- Patch - Fixes!
- This patch does the following:
- - You can now cook mimic meat!
- - New equip orders will free units from guard mode. Equip orders created before entering guard mode will still be ignored, but I have noticed that especially new players gets attacked, then wants to freeze a unit and equip it with a new weapon but then gets confused when the unit just stands there.
- - New farming zoones will check instantly if there is stuff to be harvest. Previously they only checked when stuff actually grows, which is just once per day.
- - Fixes a confusing UI message, in which work order status was saying 'Unworkable' on equip orders, and a few others.
- - Fixes an issue where units would be given guard orders but then start working on something almost instantly, ignoring any new guard orders until that particular work order was done.
- Also a brief message: I have been a little less responsive latley but please know that I still read your comments, feedback and reviews!
- Best wishes and lots of love! <3
- //Mattias