1. Minor Update v1.3.9 R
  2. Hello Admirals,
  4. Here is another update for you.. Please read:
  6. Minor Update v1.3.9
  7. Campaign AI improvement: The campaign AI has been improved to adapt better to the new more challenging economy. The AI will not overspend funds on building too many ships and will attempt to develop more.
  9. Aiming progress changes: The aiming mechanics got fixes and adjustments in their logic, so that they work overall better and more realistic. You will notice that when you hit a target then subsequent hits will happen more consistently unless the target maneuvers. Maneuvers will also affect the overall aiming progress more against a target, making fast ships have more chances on avoiding incoming shells (The UI is set to update slower for performance reasons, so the accuracy changes when you hover on target will be displayed not fully synced).
  11. Fixes and balances:
  12. Fixed a problem with generated missions that prevented a multi-attack from land and sea against a province, creating empty events.
  13. Fixed issue which made ships to be “in Battle’ status although the war was over and the battles got canceled.
  14. Fixed issue that made ships under construction to participate in battles wrongly.
  15. Fixed issue that made the Refit time to become miscalculated.
  16. Fixed issues of the Custom Battle interface, which showed a false message of “Not having the required ship” in some rare cases.
  17. Fixed some minor issues with the UI.
  18. Performance optimization for the 3D battles.
  19. Further Auto-Design optimization.
  21. The Chinese Language is added to the localization support: You need to change the language settings, apply and restart the game to make them have effect.
  23. Enjoy!
  24. The Game-Labs Team
  26. Uploaded Repaired Version including the following:
  27. - Reduced income bonus for the Ai in Hard and Legendary mode (it seems that the game became much harder for the average player who used these settings).
  28. - Fixed "Mount 2" error further. This false positive error should now appear much less often.
  29. - Fixed required tonnage not updating properly for naval invasions. (The problem is addressed only for new invasion instances).
  30. - Fixed some barbette errors appearing mainly in refit processes.
  31. - Fixed an alliance check error which could result enemy ships to wrongly use enemy ports.
  32. - Fixed an UI issue which created too large offset for tooltips.