1. Update v2.4.0x incl DLC:
  2. Highlights:
  3. Fixed bugs related to romantic companion scenes. No more lovers will run out of your chambers, nor will their abilities disappear after dates!
  4. Added new weather for different mythic paths;
  5. Numerous bug fixes related to recently added archetypes and spells;
  6. Reworked the state of Drezen city for Swarm-That-Walks and a lot of fixes for Swarm-That-Walks including a new cutscene.
  8. If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves! If the mods have not been updated yet and you want to play on the old version, then switch to the 2.3.3k.
  10. Beware of possible plot spoilers below!
  12. Areas
  13. Mythic Demon could enter the inaccessible area of the Ineluctable Prison - fixed;
  14. Swarm-That-Walks has the counselors and crusaders removed from Drezen, and tultist traders added in place of the normal traders;
  15. Improved the navigation in Midnight Fane;
  16. Greybor will no longer appear in the tavern if he was killed by the player character;
  17. If Gesmerha was devoured by Swarm-That-Walks, she will not apear in Wintersun anymore;
  18. Ulbrig will no longer run around the camp during the gargoyle attack before meeting the Commander;
  19. Sosiel no longer runs away from the Commander's bedroom after loading a save in that location;
  20. The party can no longer go outside the map in one of the Ember quests;
  21. Nymphs will no longer mourn the burning of the tree in Storasta if they are dead;
  22. Now in all parts of Storasta the terrain type is displayed correctly;
  23. The Quasit that rewards the player in Chapter 5 can now be found using the minimap;
  24. Fixed a bug where the scene of demons torturing townspeople overlapped with the romantic scene with Camelia in the temple;
  25. Fixed a bug in Drezen where Anevia might not return to her place in the throneroom and interfere with other petitioners. Also fixed a possible delay in the event about finding the killer in Drezen;
  26. Removed an unnecessary extra key from Razmir's Palace in A Dance of Masks DLC;
  27. During the gargoyle attack on the crusaders' camp in the 2nd chapter, Ulbrig fought with his bare hands and without buffs – fixed;
  28. Fixed the navigation in Reliable Redoubt;
  29. Fixed the animation bug when the characters were leaving Garden of the Gods;
  30. Fixed the appearance of mercenaries at the celebration in A Dance of Masks DLC;
  31. A wrong island could appear in Treasure of The Midnight Isles DLC. Those who are already on this island will still be able to explore and leave it;
  32. When changing the party members in Razmir's palace, a mercenary could disappear - fixed;
  33. Improved visibility in the cutscene with the vescavor bait. Now the soldiers will not go into the darkness, the cutscene with them being absorbed by the swarm will be clearly visible;
  34. Now after visiting Areelu's laboratory, the rest on the Azata island will not be replaced by a fake one.
  36. Quests
  37. Added Ulbrig's cues for several occasions during the game - the Blackwater quest, Seilkind's quest, Morveg's quest, etc;
  38. Removed the option to infinitely gain alignment for Azatas in Threshold;
  39. An attack on the Defender's Heart tavern can now occur if, after being informed of readiness to assault the Gray Garrison, the player's character refused to go during the party formation stage;
  40. Now the quest "Starward Gaze" fails at the beginning of the second chapter if it was not completed in the first chapter;
  41. Fixed a bug where the hag could remain alive when choosing to kill her during the Arushalae's quest;
  42. The cutscene with Voetiel could function incorrectly when the player was using a gamepad - fixed;
  43. If the player character leaves the path of the Lich and becomes a Legend, Golden Dragon, or Swarm-That-Walks, they will have the opportunity to gather companions upon exiting the ziggurat;
  44. Reworked the skill check when trying to move the golem during the Wolzhif's quest. Now, if you fail, the player will still be able to move the golem, but it will take time, and everyone in the party will get tired;
  45. When descending into the Nexus mines, you will no longer be prompted to reform your party if the Lich has completed all of the tasks;
  46. Swarm That Walks couldn't inspect the points of interest in Kenabres in A Dance of Masks DLC – fixed;
  47. In A Dance of Masks DLC, Seelah will no longer mention the arena before you visited it;
  48. Now goblin Norte's quest will fail if you decide to attack him during the conversation near cages;
  49. Sparing the swindling actors in A Dance of Masks DLC provided too much Chaotic points to a player - fixed;
  50. Slightly reworked the romantic event with Galfrey in A Dance of Masks DLC;
  51. Now the crusaders in Sosiel's scene in the Lost Chapel will not appear if Sosiel was banished from the party;
  52. In some cases Greybor's quest in Chapter 5 didn't unlock properly — fixed;
  53. After loading an autosave made after Pulura's Fall, Hand of the Inheritor would stop interacting with the Commander - fixed;
  54. "A Lesson in Applied Conjuration" quest didn't fail after enetring the Chapter 4 — fixed;
  55. "Middlegame" quest was mistakenly issued with automatic crusade enabled — fixed;
  56. "Endgame" quest was mistakenly issued with automatic crusade enabled — fixed;
  57. "Feud of the Faithful" quest didn't fail after enetring the Chapter 2 — fixed;
  58. "Demonic Parasites" quest didn't fail after enetring the Chapter 4 — fixed;
  59. If a player ate Malessa in Drezen as Swarm-That-Walks, they could still get the quest to save her — fixed.
  61. Items
  62. Additional damage of Virtuous Starknife is cold iron now;
  63. Updated the loot in Razmir's Palace illustrated book episode;
  64. Scarab of Protection and Medallion of Demonic Disruption no longer counts as junk when autoselling;
  65. Angel's sword Speed of Light now gives two additional attacks instead of one.
  67. Crusade
  68. Call for Reserve event used to summon different amount of units each time – fixed, now it will be more predictable;
  69. Blade of the inheritor ability was not dealing damage — fixed.
  71. Classes & Mechanics
  72. In the third act, we added a shortcut from Lands of Yath to West Sellen for PC's party. Please note that it does not work for the armies;
  73. If Ulbrig joins in Chapter 5 and the player character is a Legend, Ulbrig will gain 8 mythic levels;
  74. When completing Chapter 2, the characters will fully heal and get rid of all negative effects;
  75. The player's character will no longer suffer from overencumbrance during Arushalae's dream;
  76. Feat "Shifter's Edge" now works correctly;
  77. Daeran can now be kicked from the party in Chapter 4;
  78. Some characters from Queen Galfrey's escort in Iz did not participate in the battle - fixed;
  79. Now in arena battles, characters will appear on their mounts;
  80. Blinding Ray now works correctly;
  81. Mythic Buckler — Flying Shield Style now works correctly;
  82. Bladebound's Black Blade had an incorrect number of HP – fixed;
  83. The intoxication from a Fermented Beer Elemental was so strong, that it could damage the fabric of reality itself, causing the game to crash. We've reduced its strength, and now you can enjoy both the beer and the game. For the glory of Cayden Cailean!
  84. Arcane Bond didn't replenish spell slots for sorcerers – fixed;
  85. Some classes, like monks, could't take levels in Living Grimoire archetype – fixed;
  86. Fixed an issue with kinetic blade, which prevented characters from making an attack of opportunity;
  87. Loremaster didn't get benefits from selecting Living Grimoire's spellbook – fixed;
  88. Changed the way Blood Boil spell works in Verdant Caves in The Lord of Nothing DLC. Now it will be properly removed after battle;
  89. Kinetic Knight's Kinetic Warrior ability now counts as having Combat Expertise for Feint;
  90. Magic Deceiver – Living Deity can now have 4 domains with Trickster's Lore (Religion) 2 rank;
  91. Proclaimer's abilities disappeared at the 19th level instead of upgrading – fixed;
  92. Sable Company Marine's hippogriff companion didn't get favored enemy bonuses – fixed;
  93. Thassilonian Specialist can select spells from DLCs now;
  94. Holding Living Grimoire's holy book erroneously activated warpriest's Sacred Weapon ability for the weapon selected for Weapon Focus feat – fixed;
  95. After being used on dominated allies, the Deadly Fascination ability of the Mantis Zealot archetype didn't stop working after the domination effect ended – fixed;
  96. Pestilence Spirit, the unique spirit of Prophet of Pestilence shaman archetype, has received its own manifestation;
  97. Reworked the progression of Bladebound magus archetype. True Magus feat has been replaced with a brand new True Bond feat. Independent Ego ability now provides an AC bonus, when the bladehound is holding their black blade;
  98. Clarified the description of prerequisites for warpriest's bonus feats, added information about the BAB;
  99. Some enchantmets of Living Grimoire's holy book didn't work correctly – fixed;
  100. Spell Bane feat didn't work with Bane special ability of Living Grimoire's holy book – fixed;
  101. Kinetic Sharpshooter is now proficient with all shields except Tower Shields, and got a new unique 20 level feat;
  102. The Spell Master's (Mage archetype) ability "Focused Spells" now functions correctly;
  103. Mounted characters will now also move to the starting positions at the end of the battle;
  104. Warpriest archetype's Red Shroud ability, Mantis Zealot sub-class, at level 13 is used via a quick action instead of a free one - fixed;
  105. Features that buff the cavalier when they perform a Charge attack will now correctly buff them if the attack was initiated by a pet;
  106. Guarded Hearth ability has returned to the previous version of bonus types - fixed;
  107. Bloodseeker's Sense Vitals ability was calculated incorrectly - fixed;
  108. Fixed a bug where Wenduag could lose the ability to shift after one of the romantic events;
  109. Barbarian's Rage Power Come and Get Me is now correctly issued if you first enable the rage power ability and then use rage;
  110. The hippogriff's Flying Attack ability didn't work correctly against swarm-type enemies - fixed;
  111. Fixed Paladin's mount progression;
  112. Fixed Devil/Demon aspects not working for fiendflesh shifter on level 9;
  113. Fixed the lacking buff when the player is resting on the island of Azata;
  114. Devil's decree of Never-ending War didn't work - fixed;
  115. Fixed the damage description of the Exploding Arrows infusion of the Kinetic Sharpshooter archetype;
  116. Imitator's Master Slayer ability requirements were reworked for it to work correctly;
  117. Bloodseekr archetype has been reworked and got a lot of new abilities: 1) All blood abilities that required a save throw got a difficulty boost. Now the formula is 10+ Bloodseeker level + Intelligence mod. 2) Blood Jet ability - damage increased to 1d8 per Bloodseeker level. 3) Cone of Blood ability - damage increased to 1d6 per Bloodseeker level. 4) Carrion Form ability - now has undead feats. 5) Master of Blood ability - now the same reinforcement bonuses are given to spells for blood points - Enervation, Wracking Ray, Vampiric Shadow Shield, Vampiric Touch. Also changed the descriptor type from Profane to Inherent. 6) Added a new ability - Growing Thirst (levels 4,8,12,16) - increases the crit range of Bloodseeker's bite by 1.
  119. UI
  120. Fixed an incorrect description of the action at the Rasping Rifts location;
  121. During the dialogue with Nocticula, Iomedae's lines appeared with the wrong portrait - fixed;
  122. The description of the "Shatter Ceiling" ability in the Purple Worm's ability has been fixed;
  123. Fixed dialogue during the personal quest of the Seelah when playing as Aeon;
  124. Improved the display of some text messages when exploring the festival square of Kenabres;
  125. Sometimes after a romantic scene in the bedroom, an icon on the door could disappear, making it difficult to exit the room – fixed;
  126. Fixed a number of typos and "unknown key" errors in descriptions;
  127. The Sable Company Marine archetype now has the Hippogriff's Flying Attack ability on the quick access bar;
  128. Fixed Anevia's wrong conversation line.
  130. Visual
  131. The halo of the Angel or the swarm of insects of Swarm-That-Walks was located on the character model lower than intended - fixed;
  132. Fixed visual effects of demons spawning in some locations;
  133. Fixed Staunton's animations in conversation after returning from the past in the Aeon storyline;
  134. We asked the dragons to move over during the cutscene in Threshhold, and now there's enough room for everyone;
  135. Fixed incorrect lighting in Nameless Ruins;
  136. Ulbrig now removes his griffon form during the first encounter with Sigvorn and Ysenna;
  137. Improved dialogue cutscene in Blackwing Library;
  138. Fixed a visual bug where the cavallier would put their weapon away after attacking;
  139. Fixed the visual effect of inquisitor's Word of God ability;
  140. After shifting back to humanoid form, a shifter character could experience issues with helmet and backpack visibility settings – fixed;
  141. Fixed a number of cutscenes where characters' appearances were altered – they will return to their normal looks now;
  142. The player will now dismount during the cutscene of the first meeting with Irabeth;
  143. Fixed the limping animation;
  144. Fixed a bug where some mongrels could disappear if saves from older versions were loaded into new ones;
  145. Fixed the limping animation;
  146. Swarm-That-Walks can now eat the entire Chilly Creek village in the new cutscene, if they ate Malessa before.
  148. System
  149. Fixed a bug due to which characters that were not currently available for direct control were sometimes available for control using console controls;
  150. The game could freeze in A Dance of Masks DLC in the tavern when Ember says her speach — fixed;
  151. Fixed a bug where the screen would go dark and the game would freeze briefly after taking a rest.
  153. Mis?
  154. Logistics have been restored! The Skeletal salesman will now sell the items that player characters previously requested;
  155. Regill will no longer speak in councils if he is not a companion of the player character;
  156. Added camp banters: Ulbrig's birthday banter, Ulbrig's, Evil Arueshalae's, Trever's DLC banter;
  157. We forbade speaking to the Pillar of Skulls during the ritual;
  158. Companions could wish the main character a happy birthday and call them a commander before they actually became the commander – fixed;
  159. Camera didn't follow the character selected by double click correctly – fixed;
  160. Dialogue with Jannah Aldori was not always played correctly — fixed;
  161. The portal from which Deskari appeared in a random encounter with Swarm-That-Walks did not disappear and remained on the location forever — fixed;
  162. Fixed a bug where hostile cultists were coming to Drezen's Citadel on the Path of the Swarm.