1. Racine 1.0.6 Patchnotes
  3. Hello everyone!
  4. New patch coming today following bugs that have been found! We're also adding a way to tweak the settings so you can play controller or mouse/keyboard only if there's troubles with auto-detection on your side.
  5. We also added some new synergies with the Bloody transaction charms, so take a look to the full patchnote!
  6. Cheers,
  8. 1.0.6 Patchnote :
  9. Allowing to deactivate the automatic switch between mouse/keyboard and gamepad. The switch will be added in game later, but the possibility of doing so has been added. To do it, you have some steps to follow :
  11. Navigate to Racine files.
  12. You can go there manually : C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Racine, or press Windows + R keys and paste this in the window that appeared : %appdata%/../local/Racine
  13. In there, open the settings.sav with the notepad, you've got two settings to change. First, search for "controller_hotswap":1.0 and change it for "controller_hotswap":0.0.
  14. Then, if you want to play with mouse only, search for "controls_type": and set it to "controls_type":0.0 to lock it to play with the mouse, and "controls_type":2.0 to play with the gamepad only.
  16. Once again this is not optimal but it'll help people who had issue preventing them for playing the game at all, we'll integrate this in game in a later patch
  19. Fixing a bug with the cards in the lobby not appearing if the player had died during a boss' defeat animation
  20. Adding a new effect on the Bloody transaction charm that adds health regeneration based on Ki accumulation
  21. Adding new synergies with the Bloody transaction charm with the cards that have effects linked to health or Ki.
  23. Wealth card halves health points and give 1 Ki for every 4 Health instead of dividing Ki by 2 and giving 4 health for each Ki point
  24. Emergency card halves the Ki instead of halving Health points
  25. Investment card heals 15 Health points for each discarded card instead of 15 Ki points
  26. Perfusion is doubling Health points (without going beyond max HP) and divides Ki by 3
  27. Blessing and Curse cards are healing Health points instead of giving Ki
  28. Pharmacopoeia card heals 5 Health point by Status healed instead of giving 5 ki
  30. Following cards that cost health normally now require an equivalent cost in Ki to be played with the Bloody transaction charms :
  32. Berserk
  33. Scar
  34. Immolation
  35. Autonomy
  36. Electroshock
  37. Red Coin
  38. Catalysis