1. V1.1 !!!!
  3. -Kawai mode (SFW) is now "Neko Plus Edition"! Try it out!
  4. -There's now a "TV Filter" mode
  5. -Added option to auto-hide hud elements.
  6. -Improvements on memory use, minor performance tweaks.
  7. -Changes on Barcode Scanner use. It's also a weapon upgrade to be aqcuired
  8. -Vending Machine now says when a purchase may not happen because "not enough money" among other things
  9. -On the TAB view, it will shows the current upgrades applied to the selected weapon.
  10. -It's now possible to select a "dot reticle" crosshair
  11. -Bosses now will be easier on first chapters, harder later.
  12. -There's now a low-health indicator on screen (shows when health is 25 points or below), among other details.
  13. -Changes on Rat and Dog behavior. Attacks are now sightly telegraphed too.
  14. -The Star-points upgraded as Checkpoints: once fully activated it will save the game.
  15. -Secret character that hopefully no-one will find may drop a secret weapon that hopefully no one will find too (if you find, DROP IT!).
  16. -Shotgun ammo pickup grants a little less ammo now.
  17. -You can now select the game difficulty when resuming your game file
  18. -Difficult setting screen now shows details about every difficult setting. You may also enable/disable nsfw content from there.
  19. -Little changes on the 2 hardest settings.
  20. -Added resolution support for some devices
  21. -Disabled unecessary steamAPI calls, game will run better when offline.
  22. -Added display of owned MISC items on Stats app
  23. -Now the secrets found information shows the number of secrets found lifetime, and not for the current run.
  24. -City parts will be shorter on earlier chapters, while the original city length will be present on the last chapter only
  25. -Added tutorial to the game's start.
  26. -AutoShotgun now limited to 4 shots, auto-reloads.
  27. -Limited weapon move while looking around.
  28. -Fixed issue of odd shooting sound under certain circunstances.
  29. -Minigun will now shoot more bullets per ammo.
  30. -Money needed to Checkpoint decreased to 500
  31. -There's now boots as prizes for finishing the game - one for every available difficulty!