1. Update 7:
  2. -Fixed an issue with missing textures for the Gas Mask in inventory.
  3. -Fixed an issue where you could accidently kill Simon Smoke by firing the blue hand at the plug receiver in Doctor's Domain.
  4. -Fixed an issue where players were getting killed in the room above Simon Smoke in Doctor's Domain.
  5. -Fixed issues with VHS audio being able to play over cutscenes audio.
  6. -Fixed an issue where critters were knocking the player outside of the barricade during the critter attack sequence in the Prison Cell Blocks.
  7. -Fixed an issue where Doey wouldn’t play audio during his jump scare.
  8. -Adjusted lighting for areas in the game that were too dark.
  9. -Optimization pass to improve overall game performance.
  11. Update 6:
  12. Multiple levels split into smaller sub-levels to address overall game performance
  13. - Fixed several checkpoint issues
  14. - Addressed multiple collision issues where players could get stuck or moved out of bounds
  15. - Doey Boss Pit / Boss Fight:
  16. -- Fixed an issue where an invisible shield was preventing Doey's Dough Barrage attack from reaching the player
  17. -- Added additional effects to better highlight which of Doey's heads to target during the Tendril Grab attack
  18. -- Updated Doey's behavior when transitioning to ranged state with a canister lodged in his body
  19. -- Made Doey's burrow more obvious and showing its effect before he burrows out
  20. -- Addressed several issues that were preventing Doey from chasing the player in the pit
  21. -- Fixed an issue that could cause players to lose their right hand during the Doey Boss Fight
  22. -- Reduced the timer on LN2 depots after removing a canister
  23. -- Tuning and balance pass for Doey
  24. -- Fixed an issue where Doey started chasing the player while the loading screen was displayed
  25. -- Adjusted the player crawl speed during the Doey chase sequence
  26. - No Man's Land / Yarnaby Boss Fight:
  27. -- Fixed an issue where Yarnaby could potentially become stuck in hidey holes
  28. -- Addressed an issue where Yarnaby would vent back to the top room when the player is in the main area
  29. -- Fixed several issues where Yarnaby could grab players through walls
  30. -- Made several updates to significantly increase the consistency of Yarnaby’s behavior across multiple plays:
  31. --- Yarnaby will move to the search location in the conveyor section even if the player makes noise
  32. --- Removed 3 AI vent locations from the level
  33. --- Yarnaby is more consistently present around the player throughout the level, especially in the machine puzzle room
  34. --- Yarnaby always travels to the bunker section after the player lowers the bridge
  35. -- Further navmesh improvements for Yarnaby
  36. - Revised Yarnaby's death sequence
  37. - Doctor's Headquarters / Doctor's Boss Fight:
  38. -- Further navmesh improvements for the Doctor's minions
  39. -- Tuning and balance pass for the Doctor
  40. -- Fixed an issue where the Doctor minions would stay active after defeating the Doctor
  41. Safe Haven:
  42. -- Fixed an issue that was preventing players from pulling out the square piece from the generator
  43. -- Gave Boogie Bot his controller
  44. -- Added child photos to the Save Haven Shrine
  45. -- Added a breathing shader to the critters in Save Haven
  46. --- Fixed an issue where the Ollie VHS tape on was red instead of beige
  47. - Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to retrieve the hand attached to the box after the Yarnaby chase
  48. - Fixed an issue where Doey would not throw the lever off the tower if players had not entered the yard before the new objective appeared
  49. - Fixed an issue where Barry's cart can move off the pressure plate after activation and get stuck in Wasterwater Plant
  50. - Doctor's Domain
  51. -- Fixed an issue where the plug started out stretched across the room and was unable to be grabbed
  52. -- Fixed an issue where the plug can clip through the door and become inaccessible
  53. - Adjusted the hand magnets on gear receivers to make the gears more grabbable
  54. - Added colors to the poster for the pipe puzzle in the Foundation
  55. - Fixed an issue in the Foundation where the gas appeared to flow in the wrong direction
  56. - Fixed an issue that allowed players to bypass the critter attack in the Toy Graveyard
  57. - Fixed an issue in the Toy Graveyard where the critter on the truck would get stuck and do nothing
  58. - Added additional toy types to the critter attack in the Toy Graveyard
  59. - Tuning and balance pass for the Critter Horde in Prison Cell Blocks
  60. - Fixed an issue where Yarnaby would not stop clawing the vent in Containment Zone
  61. - Fixed an issue in Level 2 where the first note was not highlighted and could not be picked up when hitting 'E'
  62. - Fixed an issue where players cannot pick up the tape under the bed in Save Haven when hitting 'E'
  63. - Fixed an issue where players could not pick up the purple table in the Foundation when hitting 'E'
  64. - Fixed an issue where the Doctor's awakening VHS tape was not interactable when hitting 'E'
  65. - Fixed an issue with the key hanging in the cell in the Toy Graveyard was not interactable when hitting 'E'
  66. - Fixed an issue where the Doctor's subtitles disappear near the Vital Systems Room
  67. - Multiple fixes for assets popping in and out
  68. - Fixed several audio issues
  69. - Updated end of game credits
  71. Update 5:
  72. Added a pop-up notification letting players know that they need to update to DirectX12.
  73. - Fixed an issue where restarting a checkpoint caused the objective noise to stack and get louder.
  74. - Fixed an issue where reloading checkpoints interfered with the flashlight tutorial pop-up.
  75. - Moved safe volumes further into hiding spots during the Yarnaby Boss Fight.
  76. - Resolved a bug where a non moving Yarnaby would spawn if the player dies multiple times.
  77. - Fixed an issue where if a player was in a sidle spot and killed by Yarnaby the jumpscare would break.
  78. - Resolved an issue that was preventing saws from resetting if barely pulled in the Doey Boss Fight.
  79. - Fixed an issue where canisters would try to go back into their receiver and instead float.
  80. - Resolved an issue where Spanish VO is heard instead of Portuguese VO during the Doey death scene.
  81. - Fixed an issue where Doey's teeth did not properly display.
  82. - Fixed an bug where Kissy's eyelids are offset.
  84. Update 4:
  85. - Revised Doctor death sequence
  86. - Fixed a bug that allowed players to retrigger the last elevator in the Doctor's Domain
  87. - Improved readability elements to the Baba Chops encounter:
  88. -- Switched which wire on the initial power switch is on
  89. -- Replaced first battery receiver with a power box
  90. -- Move Power boxes from the walls to the respective cages they open
  91. -- Move keycard pick-up
  92. -- Add highlight element to keycard reader, battery receivers, and power switches
  93. - Made the LN2 canisters easier to trigger during the Doey Boss Fight
  94. - Several performance optimizations
  96. Update 3:
  97.  Yarnaby hiding spots should be significantly safer now.
  98. - Additional fixes for Yarnaby spawn camping.
  99. - Additional balance fixes for Yarnaby' sequence.
  100. - Fixed a bug where the bridge during the Yarnaby sequence would not always work.
  101. - Elevator after Doey transformation / chase should now be open.
  102. - Fixed an issue where Doctor minions were active after the Doctors' death.
  103. - Fixed TVs in Doctor's Intro and Doctor's hallway.
  104. - Fixed an issue where going into deep crouch or using slides would cause the camera to spin.
  105. - Fixed an issue where the rotate item functionality stopped working after player death.
  106. - Fixed an issue where players could easily fall out of the cable car.
  107. - Added a kill volume to the zip line so players no longer fall below the map.
  108. - Additional UI improvements.
  110. Update 2:
  111. - Additional fixes to Yarnaby spawn camping.
  112. - Additional fixes to hiding spaces for the Yarnaby Boss Fight. More fixes to come in a following patch.
  113. - Additional balance changes to Yarnaby's difficulty.
  114. - Fixed a bug where the door to the Vital Center remained open, allowing players to backtrack and lose progress.
  115. - Fixed a crash with jumpscares.
  116. - Fixed a VRAM crash.
  117. - Fixed additional reflection issues.
  118. - Fixed issues with PLAs.
  119. - Additional UI improvements.
  121. Update 1:
  122. - Yarnaby now spawns correctly
  123. - Yarnaby should no longer spawn camp the player as badly. Additional fixes coming in next patch.
  124. - Yarnaby's cone of vision reduced.
  125. - Hiding spaces function better during the Yarnaby Boss fight.
  126. - Audio for objective tracker and tooltip should no longer take up multiple channels when restarting from checkpoints.
  127. - Tutorial tooltips now remain on screen longer.
  128. - Flashlight tooltip now displays correctly.
  129. - Fixed several lighting and reflection issues.
  130. - Other UI Improvements