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- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Razor 1911 proudly presents: │
- │ Medieval Dynasty v1.2.0.1 │
- │ (C) Render Cube / Toplitz Productions │
- ├─────────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┤
- │ Date: 2022-03 │ Game Type : Adventure │
- │ Size: 1 Disc │ Protection: - │
- └─────────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┘
- Game Notes
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Europe in the early Middle Ages -- Nobles and clergy rule and the trade
- between nations brings prosperity as well as envy, distrust, and greed.
- Military conflict is everywhere and entire continents are changing.
- In Medieval Dynasty, you take on the role of a young man who has fled from
- war and wants to take his fate into his own hands. From being alone,
- inexperienced and poor you will develop into a master of many skills, a
- leader of your community and the founder of a prosperous dynasty which is
- meant to last and prosper for generations to come. Defending against wild
- animals while hunting for food, gathering resources and crafting equipment,
- building a house and erecting a whole bustling village while founding a
- family all contribute to a unique gameplay experience across many genres.
- Tough winters and unexpected events challenge your skills and dexterity as
- you strive to build your own legacy.
- You can choose to follow the main chapters, solve the questlines or just
- roam around and explore the vast medieval world û but be careful as wolves
- or bears may try to take a bite from you... Begin with the simplest things
- for your own survival like hunting and farming as well as building yourself
- a home. Found a family and have a heir - entice others to live near and work
- for you, erect many other buildings to transform your settlement into a
- vibrant village and, ultimately, a thriving dynasty that will reign for
- generations.
- A massive medieval open 3D world awaitsà Be aware of harsh winters and
- unexpected events while honing your skills to turn from a medieval survivor
- into the ruler of a dynasty. Grab your axe, hammer, or hunting bow - and
- craft your legacy!
- Medieval Dynasty is a unique combination of multiple successful genres:
- Survival: The need to survive, feed and ensure survival through hunting,
- farming and cultivation of the land.
- Simulation: Create tools and weapons, construct and extend houses, stables
- and all manner of buildings as you grow an empire.
- Role playing: Develop your own character, interact with NPCs, take care of
- your family and form community alliances by helping others and trading freely.
- Strategy: While pioneering in the Middle Ages you will found and expand a
- village, manage the inhabitants, collect resources and produce all the goods
- you need and use or capitalise by trading them.
- multi16, Digital Supporter Edition
- Install Notes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- unpack, mount, install and play.
- Razor 1911 Greetings
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All our friends and supporters
- /\
- Razor 1911 /__\ Since 1985
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- /__\/__\