1. November 20th Update Patch Adjustments
  3. 1、Task System Optimization:
  4. We have resolved the issue with the "Ban Tactics" task that was previously uncompletable. Players can now smoothly complete this task, leading to a more fluid gaming experience.
  6. 2、Soul Technique Collection Adjustment:
  7. To enhance the player experience, we have made adjustments to the collection issues related to Soul Techniques. Some unintended collection items have been removed.
  9. 3、Student Avatar Collection:
  10. Fixed the issue where players were unable to collect Student Avatar 32. Now, all student avatars can be successfully collected, enriching your game collection.
  12. 5、AI Algorithm Improvement:
  13. In the BP (Ban/Pick) phase, we have adjusted the AI algorithm to be more intelligent and strategic, providing players with a more challenging and strategic match experience.