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- ▀░░ ▄▒ ▄ ■■ ▀ ▀ ░░▀▀ ░
- ____proudly presents____
- Caribbean Legend - Ships Pack: Part I
- (c) BlackMark Studio, Valkyrie Initiative
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- Release On : 28.12.2024 Disk Amount/Format : 1 Disc
- Type of Game : RPG Media Protection : Steam
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- The first in an epic five-part DLC series that adds legendary ships to the
- Caribbean waters, all connected by a tragic story.
- A new predator enters the troubled waters of the Caribbean - the galleon
- "Santa Misericordia", a magnificent treasury ship commanded by Don Fernando
- de Alamida. This impeccable captain, driven by personal tragedy and holy
- faith, cruises between Spanish ports, purging the colonies of corruption
- and sin. But behind the noble facade and golden ornaments lurks something
- far more sinister...
- Purchase and you'll get:
- - A global map event, available in both story and sandbox modes
- - Regular visits by Fernando de Alamida to Spanish cities, where you can
- gather rumors and meet the captain himself
- - New unique items - a holy sword and a mysterious ward
- - An epic boss fight against a skillful opponent
- - A mighty galleon with unique effects
- - The beginning of a grand dramatic story
- - Four new achievements
- NOTES: This release is standalone, containing the following DLCs:
- Caribbean Legend - Ships Pack: Part I
- Caribbean Legend - Vile Little God
- Caribbean Legend - Black Mark Pack
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- Burn/mount, install, play!
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