- 1.1.2 update!
- Hello everyone! Been a while. I've spent some time working on adding a new dyslexia friendly mode to the game, after feedback to the effect that some viewers struggled with the pixel font. And I'd hate to think I was dissuading anyone from giving me money.
- So now all you have to do is check the "Dyslexia Fonts" option in the system menu and all the text will be changed into nice readable-o-vision
- As well as that, I've also added the option to remove scanlines from GUI menus, for even more ease of reading, AND a new 2x scale windowed mode (2560x1440) for the larger-monitored among us.
- Full change list for 1.1.2:
- - Dyslexia friendly fonts mode added
- - Double-sized windowed mode added
- - Added option to disable scanlines from GUI windows
- - You can now change direction while winding up a throw
- - Telekinesis no longer pulls objects in front of you while picking up a credit chit
- - Fixed rare random crash when boarding derelicts
- - Fixed crash caused by Oniris venture tutorial clashing with ambush cutscene
- - Fixed softlock during Melinda story scene
- - Fixed bug that allowed duplication of lost luggage objects on civilized planets