sent it to our way at marek@imagepower.pl, on the Steam forum, or via our Discord. We also would be grateful for DxDiag.txt files to check if the configurations have a part in generating the issue.