- Update v1.0.7:
- Gameplay
- Missions
- Fixed bug concerning Enterprise Missions Availability. Users who have the Enterprise will now correctly receive missions suitable for it, ensuring appropriate gameplay challenges.
- Cardassian Mission Tree node Education is Power node will now show the correct effect:
- +35% when the node is claimed.
- Espionage mission Hack Starbase will no longer be possible in Neutral Zones.
- Fixed the issue by which Minor Powers could finish the First Contact process during the Mission Tutorial: First Contact. Minor Powers will no longer be able to finish First Contact before the Player has finished said tutorial mission.
- Events
- Reworked The Gas Dilemma event to make it less punishing and more clear:
- Increased the energy and mineral costs of some of the options.
- Took out the effects that killed pops (save for the first one).
- Made a new, lesser version of the Exotic Fuel Source modifier granted when you keep one of the negative ones.
- The “Shut Up, Wesley!†event will no longer be required for the Enterprise to be built to spawn.
- Content
- Tooltips:
- The Liberation War Casus Belli tooltip will now explain clearly what the player must do to declare this type of war via the Diplomacy Window.
- Minefields tooltip will now correctly show the effect they cause on ships when entering the system.
- Balance
- We reworked the formula for pop conversion probability. There will now be more probabilities for a pop to convert when using Reeducate Pops.
- Fixed a bug where the Unrepenting Exploitation civic was deducing resources. It will now cancel the resource siphoning when fleets stop bombarding the enemy planets.
- Bugs
- Fixed bug where you couldn't deprioritize research, it will now be possible to deselect prioritized research.
- Fixed California Class Ship Design Bug. California class ships will no longer show the upgrade icon.
- Lore
- Cerritos and California class ships' 3d models were adjusted to follow the lore more closely.
- Fixed an issue where Nausicaan Fleets incorrectly displayed the Borg flag. They will now display the Nausicaan flag.
- Audio
- Galaxy ambiance sound was lowered so it stopped overtaking music and UI sounds. Hazard's audio was also lowered in volume to match the ambiance of the galaxy map.
- Diplomacy tab for Nausicaan, El-Aurian, and Ferengi: Support Power will now trigger correspondent barks audios.
- VFX Fixed a bug concerning survey VFX. They will now look correct when interacting with any celestial body size.
- UI
- Fixed a bug that caused windowed mode to sometimes ignore settings made on the launcher before starting the game.
- Fixed bug concerning particular edge cases of "Fullscreen Borderless Mode".
- Fixed the Investigate button in the Suspicious Flares situation: It will now reference the correct node when playing with the Romulan Empire.
- Language, spelling & localization
- Fixed typo in the End of An Era node, it will now say "Federation" instead of "Fedaration".
- Mission Tree: name and position for the Enterprise's crew are separated by a hyphen.
- Fixed multiple visible localization keys in all languages along the game:
- Fixed several localization issues in French translation.
- Button “Victory Condition†in the Victory window
- Title “Victory Conditions†in VC window
- "Class†column in Expansion Planner
- Button “Finish Design†in Ship Designer
- Intel and Relations in any MiPo Diplomacy window.
- Casus belli territorial reparations.
- Improving relations with a puppet state.
- Update v1.0.6hf2:
- Rules of engagement for cloaked ships fixed to prevent infinite standoff
- Update v1.0.6hf1:
- Science points are no longer required to Start research special projects, only complete them
- Nausicaans no longer have closed borders and are now also hostile
- UFP Reform the Chapters Mission node no longer requires construction of any Starfleet Academy buildings (since its an empire unique building granted from start)
- Update v1.0.6:
- Crashes
- ​
- Fixed a crash occurring when swapping to and from Galaxy/System View.
- The game will no longer crash when loading a save game in which the UFP was eliminated.
- Gameplay
- Events
- Legacy events will no longer be triggered upon the destruction of a Ferengi country.
- The "The Birds" event will no longer trigger on any colony that was already devastated by the Crystalline entity.
- Content
- To avoid confusion, Leader gain level messages will no longer show the Skill level effects item when no effects are produced.
- Gas Giants will no longer be used as moons of lighter planets.
- Balance
- Fixed never-ending war cases. Wars will now end in surrender or status quo if one side is fully occupied (the exception is the wars that require some missions like coup wars as an attacker).
- Special Projects with no cost will no longer require an assigned Researcher scientist to progress.
- Players will no longer be able to exceed the maximum amount of claims using the 'Ratify Claims' diplomacy option, aligning with the expected claim limits.
- Nausicaan Enclaves: it will no longer be possible to destroy Nausicaan systems (both Destroyers and Skullcrushers), preventing that threat from disappearing completely.
- Pirates are not affected by this change.
- Bugs
- Empathic Diplomacy progress will be recovered when Minor Powers are integrated.
- Highway Stabilization Field tech: It will now properly reveal all highway nodes
- Lore
- ​
- According to lore, only one "Starfleet Academy" building will now exist, the one the UFP starts with on Earth.
- Updated Worf’s portrait to use his admiral outfit from DS9.
- Music
- ​
- Players who own the Deluxe edition will now hear the Deluxe Playlist by default. Said playlist will now include standard tracks and skip the main theme on game start, as it was intended.
- Main theme will now be played when going back to the main menu
- Advisor audio will now stop playing when returning to the main menu.
- Changing species rights while paused playing as Romulan will no longer reset when unpausing.
- UI
- ​
- System Claim
- The lists now are divided: on top it shows your current claims and on the bottom, the ones you're going to add or remove.
- The influence cost now only appears in the claims you are planning to add
- The confirmation button will now be inside the bottom list because it only affects those ones.
- There's a new X button to remove claims from the list.
- Fixed placement of the flag when two powers claim the same system.
- Fixed the scroll bar for claims greater than 4.
- Buttons & Hotkeys
- Fixed the “Go to†button, it will now work properly.
- Fixed Settings visual glitch in view buttons after scaling up the UI.
- The "Create Neutral Zone" button will now be disabled when there are no systems available.
- Remapped Starbase hotkeys to avoid confusion and prevent inconsistent behavior.
- Image & resolution
- Fixed resolution issues in Windowed mode. Due to Windows Layout Scale interfering with the Game Resolution, we recommend setting it up to 100% (normal scaling) and using GUI scaling inside the game options.
- Fixed resolution issues when using multiple monitors: the game will now adjust when detecting resolution discordances.
- Updated font to better support higher resolutions with UI upscaling.
- Language, spelling & localization
- ​
- Fixed texts related to buildings that were checking for non-existent colonies.
- Fixed typos starbase restock localization will now say "starbase" instead of "starbse."
- Update v1.0.5hf1:
- We Identified the cause of a frequent but elusive mid game crash and uploaded a fix for it.
- Additionally we fixed a problem with our debug information that allows us to better address issues like this if they get reported through the crash reporter tool when the incident happens which is now functional on PC.
- Update v1.0.5:
- Gameplay
- Mission Tree​
- Federation's "Revival" mission: fixed the “Terraformed planets type M†condition not working on some languages.
- Requesting the mission "Shipping It" from a Minor Power, and choosing to complete the special project "Tech Support" that follows will now require a science ship instead of a pure research cost.
- Romulan Mission Tree: “Web of Spies†node from “Born to Spy†civic will now increase recruitable Spy cap granting its full described effect.
- “Restoring Honor†Klingon mission tree node will now indicate it searches for new ships once the node is available.
- Events
- Neutral Zones will no longer block events or missions ensuring access to essential systems for mission tree completion.
- Fixed "Early Terraformers" event sequence. The required "Terraforming the Impossible" special project can now be completed with a science ship instead of a pure resource expense.
- Ride or Die event now refers to the player as "humanoid" rather than "human,"
- Players can now research and solve the "Mind Program" special project that completes the "Memory Alpha" event sequence as the Federation.
- Civics
- Major power civic limit will no longer be blocked by Minor Power Civics.
- Reworked assimilation behavior:
- After assimilating a Minor Power, Major Powers will only get their exclusive civic.
- From now on, Civics Victory Condition will only take into account Minor Powers exclusive civics.
- Pacts
- Fixed a bug in Commercial & Defensive Pacts: they will now display the proper Power when proposed from a third party.
- Protection pacts:
- MaPos and MiPos Protection Pacts will no longer break when the opinion level stops being "good". They will now have to go beyond the neutral to bad threshold.
- This will also be duly communicated in a notification message that explains what power is responsible for breaking the pact.
- Content
- Corrected tooltip for species population. It will no longer display "0 planets" for Major Powers at game start.
- First contact window: replaced the text “Current research†for the more accurate “Current progress†and added info about rewards in the tooltip.
- Other issues
- Boxer system: Fixed misplaced deposits in the Boxer system and added planetary features to Boxer Prime; it now can support energy, mining, and farming districts as intended.
- Fixed issue with duplicated species. Humans and Bajorans will no longer appear as duplicates.
- Fixed romulan assimilation bug. Romulans will now be able to get every colony when assimilating a Minor Power.
- Removing claims when opening the window from the diplomacy dialog “Ratify Claims†now works correctly providing feedback on the claims selected for removal.
- Governor missions will be ended if the governor executed gets removed for an election.
- Weapons​
- Several VFX improvements to provide more accurate weapons:
- Weapon modules that use Phaser will now fire beams instead of bolts with a VFX unique to these weapons.
- Cutting beams VFX will now match with their icons.
- Point defenses will now fire bolts and their icons have been correctly reassigned.
- Quantum Torpedoes were redesigned to look according to canon.
- Ships​
- Fixed Cloaking Device Bug: Ships will now correctly utilize “first strike†ability with clear ships effect feedback, ensuring effective cloaking.
- Added the ability to edit and upgrade hero ships and their related classes in the Ship Designer view, as requested by the community.
- Basic California-Class ships will now be treated as a non-designable civilian ship, while keeping its support capabilities. The Cerritos Hero Ship will not be affected by these changes.
- Added sound effects for the Federation ship California.
- Borg ships will now be referred to as ships or vessels instead of “Cube“, as not all Borg ships are so.
- Music​
- Updated music settings to default to the Deluxe playlist for players who own the Music DLC, and adjusted the game to skip the main theme on game start.
- UI​
- Image & resolution
- Resolution issues: adjusted minimum display resolution to 1280x800.
- Changed textbox size for level-up popups. Planet names will no longer overlap with the traits, no matter its length.
- Jobs tab in Planet window will now have an horizontal scrollbar to allow navigation when there's more than nine jobs.
- Nausicaan Destroyers: replaced first contact images for Stage 1 and Stage 2.
- Language, spelling & localization​
- Fixed texts:
- Misspellings in sentence "The day we started mining §HDilithium§! on an industrial scale could also be thought of as the real birth of the space age"
- Diplomatic Stance will now say "Duplicitous" instead of “Duplicious".
- “The Fearless†will now be “U.S.S. Fearless†throughout the game.
- Fixed localization for failed UFP integration: "Our proposal to integrate [...] was declined".
- Text info regarding the "Request Subject Liberation" will now be complete.
- Update v1.0.4:
- Gameplay​
- Mission Tree​
- “Born to Spy†Civic from the Romulan Mission Tree will now apply its effects correctly: +1 bonus to spy mission checks and increase your maximum spy cap by +1.
- “Age of Diplomacy†Cardassian mission node now requires 2 pacts instead of 4 and 20 gifts counting repeat gifts to the same power, minor or major.
- Requirements for Geordi LaForge’s Mission Tree node reduced from 3 anomalies Enterprise needs to research to 1.
- "Clean Slate" Cardassian mission will no longer ask for more than 80% empire stability but for 80% or higher.
- The "Doctor's Orders" mission node has it's requirements reduced to just surveying one system on a hazard.
- Events
- “Early terraformers†event now limited to Barren biome planets.
- Requirements to start UFP Minor Power integration are now properly checked.
- Shadows Without Bodies event for Romulans and Cardassians: corrected multiplier value for energy credits from 500 to 6.
- “Odd Flare†event will now always create an anomaly that allows the player to continue the chain of events.
- Cardassia V will now longer be affected by events that weren't intended for it. This fix will not apply retroactively to savegames.
- Balance
- Settlers will now produce 2 amenities each in order to avoid starting colonies with negative amenities.
- Spawn rate for anomalies doubled in early game.
- Certain anomalies will only spawn after the player has built the Enterprise.
- Kurlan Naiskos anomaly will not repeat"
- Reworked success rate in Espionage missions in order to encourage strategic decision making. It will now present a progression from "Gather Intel" - the easiest - to "Sabotage Starbase" - the hardest - based on risk and reward rates.
- Systems will no longer be generated far away from the galactic core, in order to avoid difficulties while trying to access specific systems at the edges of the map.
- Finishing Janeway's path for the crisis will now correctly re-open the highway node previously closed by the Borg.
- "Terraform technology" will now be a prerequisite to "Advanced Terraform Technology".
- The Enterprise will no longer be left without a captain after a procedurally generated captain is removed from it.
- Neutral Zones identification:
- Neutral Zones will now display a flag for Unidentified Empires
- Unidentified Empires will now be described as Neutral Zones
- Corrected Reality Rift galactic hazard damage, it will now display the real amount of 300.
- Lore​
- Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites will now be considered founding members species of UFP.
- Enterprise leaders will no longer be susceptible to de-assignment.
- Troi will no longer be dismissed as a special envoy when limits are reduced; she will now remain regardless of envoys limit changes.
- Fixed leader traits for Riker, he will now spawn with its corresponding traits.
- Event coherence: The following events will no longer occur in Habitats worlds:
- Metamorphosis
- Of Klingons and Romulans
- Femnova
- Paradise
- Forever Young
- The Birds and The Beeps
- Ruins Uncovered
- Stella Maris
- Captain Dad
- Ships
- ​
- Added Warp Speed minimum limit to prevent excessive negative effects stacking below it.
- Ships will no longer carry hazard effects out of the hazard zone.
- Fleet manager will now reflect changes in the Enterprise fleet if it gets updated while it is open.
- Reworked ship names:
- New names added per major power, to reduce likelihood of ship names repeating
- Lore-inspired ship names, drawing from that civilization's history, culture, and notable persons including rulers, scientists, cultural icons and other thought leaders."
- UI​
- Image & resolution
- Replaced icon for "Do no harm" modifier to make it more intuitive.
- Reworked colors for job icons, they will now have colors according to tier, being specialist's icons in silver and worker's icons in bronze.
- Text fitting will no longer truncate the text and will now avoid losing format while fitting.
- Fixed the cropped Trade Negotiations Window, it will now fit the screen in resolutions lower than 1440p
- Fixed compatibility issues with "Full Tiny Outliner" mod. Texts should not overlap anymore.
- Notifications
- Assassination Attempt" MiPo Mission now displays the correct Minor Power name.
- The Hire a Leader popup will no longer crash if the tooltip for its options becomes invalid while its still open.
- "Spy mission failed" pop-up will now trigger for the correct player and will include the name of the target empire and the system that the mission took place in.
- The “New tradition alert†pop-up will no longer appear once the player has activated all of the traditions.
- Home Planets will now be listed in the Species Tab.
- Deceased Enterprise captains will no longer show up in the Leaders window.
- Corrected timing for victory and defeat notifications during a war. They will now appear immediately after two other major powers fought a war, the player chose to support one side in the Situation, and the Situation completed.
- "First Contact With a New Civilization" event. Clarified information about the option "Aliens" modifier that increases pop growth speed. It will now show that's 5% for 5 years.
- Special projects related to several MiPo missions will now specify the amount of Research required, when it applies.
- Audio​
- Adjusted the pitch of Klingon voiceovers to better match character profiles in both English and Klingon versions.
- You will now hear "nuq'neH" both in English and Klingon when the Diplomacy window is open.
- Language, spelling & localization​
- New localization batch incorporated. It addresses all reported localization issues and includes fixes up to and including last week.
- Borg Crisis: Modified text of the "Hivemind Vessel" event option B to clarify that choosing this option will push the next part of the crisis further down the line.
- Added missing localization for Klingon planet modifier Sto’Vo’Kor in Qo’noS colony.
- Fixed localization for the tech that unlocks the Defiant-Class, it will now include the name of the ship class with the proper tooltip and description on hover.
- Fixed several localization issues in Spanish including texts for Romulan ship reactors, war situation events and Diplomatic Stance policies.
- Fixed localization issues for
- Defiant schematics description
- Upgrade Defense Platform
- Mentions of FTL and Hyperlanes have been replaced for "warp", the proper terminology.
- Update v1.0.3:
- Sync & Save
- Save games will now remember the current uniform in use for Cerritos and dark UFoP
- Gameplay & Balance
- Increased waves of Borg that appear during the Pathogen deployment:
- 1st event "Probe Defenses": from 2 to 6
- 2nd event "Counteract Security Measures": from 3 to 4 and a medium size cube
- UFP Mission Tree: node "Exodus" won't get blocked anymore when you cancel "Immediate Evacuation"
- Cardassian Mission Tree: Free at least one species using the “Back to Basics†species profile is now required to the "Reform" node
- Espionage Missions: “Gather Intel†& “Sabotage Starbase†will no longer be able to be carried out in Systems that are part of a Neutral Zone to avoid unintended behaviors
- Major Powers will now be capable of breaking any migration pact they have
- Lowered the requirement for the "Subspace Sweetie" achievement to 3 gifts, so it's less difficult to reach
- Ships
- Enterprise-E will now have its name and registration embedded
- Fixed the issue where the Enterprise was destroyed in certain events outside of war scenarios. It now correctly shows as M.I.A. (missing in action) when appropriate
- A fleet returning from MIA will now do everything possible to return to a system not under siege
- Corrected discrepancy between ship size info on the ship window and the galaxy tokens
- Lore
- Corrected species traits for Ferengi and Nausicaans: they will now have traits according to lore
- California class ships will now be named after cities in California, according to lore
- All four UFP species now display their homeworlds correctly according to lore
- Crystalline Entity
- Events:
- A new system will now be created on the spot to be their homeworld instead of them choosing an existing system
- Reduced the time that a Crystalline entity takes to become hostile from 60 to 5 days so that there’s continuity to these events
- Added a lacking background image for Crystalline Entity in the Fleet View
- Fleet View now shows the Crystalline Entity ship with the correct localization
- Fixed Crystalline Entity Fleet Names after successfully recruiting the Crystalline Entity as a fleet through the relevant event sequence
- Audio
- Fixed volume and/or quality issues in:
- Cardassian Male Greeting "Our Union greets you."
- Andorian female Greeting "Let us converse."
- Cairn female and male Greeting "We will respect your privacy."
- Cardassian female Greeting "Our Union greets you."
- Cardassian advisor "Our Warp capabilities have been improved. I've drafted a memo for your approval..."
- UI
- Added a scrollbar for large texts in diplomatic issues to be readable in every resolution
- Reinforcement finished alert will now show the correct iconography
- Replaced multiplayer chat icon
- Language, Localization, & Spelling
- Mission Tree:
- Starburst node: reworked texts to guide the player into the building of Bulk Carriers"
- Espionage Missions will now show more clearly their success chance:
- Less than:
- More than: >X%
- Between: X%-Y%"
- Outliner: Replaced the text "Reorder Planets" with the more accurate "Reorder Elements"
- Added missing localization in the “Warp Agreements†modifier
- The text "We do not have enough Resources!" was added to all languages and will now appear when you do not have the necessary resources to hire the leader
- Captain Janeway Event: the option that read "Use this advantage with caution." has been cut
- Added dots for the acronym USS to follow the ship naming convention in Star Trek (U.S.S. Enterprise, etc.) in all languages
- “Proton Torpedo†mentioned in events changed to correct spelling (“Photon Torpedoâ€)
- Update v1.0.2hf1:
- Removed the effects of automatic resolution scaling for resolutions above 1920x1080.
- That change was intended only for lower resolutions to ensure UI fits the screen.
- UI Scaling is still available for all resolutions in the settings menu, other issues regarding the quality of up-scaled UI are still being worked on.
- Update v1.0.2:
- Bug Fixes
- Sync & Save
- Fixed savegame corruption that would happen after winning certain types of war.
- Ironman mode no longer requires cloud saves. You can also now play Ironman (and therefore unlock achievements) without an internet connection.
- Fixed Advisor’s preferences. New games will now be remembered if the player chooses not to have the advisor and tips present in previous games.
- Gameplay
- Removed the War Situation Event "Lost Contact" that made fleets disappear.
- The "Control Demilitarized Zone" node for the Federation can now be completed. Game Restart is needed for this fix to be effective.
- Fixed highway visuals. Warp highways no longer point to the galactic core in certain situations (like fighting a Nausicaan fleet), but to their given directions.
- Borg Crisis
- The Borg crisis will no longer be impossible to complete if Picard dies before the "The Official" project appears. If you are playing as the UFP and don't have Picard when "The Official" special project finishes, a new leader will now be created so that you can finish the rest of the crisis the same way as the other MaPos.
- Countdown timers and auto-fail conditions were added for Borg Crisis Special Projects so the player will not be blocked from continuing the Crisis if they do not finish a Special Project.
- All finished Special Projects related to the Borg Crisis will now be removed from the Mission Log upon completion.
- Content
- Corrected duplicated Riker character. Riker will no longer appear as a recruitable leader, he'll only replace Picard as captain of the Enterprise.
- Removed the War Situation Event "Lost Contact" that made fleets disappear.
- The "Control Demilitarized Zone" node for the Federation can now be completed. Game Restart is needed for this fix to be effective.
- Fixed Idanian's "Secretive" trait. It now reduces the energy upkeep of pops by -25%, as it was intended.
- Romulan Supernova Event will now be triggered when players evacuate all of their pops from Romulus before the sun turns Supernova, as it was originally intended.
- “Defensive Pacts, Non-Aggression Pacts, Commercial Pacts, Research Agreements, and Guarantee Independence will not be blocked even if one of the Powers involved dominates the Balance of Power with a great advantage.â€
- The following buildings will now be planet-unique
- UFP’s Chateau
- Romulan’s Amphitheater
- Cardassian’s Surveillance Complex
- Klingon’s Pilgrimage Site
- Ships
- Reworked ships' behavior
- Outside Warp Zone Ranges
- Fleets can now travel into any system within your warp range even after being left out of it by ending a war or terminating a share warp agreement
- When in combat
- Ships will now take into account their weapon's range to engage valid targets while following their combat computer's given behavior, ensuring they make good use of all their weapons.
- Fixed ship options
- Ships obtained through assimilation now don't show the upgrade button active.
- Fixed Fleet Manager settings
- The Enterprise will now be protected from accidental dismantling.
- Klingon Bird of Prey can now be equipped with a Cloaking Device.
- UI
- The initial UI scaling will now be determined by the game's resolution.
- The Empire Selection Screen is now available in every possible resolution.
- Changed the default window mode setting to borderless fullscreen to avoid initial crashes on certain systems.
- Tutorial steps will no longer be blocked by the tutorial prompt.
- Fixed ship size’s iconography inconsistency and positions.
- Corrected scrollbar issue in the technology window.
- The 'L' hotkey will now allow players to access the lobby chat during a multiplayer game.
- Audio
- Ownership of Klingon VO pack and Lower Decks theme pack is now properly verified by the launcher.
- The following audio messages will no longer be triggered every time a leader is removed from the game for different reasons nor play at the start of the tutorial
- UFP: We have lost a true Federation Hero.
- Romulan: We have lost a great military mind
- Klingon: One of our bravest has gone to Sto-vo-kor.
- Cardassian: One of our union’s most loyal subjects has passed into History.
- Language, spelling & localization
- Updated Borg ship localization. It will now reflect that not all Borg ships are cube-shaped.
- Fixed spelling. Coridan planet/system is now spelled correctly according to the lore
- Rectified tooltips:
- Info for the "Miner's Research" modifier of the Femnova event. It now shows its effect: "Miners produce Research: +0.25".
- Update clarifying why a high balance of power differential prevents some diplomatic actions with other civilizations.
- Update clarifying Silent Alarms and their relation to possible spy presence in that system.
- Corrected Malcorian's "Cynical" trait effect tooltip typo. It now says “Specialists produceâ€.
- Fixed localization in the Advanced Bio-Crop Theory tech tooltip for Klingons.
- Update v1.0.1:
- Bug Fixes
- Sync & Save
- Fixed syncing and IronMan mode for Steam Cloud saves.
- Fixed issue with corrupted save games due to wars with unset war goals.
- Settings
- Changed default window mode setting to borderless fullscreen.
- Mac Issues
- Fixed large trade networks view crash on Mac.
- Fixed tutorial crash on Mac.
- Balance
- The node "Paradigm Shift" of the Romulan Mission Tree will now require activating the correct policies: "Fast-Tracked Curriculum" and "Cautious First Contact Protocol".
- Fixed permanent Planet modifiers in governor missions: when a governor leaves a mission on a planet due to winning the election, their modifiers will now be removed from said planet.
- Fixed Societal Studies Tradition effects issue:
- It now accelerates by +10% the spy mission progress rate.
- It now increases the maximum level of spies by +2.
- Fixed Opinion loss consequences of failing a spy mission:
- Temporal
- Decay per month: -1 point
- Reworked Nausicaan pirate attacks to make them less aggressive:
- They won't attack the same MaPo twice in a row anymore.
- Min. Small ships size: 6 (-2)
- Min. Medium ships size: 3 (-1)
- Officers: 90% (-10%)
- Aftermath Event: The first Borg special project now spawns on a highway node to prevent others from occupying the system and making the event chain unfinishable.
- Evacuation of Romulus now allows players to obtain 'From a Dying Star' achievement. Not retroactive.
- Fixed requirements for the Cardassian Obsidian Order mission node.
- Equal or greater number of buildings and missions.
- Failed assimilation now frees the envoys.
- Ships
- Fixed Romulan reactors: they now output the intended power for all ship sizes.
- Fixed both versions of the Enterprise to make them more akin to cannon. This results in ships that feel more authentic and more powerful.
- Added only Phaser and Photon Torpedo weapons components.
- Added Maneuverability.
- Added Assisted targeting components (and a shield booster for the E).
- Prioritized shields over armor components.
- Lore
- Fixed UFP starting president species from T'Pragh's into Vulcan.
- Fixed Data lifespan, as an android he’s now immortal.
- Language & Localization
- Replaced the UFoP acronym with 'United Federation of Planets'.
- Added translations for “United Federation of Planets†in each language.
- Fixed localization key on the Mission Tree button tooltip (Spanish).
- Fixed name of the Defiant Ship class on the tech that unlocks it.
- UI
- Fixed Spy detection messages: players will now receive a popup indicating which country detected it and on which system the detection took place.
- Fixed highlighting in Tutorial for:
- Play /pause
- Planet view:
- Housing
- Jobs
- Audio
- SFX on Main Menu are now at a lower volume.
- VO:
- Fixed and replaced greetings with sound quality issues:
- Tellarite
- Klingon
- Human
- Elaurian
- Cardassian
- Reprocessed greetings to make them more in line with the lore:
- Borg
- Andorian (female)
- Nausicaan (male)
- Vulcan (male)