1. Update v1.1.0.29441
  2. Bug fixes
  3. Fixed a crash caused by some usernames
  4. Fixed a crash when hovering over some keywords
  5. Fixed a crash when recruiting specific units
  6. Fixed an issue where some buttons could vanish after clicking them
  7. Fixed an issue where the Landsraad pop-up could be dismissed
  8. Fixed an issue on gamepad that could lead to locking the player on the Victory or Defeat screen
  10. Others
  11. Changed how siege actions are displayed on the Village's banner when using a gamepad
  12. Removed the light freeze before the Landsraad council opens
  13. Reduced light freezes when moving the camera
  15. Update v1.1.0.29311:
  16. Controller Support
  17. The game is now fully playable with a controller
  19. Nested Tooltip
  20. You can hover over most keywords to open a tooltip
  21. Pressing B makes the current tooltip “sticky”, allowing you to hover on things inside the tooltip
  22. Pressing Y on a controller automatically expands all keywords inside the current tooltip
  24. Landsraad Rework
  25. All Landsraad phases happen at once, every 20 days.
  26. The game is paused during the Landsraad council
  27. Charters now need to accrue “Charter Priority” in order to be put on the agenda
  28. Charters with at least one eligible player but nobody holding the Charter accrue “Charter Priority” after each council
  29. Players can spend influence to increase Charter Priority
  30. Standing is gained at the start of the council, not at the end
  32. Harvester rework
  33. Harvesters now have two harvest modes: Greedy Mode and Safe Mode
  34. In Greedy Mode, the harvests spice until the last second before the worm emerges. It gets increased yields during that time but has a higher chance of being eaten.
  35. Safe mode requires an ornithopter to be assigned to the harvester
  36. In Safe Mode, the harvester is recalled as soon as the worm sign appears, and cannot be eaten by the worm.
  37. In both modes, the harvester is recalled and redeployed automatically
  38. Harvesters only need to be deployed manually after they are built or if they have been recalled manually.
  39. Max number of Ornithopter 5 -> 10
  41. Conquest
  42. Conquest fremen relations gain per allied sietch 2-> 3
  43. Conquest fremen relations loss per pillaged sietch 3 -> 4
  44. Conquest plot: when a mission reward reduces pressure, the standard pressure increase is blocked for the turn
  45. Many Atreides, Harkonnen and Corrino bonuses have been reworked
  47. Main Base Buildings
  48. 3 New MB Buildings for each faction: Recycling Vats, Fusion Plant and Landsraad Quarters (Fremen do not have Fusion Plant and Landsraad Quarters)
  49. Barracks is now unlocked from the start. Fusion Plant is unlocked from the dev tree.
  50. Embassy is now unlocked from the start. Landsraad Quarters is unlocked from the dev tree.
  51. Dev “Mechanization” no longer unlock the second gear slot, but unlock the Fusion Plant instead
  53. Events
  54. New Event: The Investors
  55. Reworked: Ginaz Swordmaster, Minor House Refugees, The Reverend Mother, Ix Scientists, The Fremen Leader, Renowned Merchant
  56. Balanced: Spaceport Breach, The Ghost, CHOAM Loan
  57. Removed All Landsraad Events
  58. Removed “Harkonnen Scheme” Event
  59. Contraband Offers have not been changed
  61. Water Balancing
  62. “Windtrap” is now exclusive to the Fremen
  63. Fremen do not have “Dew collector”
  64. “Dew collector” produces 1 Water per wind in the region instead of 3 flat
  65. Wind has been reduced to 5 max at the equator and 4 max everywhere else
  66. Water extractor produces 20 -> 25 Water on north pole
  67. A new main base building produces Water and increases Water production of Dew Collectors and Windtraps
  68. Major Buildings require 5 -> 3 Water
  69. Corrino dev “Megalopolis” gives 2 -> 3 Water per adjacent village
  70. New dev “Insulated Valley” replace “Filtration systems”
  71. Dev “Army Logistics”:
  72. +10 Water
  73. Unlocks a second gear slot
  75. Landsraad Balancing
  76. Many New resolutions
  77. “Gear Regulations” Resolution: -30% power -> -20% power
  78. “CHOAM Dilution” Resolution:
  79. No longer gives standing
  80. Gives 1 -> 2 authority per share selled
  82. General Balancing
  83. Military
  84. Mechanical units’ recruitment time have been increased
  85. Hirelings with no CP requirement are now temporary with a 90 day timer . (Assassins and scavenged ornithopters are exceptions)
  86. Developments
  87. Research scaling: +3,3% increased cost per step -> +3,6% increased cost per step
  88. Fixed Development “Wonders of the Desert”: +30% prod in special regions now applies to craft workshops
  89. Dev “Military propaganda” gives +20% authority prod instead of +3 authority
  90. Dev “Arrakis Riches” buff: +1% -> +2% solari per special region
  91. Dev “Siege incentive” nerf : +100% -> +50% damage against Main Bases
  92. Politics & Diplomacy
  93. District 3 Statecraft is replaced by:
  94. +100 votes for great houses
  95. +100 max influence and +4 influence prod for other factions
  96. +1 -> +2 influence prod per truce for non-standing faction
  97. Economy
  98. Maintenance center -25% -> -20% upkeep
  99. Harkonnen
  100. Piter gives 60 solari per agent when an agent is sacrificed instead of 500 solari flat
  101. Piter reduces mission cost by 20% -> 15% when an agent is sacrificed
  102. Harkonnen dev “Adrenaline Addiction” and “Arrakis Butcher” have swapped place
  103. Harkonnen dev “Adrenaline Addiction”:
  104. +10 CP
  105. Every death gives +1% power for the rest of combat (stacks 10 -> 25 times)
  106. Unlock the second gear slot
  107. Harkonnen dev “Arrakis Butcher”:
  108. +10 Water
  109. +50% damage against militia and rebels
  110. Killing militia and rebels give +5 manpower
  111. Smuggler
  112. “Wraith” nerf: 1% -> 0.6% of max hp lost per second while in the cloud
  113. New Smuggler dev “Industrial Scavenging” replace “Energy Efficiency”
  114. Smuggler dev “Guerilla Tactics”:
  115. +15 Water
  116. At night armies gain +30% speed and power ->+20% speed outside combat and power
  117. Bannerjee balancing:
  118. Local Gang now costs 100 solari on top of the regular cost of 2 scavengers and takes 3 days to be built.
  119. Lingar Bewt balancing:
  120. +15 -> +10 Water
  121. Water Network: +1 -> +3 Water to the smuggler and the host
  122. Water Seller: Turn 1 -> 5 Water into 5 -> 20 solari, and gives the host 1 -> 3 Water
  124. Fremen
  125. Fremen dev “arrakis secret” no longer unlock Al-gaib Temple but gives health and supply regeneration to deployed harvester
  126. Fremen dev “sand diplomat” now unlock Al-gaib temple and give +1 influence prod per allied sietch, instead of +50 max influence per allied sietch
  127. Al-gaib Temple is now a statecraft building, that gives +50 max influence per allied sietch, instead of +30% spice production
  128. Fremen industry “hidden plascrete factory” : 15 -> 25 plascrete production ; cost 500 -> 250 plascrete
  129. Corrino
  130. Corrino now starts with 200 -> 250 Standing and 90 -> 50 Choam Shares
  131. Corrino dev “Imperial Command”:
  132. Can use airfield of faction in truce
  133. Do not lose supply in territory of faction in truce
  134. Unlock the second gear slot
  135. Corrino dev “Integrated Cost” is moved from replacing “Riches of Arrakis” to replacing “Insulated Valley”
  136. Corrino dev “Absolute Power” now only gives +5 Standing if there is at least one truce
  137. Ecaz
  138. Ecaz MB Building “Museum of Unbound Arts” changes:
  139. No limit on Masterpiece construction
  140. A village with 3 -> 5 masterpieces gain one more stack of village quirks
  141. Ecaz dev “Inspiring Standard” now unlocks the Fusion Plant on top of its previous effects
  143. Other
  144. It’s now possible to mute players in multiplayer lobbies and games
  145. Added a loading animation on loading screens
  146. New tutorial on the The Landsraad Council
  147. In multiplayer lobbies host can now lock slot
  148. Most of our fx have a photosensitive mode now
  150. Bug fix
  151. Fixed the game crashing on Steam Deck when making certain buildings
  152. Wraith slowdown now only applies while you are in its AoE, instead of until the end of combat.
  153. Health regen should now work properly at 0 manpower (health regained is proportional to manpower spent)
  154. Fixed removing from selection on client not removing the units from the group on the server (eg Shift + Click)
  155. Fixed communication jamming on orbital strike
  156. Fixed wraith being able to attack structures, triggering combat alert
  157. Fixed Alert on fremen harvester no longer able to harvest
  158. Fix Garden Resort icon not showing
  159. Village can no longer build when the militia is out or buildings are being attacked
  160. Fixing Fuel Cells being produced by Fremen when capturing a village from another faction with Fuel Cell Factory
  161. Fixed losing unlocks of the main base when coming back below 2.5K Hegemony
  162. Tooltip of agent assigned on a sietch now correctly shows the agent
  163. Fixed building requirement cost not accounting some attributes, and as such being unable to place buildings with a water requirement in moon dew vale.
  164. Fixed trafficking station applying twice its trait if a harvester is in the region
  165. Storm now correctly prevents refunding buildings
  166. Upon betraying a second faction in a row, the traitor trait gets its duration refreshed instead of stacking weirdly.
  167. Fixed “No penalty incurred from treason” is correctly applied
  168. Freeing a village now also prevents it from being peacefully annexed
  169. Fixed non-hostile operations applying traitor when detected
  170. Fixed some fx for hero and frigate abilities not being seen on clients
  171. Fixed Fremen not being able to continue a unit investigation on some discoveries
  172. Buildings can no longer be placed in any other elements (discoveries or natural resources)
  173. Fixed Cronos Airfield not visible in tactical view
  174. Fixed Underworld Empire achievements, no longer unlock when all factions are eliminated
  175. Occupied villages no longer show a resupply area for the occupier
  176. Fixed quests that needs to track unit eaten by worms
  177. Less memory leaks and performance issues
  178. And many more
  180. Update v1.0.3.28195:
  181. Ecaz
  182. Can no longer build improvement office
  183. Knights can be executed (not Champions and Heroes)
  184. Knights consume 5 → 6 Command points
  185. Drone has 15 → 20 Solari upkeep and use 3 → 4 fuel cell and 3 → 4 Command point
  186. Development “Political Art” 30 → 15 influence per masterpiece built
  187. 10k Hegemony 50 → 30 free votes on every resolutions
  188. Whitmore + development “National Mythos” bonus of power around champions from the tech do not stack anymore
  190. Atreides
  191. Development “Atreides Foremen” Fully crewed harvester get +10% → +15% spice production every tax paid (up to 5 → 3 times)
  193. Fremen
  194. Harvesting team cost 40 → 30 manpower
  195. Harvesting crew cost 40 → 30 manpower
  196. Fixed discrepancy in upkeep of harvesting team on deployment
  198. Corrino
  199. Development “Imperial Protocols”: +3 → +2 armor to units that have numerical superiority in a region.
  200. Operation “Consolidation”: +3 → +2 armor. Do not increase over time anymore.
  202. Buildings
  203. Mason guild 15 → 10 Solari in fully built villages
  204. Military factory 15% → 10% power & health to units, +100% → +50% upkeep to units
  206. Other
  207. Development “Advanced Engineering” +3% → +2% production per building in the village
  208. 30% CHOAM Share bonus +20% → +15% power
  210. Bug Fix
  211. Fixed missing translations for Tutorial 5
  212. Fixed broken saves from 1.0.1
  213. Fixed Ecaz’s Live Performance applying to units passing by in a shuttle
  214. Fixed missing House Ecaz multiplayer ping