1. New Update. Version 1.16 is here now.
  3. Hello there,
  5. After a short break following the game’s release, we're excited to bring you the next update. We've received a lot of feedback, and we appreciate every bit of it—thank you!
  7. One of the biggest additions in this update is the encyclopedia. It contains detailed information on all the enemies in the game. As you encounter new enemies, their icons will unlock in the encyclopedia, allowing you to access their stats and details. Take a look at the screenshot to see just how much content the game offers!
  9. We've also added two new buttons for Game Difficulty and Game Mode. These let you view how enemies' stats change depending on the selected mode.
  11. Enjoy the update, and keep the feedback coming!
  14. We've also introduced a new button in the game, which works like a pause button, but instead of fully stopping the action, it slows the game speed to 0.1x. This gives you time to examine the stats of new monsters and plan your strategy. While in this slow-motion mode, building and casting are disabled to maintain balance.
  16. We hope this feature enhances your gameplay experience!
  18. Additionally, our artist has completed work on the remaining sounds. In the next update, we'll be adding these final sounds, including boss sounds, magic effects, and menu audio.
  20. Enjoy, and stay tuned for more!
  23. Bug Fixes
  24. The issue with music cutting out endlessly should be resolved—at least we hope! If you encounter this bug again, please let us know.
  25. Improved game performance on screens with resolutions other than 1920x1080.
  26. For first-time players with non-HD screen resolutions, the game will now start in windowed mode by default.
  27. The bug with the Giant's ability (Stone Barricade) not functioning properly should now be fixed.
  28. The key combination for resetting progress should work correctly now.