1. Update v1.0.12.53:
  3. Julius Caesar - Veni, vidi, vici
  4. New: +300 Gold whenever you conquer a city for the first time or when you earn Gold from a Barbarian Outpost. The Gold becomes 500 after researching Metal Casting and 700 after Steel (on Standard Speed). When targeting Barbarians, receive +5 Combat Strength and always earn normal XP.
  6. Old: Receive 200 Gold whenever you conquer a city for the first time or 100 Gold when you clear a Barbarian Outpost. These Gold amounts increase to 500 after you research Steel.
  8. Wu Zetian - Manual of Entrapment
  9. New: All Spies operate at 1 level higher. Whenever an offensive spy mission is successful, you also gain 100% of the Culture, Science, and Faith that the targeted city made that turn. Receive a free spy at Defensive Tactics and +1 Spy Capacity. You can purchase Spies with Faith.
  11. Old: All offensive Spies operate at 1 level higher. Whenever an offensive spy mission is successful, you also gain 50% of the Culture and Science that the targeted city earned that turn. Receive a free Spy (and extra Spy Capacity) after discovering Defensive Tactics.
  13. Harald Hadrada (Varangian) - Varangian Guard
  14. New: (Base game) 75% discount on levying units, and all units pay 2 less Gold maintenance. +1 Influence Point per turn from the Stave Church.
  16. Old: (Base game) 75% discount on levying units, and all units pay 2 less Gold maintenance.
  18. New: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) All units pay 2 less Gold maintenance. 75% Discount on levying units, and levied units receive Culture, Faith, and Science from kills equal to 50% of the opponent's Combat Strength. +1 Influence Point per turn from the Stave Church.
  20. Old: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) 75% Discount on levying units, and levied units receive Culture, Faith, and Science from kills equal to 50% of the opponent's combat strength.
  22. Abraham Lincoln - Emancipation Proclamation
  23. New: Industrial Zones give +2 Amenities and +3 Loyalty per turn, but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty per turn. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
  25. Old: (Base game) Industrial Zones give +2 Amenities. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
  27. Old: (Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs) Industrial Zones give +3 Loyalty per turn but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty. Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
  30. Changed Kongolese leader Nzinga Mbande's preferred settlement placement; she now dislikes foreign settlement a great deal more.
  31. Fixed an issue that was preventing Barbarian attack forces from spawning properly on Immortal difficulty.
  33. Added Victory Achievements for Leaders introduced in Civilization VI: Leader Pass.
  34. Abraham Lincoln can no longer complete the "A Man A Plan A Canal Panama" Achievement that requires you to build the Panama Canal as Teddy Roosevelt.
  36. Fixed a reported issue that was preventing pillaged Dams from being repaired.
  37. Fixed a reported issue with Ottoman Empire leader Suleiman's (Muhtesem) secondary agenda not working properly.