1. Update v1.3.56:
  2. Changes
  3. Changed the description of the Planetary Supremacy campaign back to the original version
  4. Fixes
  5. FIX: Unable to save reinforcement changes in Daemonic Incursion when using a
  6. gamepad
  7. FIX: Some achievements unlocked by AI
  8. FIX: Weapons chosen in skirmish army manager can affect other units in the army
  9. FIX: Thunderhammer FX is still visible after the unit dies
  10. FIX: End Turn button text doesn't handle plurals well
  11. FIX: Multiplayer match configuration loses gamepad focus
  12. FIX: Dead models still animating or not in die pose
  13. FIX: Units glitch a little on PS4 when coming out of their 'non-animating' state
  14. FIX: Tyrannofex is visually bugged on the Necron siege map
  15. FIX: Plus button appears on the campaign army manager only after the unit has already been added
  16. FIX: Entering photo mode in live multiplayer prevents the correct passage of turns
  17. FIX: Unit Stats desyncs not correcting after multiplayer matches
  18. FIX: Gamepad loses focus and won't accept input temporarily
  19. FIX: Defender spires don't appear after loading the siege savegame
  20. FIX: Xbox multiplayer displays players out of order or with missing names
  21. FIX: Thornback's battering ram skill tooltip gives wrong information on the HQ upgrade menu on planetary supremacy
  22. FIX: Units floating on Planetary Supremacy desert map
  23. FIX: Xbox disconnect dialog displayed two countdowns at the same time after the other player left
  24. FIX: Incorrect objective description in Siege PBEM game
  25. FIX: Overwatch indicator animation on the unit banner is frozen upon entering overwatch with any unit
  26. FIX: Xbox disconnect dialog displayed two countdowns at the same time after other player left
  27. FIX: Spotlights don't currently work correctly on PS4 or PS5
  28. FIX: Exorcist can soft lock by not returning to idle
  29. FIX: Army management 'hide UI' feature does not work on PS4
  30. FIX: Auspex line missing on PlanSup Skyshield map
  31. FIX: Annihilation Barge does not have a description in the Volatile tooltip
  32. FIX: Soft lock in army management Choose Weapons mode
  33. FIX: Units providing cover not working when toggled on
  34. FIX: Savage Technique does not apply to Aeturo
  35. Fix error when spawning a Daemonic Incursion wave without enough tiles for the new daemons.
  36. FIX: Various minor Army manager UI issues
  37. FIX: Hexmark Destroyer Target Optimisation not applying crit chance
  38. FIX: Fix suppression fire events sometimes not triggering if one unit had a missing weapon
  39. Fix adjacent tile damage not applying to any targets when one of the potential targets dies.
  40. Fix hot seat UI failing to set up completely if Player 2 has no armies available.
  41. Fixed exception when ending drag with no unit selected.
  42. Fixed an exception when trying to return disabled loadout unit members to idle.
  43. Fixed an exception when trying to spawn campaign scenario reinforcements and there is no room.
  44. FIX: Xbox disconnect dialog displayed two countdowns at the same time after other player left.
  46. Update v1.3.55:
  47. Changes
  48. • Refactored the Army Management UI to use 3D models instead of 2D portrait art.
  49. o This UI can also be used in full screen as a model viewer.
  50. • Modifications to Daemonic Incursion:
  51. o Change waves to include a turn limit. Any remaining Daemons must be fought in the next
  52. wave.
  53. o There is now a minimum army size of 1000 points
  54. o When using the Infinite Waves settings, reinforcements are now less frequent after Wave
  55. 8
  56. • Added Grot Orderly companion to Ork Painboy
  57. • Added a momentum buff to the Painboy when using the Sawbonez ability
  58. • Added a new passive ability 'Da Doc Iz In' to the Painboy that boosts the health of nearby allies
  59. • Adjusted VFX for Stormboyz rokkit paks
  60. • Adjusted and improved some visual effects for Ork weapons and abilities
  61. • Revised some of the Ork portraits
  62. Balancing
  63. Necrons
  64. • Tomb Blades
  65. o Twin Tesla Carbine damage reduced to 8 (10), accuracy to 75 (80)
  66. o Particle Beamer shots reduced to 8 (10)
  67. • Annihilation Barge
  68. o Twin Tesla Destructor shots reduced to 20 (24), splash falloff to 80% (70%)
  69. • Warriors
  70. o Gauss Flayer damage reduced to 8 (10)
  71. • Immortals
  72. o Gauss Blaster damage reduced to 12 (14), accuracy falloff reduced to 5 (7)
  73. • Deathmarks
  74. o Synaptic Disintegrator damage reduced to 25 (30)
  75. • Hexmark Destroyer
  76. o Enmitic Disintegrator Pistol damage decreased to 10 (12)
  77. Orks
  78. • Burna Boyz
  79. o HP increased to 85 (80)
  80. o Point cost increased to 90 (85)
  81. • Stormboyz
  82. o HP increased to 80 (70)
  83. • Warbiker
  84. o Dakkagun armour piercing increased to 3 (2)• Boyz
  85. o Big Shoota shots reduced to 12 (14), accuracy reduced to 70 (80)
  86. o Rokkit Launcha cost reduced to 20 (30)
  87. • Deff Dread
  88. o Big Shoota damage reduced to 5 (6)
  89. Bug Fixes
  90. • FIX: Visual glitch with kombi-rokkit missiles due to delay to disappear.
  91. • FIX: Pressing 'A' to save the game will activate a hex tile in Planetary Supremacy when using a
  92. gamepad
  93. • FIX: Post processing does not reset when exiting Photo mode on Xbox One
  94. • FIX: [BUG] Deffkopta is too low down during loadout screen
  95. • FIX: Movement cursor appears over post-battle UI on gamepad
  96. • FIX: HQ Tech Tree UI does not reach the edge of the screen on Xbox One in Planetary
  97. Supremacy
  98. • Fixed issue with camera height smoothing in Scrapyard map
  99. • Fixed various Ork reverse animations not looping
  100. • FIX: "Can walk through Crate prop on trench level in Planetary Supremacy"
  101. • FIX: Warboss can receive "Da Boss iz Watchin'" status from other Warboss
  102. • FIX: "Turn does not hand over from player one to the next" in some multiplayer matches
  103. • FIX: "Sister Superior has the wrong sound effect on melee counterattack once again."
  104. • FIX: "Assault Marine Strike does not work (HQ Command ability)"
  105. • FIX: Skorpekh Destroyers "soft lock" when they explode with Plasmacyte Infusion
  106. • FIX: "Phantom units board transport, consume AP to disembark."
  107. • FIX: "Celestians activating and deactivating Oath of Protection constantly"
  108. • FIX: "Mortis Radzone does not affect units on a reload of a saved game