1. Anniversary Update - Lords of Misrule
  3. Lords of Misrule Update
  4. Celebrating one year of ruling in Hell
  6. Greetings, Archfiends!
  8. With the one-year anniversary of Solium Infernum’s release having just passed, we’re proud to announce a new update is now live for your favourite friendship destruction simulator!
  10. Even though our studio has been (and still is) in hibernation since June last year, we felt our game and players deserved a celebratory gift - particularly those fiends who’ve given valuable feedback and inspired this massive list of bug fixes, balancing updates, and new content. As always, your insight continues to help shape the game.
  12. And let’s be honest, we couldn’t keep ourselves away even if we tried anyway. We were meant to be taking a break. But rest is a Heavenly activity, and well…
  14. There are piles of goodies to dig into (below), but noteworthy is the balancing of Strategems and Manuscripts, which were susceptible to abuse, now curtailed by our pitch-forked balancing-devil. A major exploit of Framing during the Assembly of the Conclave was also mercilessly stomped. And due to popular demand … the Infernal Census returns as an event!
  16. Given that the team is now a skeleton crew, and Solium Infernum remains large and complex, we urge all our players to use the in-game feedback form to report bugs. It remains the best way to help us squash any bugs that may have snuck past our defenses.
  18. A special shout out to former LoGers and Solium Infernum devs, Will (senior technical designer), Yuchen (2D artist), and Romesh (senior devops engineer), who returned for another tour of duty on this update.
  20. Happy scheming, Archfiends! Here’s to you and Solium Infernum!
  22. New Content
  23. New Legion: Creeping Doom.
  24. New Praetor: Bifrons.
  25. New Artifact of War: Lance of the Leper King.
  26. New Artifact of Sorcery: Bottle of Whispers.
  27. New Ritual: Shadow Binding.
  28. New Event: Infernal Census.
  30. New Schemes
  31. Best of three (common / simple)
  32. Buying time (common / grand)
  33. Pinned down (deceit / simple)
  34. Quite a haul (deceit / simple)
  35. Canton Collection (deceit / grand)
  36. Abjuration Mastery (prophecy / simple)
  37. Running Interference (prophecy / grand)
  38. Retroactive Continuity (prophecy / grand)
  39. Combat Deception (destruction / simple)
  40. Crippled (destruction / grand)
  41. No-Show (destruction / grand)
  42. To Spite Your Face (destruction / grand)
  43. Triksaidekaphilia (charisma / grand)
  45. Changes/Balancing
  46. Ashen Aegis now provides +1 to Max HP, Ranged, Melee, and Infernal per Level rather than a flat 6 to Max HP.
  47. Increased Walking Fortress stats increased from 9/9/9 to 10/10/10.
  48. Of Conquests Past: now only increases the target legion's level by 1, and the bonuses provided are slightly less impactful than they were.
  49. Increased upkeep of The Beast from 4 to 6 souls per turn (number of the Beast).
  50. Increased the upkeep of Gorgon, Sons of Typhon, and Hellfire Ballista from 2 to 3 of their respective resources.
  51. Lowered Praetor level-up thresholds: it no longer requires 4 victories to move from level 2 to 3.
  52. Collector Of Artifacts now fires before Oblivion.
  53. Tweaked grand events so that they are more likely to affect higher-level targets than lower-level ones.
  54. Procured Honour now produces 1-2 not 1-3 prestige per POP.
  55. Demand of Supplication now only increases tribute quality by 1, but has no cost.
  56. Death Takes a Holiday now respawns personal guard legions at the beginning of each turn (because having no legion to control during this event just sucks).
  57. Traitors Everywhere now removes existing stratagems as well as blocking the creation of new ones.
  58. Lilith's Personal Guard: infernal has been lowered from 9->8
  59. Raised the cost of high-tier stratagems, notably skip-phase stratagems.
  60. Ring of Tartarology: Manuscript draw has been lowered from 2->1.
  61. Tweaked behaviour of Angelic Host and Leviathan to prioritise stronger legions / POPs
  62. Raid the Library and Blight Wisdom now have 2 levels, so are available sooner in their respective Powers.
  63. You can now only apply 1 Primer per Legion level.
  64. Dismissal (Broken Oath Sword) now prevents Shadow Shield (Black Monolith) from triggering if it sends the Monolith to the vault.
  65. Collector of Artifacts (Mulciber) now converts Artifacts attached to defeated fixtures, so prevents Shadow Shield (Black Monolith) from triggering.
  66. Black Adoubement (Queen Of The Damned) now converts Praetors attached to defeated fixtures.
  67. The regent is now chosen at random on turn 1.
  68. The order in which other archfiends are added to the regency order is now randomised.
  69. All Seeing Eye now entirely prevents masking during the Assembly.
  70. And … Devour now works on Pandaemonium.
  72. Bug Fixes
  73. Fixed the amulet Relic Power bonuses applying to PoPs and Strongholds when they should only apply to Legions.
  74. Fixed Stronghold capture not counting towards Vendettas.
  75. Fixed Codex entries for raid the library and blight wisdom (and ashen aegis).
  76. Fixed Vassals / Liege's POPs cannot be redeployed through.
  77. Fixed Hades Hell scheme not completing.
  78. Fixed Belphegor getting an extra offering tribute token.
  79. Fixed reduce attribute stratagems firing before support.
  80. Fixed bug where Erzsebet could not heal next to a lured archfiends' places of power, but they could heal next to hers.
  81. Fixed the "order failed" message that appears when one of your Legions fails to move because it is afflicted with Lethargy due to Demonic Interference ending Infernal Juggernaut.
  82. Fixed UI Bug: It is no longer possible to queue the attachment of multiple Praetors to the same game piece.
  83. Fixed Scheme Ritual Weaver does not take artefacts of sorcery into account.
  84. Fixed Demonic Interference doesn't clear the ritual table when performed by an AI.
  85. Fixed Banished Praetor turn log displaying no praetor.
  86. Fixed Upset at the Arena turn log not showing banished challenger as missing if the opposing side forfeited.
  87. Fixed bug where Ashen Aegis bonus would apply to legions as well as fixtures.
  88. Fixed visual bugs that occur when a defeated legion immediately reforms
  89. The Bowl Of Abject Darkness will no longer protect you from Power reductions while in your vault.
  90. The receiver of an insult is no longer incorrectly informed that they will get the instigator's prestige wager if they refuse.
  91. Infernal Monsoon no longer provids lethargic legions with the ability to move 1 hex per turn.
  92. It is no longer possible to use the same event multiple times via the domain view. (thanks to Starwild for the early discovery of this bug, and to Wellspring for keeping this exploit to yourself.)
  93. Replaced nonsense tooltip shown when targeting an invalid archfiend using Border Bureaucracy
  94. Game pieces now recalculate their modifiers when destroyed, so show the correct stats when reforming.
  95. Game pieces destroyed by the "purge the weak" edict have their HP set to 0, so correctly appear as reforming.
  96. Previously "Winds of Discord" would return to the user's hand if used on a turn that ended with no POPs were captured by a player. This is not the correct behaviour, and allowed the card to be played every turn, spamming other users.
  97. Fixed stretched texture shown for items listed in the “Spoils of Battle” turn log.
  98. Declaring a duel / vendetta off the back of an insult now costs the amount of prestige specified when choosing a wager, not an amount of prestige equal to the insulting player's wager.
  99. When a private scheme, learned of through Dark Augury, is discarded by Repeal of Fate II, it is removed from the caster's knowledge.
  100. Fixed bug in the scheme selection menu for Repeal of Fate.
  101. Schemes learned via Dark Augury are no longer incorrectly limited to 2.