- Strike.S06E04.HLG.2160p.WEB.H265-BouncyPhenomenalCockleOfAdvance
- Strike.S06E04.HLG.2160p.WEB.H265-BouncyPhenomenalCockleOfAdvance
- Show: Strike
- Title: Episode 4
- Season: 6
- Episode: 4
- Size: 7785M
- Files: 13F
- Date: 2024-12-17
- Duration: 57 min 12 s
- Source: Web
- Encoding: H265
- Bitrate: 18.5 Mb/s
- Audio Format: AAC (AAC)
- Audio Rate: 192 kb/s @ 2 channels
- Audio Lang: English
- Sub count: 1
- Subtitles: English
- Summary:
- The agency is the target of a devastating attack. Strike
- figures out who killed Edie, and having secured proof, Robin puts
- herself in danger in order to save lives.