1. Dungeon Deep Dive
  3. Hey farmers,
  5. The dungeon is very important to any farmer in Everafter Falls. There you gain resources to upgrade your tools and machines to build around your farm. However, it can be very dangerous and filled with creatures who don’t welcome friendly farmers from the surface. Some of you farmers may already be pro and have spent hundreds of hours in the dungeon and optimized your trips into them but for those who are a bit unsure or nervous, this deep dive may help! If you have any tips for newer players that we don’t go through, feel free to message them in the comments!
  7. Rooms are procedurally generated
  8. Each room in the dungeon is procedurally generated meaning you will have to kill antagonistic creatures each time you go into the dungeon. If you go deep enough, you can find teleportation rooms that you can teleport to in future runs to give yourself a head start and avoid fighting early room creatures.
  10. Rocks, Copper, Iron and More
  11. In the dungeon, you will find many metals you can use to build machines or upgrade your tools to help with farming, gathering resources, or even better weapons to go deeper in the mines. You’ll have some organisms that may have something to say about trying to mine their resources. Wait… are we the bad guys stealing from these creatures?
  13. If you are lucky, you can find treasure rooms, which after defeating the enemies in the room, you can collect jewelry which can be equipped to boost stats or items and seeds to help your farm. There are also trapped ghosts named Pooklets who you can save in the dungeon and they’ll reward you greatly if you do.
  15. Bosses
  16. Each dungeon has a huge boss to face and they are the deadliest thing in the dungeon. I won’t go into details on each of the bosses but the reward is amazing for defeating them.
  18. If you want to talk with others, share your farms, or strategize for the dungeon, then join the Everafter Falls Discord!