1. Patch Notes 1.0.002
  3. Hey everyone, we hope you're enjoying the game so far! We've just pushed a patch to address a few issues that have been reported. If you find any further issues, please send a bug report in game. Thank you for all your feedback and support and we hope you all have a terrific weekend!
  5. Patch Notes 1.0.002
  7. Additions and Changes
  8. Added an option to disable the main menu panning/parallax effect
  9. The Harrowing Experience dungeon modifier now only makes you lose 35 Morale instead of 50
  11. Fixes
  12. Fixed an issue with save file names sometimes changing when overwriting another save
  13. The Heal Dampening Dungeon Modifier now correctly only reduces healing by 30% and not 70%
  14. Fixed a rare crash after an event where you fight the Black Skull outside a city
  15. Fixed an issue where some quest turn in locations would direct you to Dragate incorrectly
  16. Fixed an issue where choosing to spare Daemond would still trigger combat
  17. Fixed a crash that occurred if a character died from a Hoarwulf's Frost Call ability
  18. Fixed some icons for a few Legendary items
  19. Fixed one Legendary item to more accurately reflect its description
  20. VSync option should now save and work properly