1. Zero Division Hotfix 1.01h Update
  2. ---------------------------------
  4. Bug Fixes
  6. - Fixed an issue with Malevolence (version A) with the Nightmare Bosses mutator active where Benevolence's System Purge would trigger immediately in Phase 2.
  7. - Fixed an issue with Phormion with the Nightmare Bosses mutator active where Phormion would become stuck in Phase 3.
  8. - Fixed a missing connection between two nodes in Sidereal Arcology.
  10. Zero Division Hotfix 1.01g Update
  11. ---------------------------------
  13. Bug Fixes
  15. - Fixed an issue with Jinn's Siege Stance talent which prevented it from being loaded properly at start of combat.
  16. - Fixed the card text on replicated versions of Ordinal Slice, which incorrectly referred to a damage value of 2 (correct value is 3).
  17. - Amended the mod text and keyword text for the Delusional effect to make the effect description clearer. (Delusional is a debuff which appears on the Headcase augment and in the Malevolence Code Sentries, and causes affected units' stats to appear as 99/99/99 even though their true values may differ.)
  18. - Fixed the mode description for Unlimited, which erroneously referred to new players despite being unlocked fairly late.
  20. Balance Changes
  22. - The cost of buying Supply at Quorum Brokers has been reduced to 250 Gleam.