1. Update
  3. Attention Soldiers,
  5. We updated the Steam and Xbox versions of Arma Reforger.
  7. Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues.
  8. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
  10. Changelog
  12. General
  13. Added: Holding movement input after exiting a vehicle now stops the character from performing the close door action, speeding the process up
  14. Added: Teleporting character now adjusts replicated position on server
  15. Changed: Character server replication system now holds position instead of velocity
  16. Changed: Disallowed weapon reload through inventory unless the weapon is equipped
  17. Changed: Disabled AI switching from gunner position to driver seat until retreat behavior is available to fix AI doing nothing after switching seats
  18. Tweaked: Various vehicle door animations
  19. Tweaked: Dead/injured characters stuck inside the vehicle during remove casualty action
  20. Fixed: Several problems with killing player while getting in/out
  21. Fixed: Car light was disabled when player left driver seat
  22. Fixed: Player got stuck if they opened the front doors from the back compartment and vice versa
  23. Fixed: Switching seat in quick succession made character stuck
  24. Fixed: Open/close door action was not available from inside of some vehicles
  25. Fixed: Restore removing of CanFinishVehicleAction event in the Begin of vehicle actions
  26. Fixed: Open/Close door user action was not available from outside
  27. Fixed: Map - It was impossible to draw lines to the point that had a marker on it
  28. Fixed: Map - It was impossible to pan and zoom in or out while drawing the line
  29. Fixed: Map - It was impossible to cancel drawing of a line - now it can be done with RMB or X on Xbox gamepad
  30. Fixed: Map - When using gamepad, any input would focus random deletion button for drawn line and make it impossible to draw a new line without deleting some other line
  31. Fixed: Map - When using gamepad, user was unable to use the cursor to select which line was meant to be deleted
  32. Fixed: Map - When player would hover over the toolbar, then the crosshair that points to cursor position, it would disappear until map was opened again
  33. Fixed: Map - Cursor would become invisible when using gamepad
  34. Fixed: Map - Map toolbar would never lose focus
  35. Fixed: Drawing on top of some markers would open their respective menus
  36. Fixed: Drawn lines on the map would scale improperly when zooming in or out
  38. Stability
  39. Fixed: Possible crash when generating terrain icons for Terrain Editor tool due to missing texture format detection
  40. Fixed: Multiple possible crashes when entering vehicles
  41. Fixed: Server crash when opening door on a vehicle with hierarchy changes
  42. Fixed: Crash related to Character Controller
  43. Fixed: Crash caused by deleted consumable calling SetAlternativeModel
  44. Fixed: Possible crash after streaming in a vehicle with occupant.
  45. Fixed: Crash when loading a vehicle while character is doing a Get Out action
  46. Fixed: VME in SCR_Flashlightcomponent
  47. Fixed: VME when truck was set on fire
  48. Fixed: VME in callsign manager
  49. Fixed: LoiterType NONE error
  50. Fixed: Crash when opening ProcAnimEditor
  51. Fixed: VME in SCR_AIGroupPerception.AddOrUpdateGunshot if PerceivableComponent was not found
  52. Fixed: VME when detaching UGL grenade
  54. Playable Content
  55. Fixed: Losing a base would sometimes not affect the victory countdown
  56. Fixed: Displaying correct base name in Conflict
  58. Modding
  59. Added: Reporting script compilation error when someone attempts to mark static variable as a replicated property
  60. Fixed: Added additional anim events Event_Vehicle_CanFinishAction to the OpenDoorOut animations
  61. Changed: Dependent mods info in workshop UI changed to show only downloaded mods
  62. Changed: Default SpawnDecalEffect lifetime is changed from infinite to 10 minutes
  63. Changed: Snapshot initialized as wrapper around external buffer can now be reallocated and become owner of new buffer, removing write size limitations - except running out of memory
  64. Changed: Lifted 4 KiB size limit of single RPC argument.
  65. Changed: Second argument of RplNode.SetParent() renamed to unusedAndDeprecated to indicate that it should not be used and will be removed in the future
  66. Changed: Switched from error to warning to make transition easier
  67. Fixed: Integer overflow when parsing size of addons
  68. Fixed: Displaying of dependencies to download size properly fallbacks to dependency reference
  69. Removed: Removed unnecessary vtable pointer from SnapSerializer
  70. Removed: Removed tests checking snapshot write failures when wrapped buffer is not large enough
  71. Removed: References of roadnetwork file
  73. Audio
  74. Changed: Footscape sound at end of get out anim exchanged for regular footstep sound
  75. Fixed: Wrong sound event name for doors in Ural
  76. Fixed: Detonator animation and sound played while placing charges
  77. Fixed: Open door finish SFX
  78. Fixed: Missing seat creak SFX when getting out of co-driver seat
  79. Fixed: Weapon handgrab sound does not play when switching gadgets