- The.Hardacres.S01E02.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
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- Pre.Date: 20.10.2024
- The.Hardacres.S01E02.720p.WEB.H264-SKYFiRE
- Source: WEB
- Runtime: 45 min 46 sec(s)
- Size: 1.46 GiB
- Video: 1280 X 720 / 4500kb/s / 25.000 fps
- Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 96.0 kb/s
- Subs: English
- Synopsis:
- The Hardacres chronicles the sweeping rags to riches story of a working class family in
- 1890s Yorkshire A sprawling family saga the series follows the lives loves and fortunes of
- the Hardacre family as they move from a grimy fish dock to a vast country estate When an
- accident at work on the docks lands Sam and Mary Hardacre along with their three kids Joe
- Liza and Harry and Mary s inimitable mother Ma unemployed and destitute they have to think
- fast In a bid to avoid the workhouse the driven and determined Hardacres put their last
- penny into a radical business venture they hope will free them from their harsh existence
- on the quays of the North Yorkshire coast
- Notes: