  2. Pro Cycling Manager 2024 v1.4.1.141 Update changelog:
  3. -----------------------------------------------------
  5. Sponsors
  6. Better race objective confidence computation
  7. Multi year sponsor contracts would never end
  8. It was possible to have objectives of difficulty 0, below the lowest difficulty
  10. Infrastructure
  11. It was possible to allocate a budget of 0 to the investment assistant
  13. Interface
  14. Failed objectives were marked “In Progress” after October 21th
  15. In the calendar, it was no longer possible to sort races by “State”
  16. The display grid woukd disappear, if there are no objectives
  17. There was a text displaying “LastUpdate_Tag” on the Summary screen on the World Ranking tab after completing a tournament
  18. Inrace tutorial kept being displayed
  19. Old sponsor tutorial removed
  20. Upon very specific condition, when clicking on the Team or squad button, the game froze
  22. Others
  23. Fix various crashes
  24. Fixed rankings with weird time gaps