1. Changelog v2.2.3.122924
  3. New Content
  5. Added a psuedo saddle for the player to ride on.
  6. Removed the stat that stops players from riding the mount while farming cart is active.
  7. Removed useless stats 'IsSaddleCargoOnly' from itemstatic as it was only being utilized in equippable DT
  8. Added crop plot snapping to dirt frames
  9. Adding correct cart data table entries to new carts added
  10. Added the ability to ride on basic cart
  11. Added a basic saddle to the cost of each cart
  12. Fixed
  14. Fixed Stone, Salt and Limestone Noxious crust descriptions mentioning incorrect materials
  15. Fixed Carved Wood Bed weighing 1kg instead of 10kg like other beds
  16. Updated some item descriptions and hints for clarity
  17. Added bestiary text for Dribbo
  18. Added Arctic Moa bestiary text
  19. Fixed a few typos and changed some item names for consistency
  20. Added Arctic Moa bestiary image to the project
  21. Add translatable string entries for relocated quest steps
  22. Fixed Involved In Quest modifier used on quest creatures not showing involved in quest stat text
  23. Adding Laika dog bark vocalisation, data table setup and event
  24. Adding small dog drinking animation and eating animation duplicates for montages and adding unique audio for both to differentiate between the small and big dogs
  25. Added Arctic Moa bestiary stats
  26. Enabled Arctic Moa bestiary entry
  27. Fixed typo in spoiled plants description
  28. Updated modifier times on tooltips to show in minutes if over 120 seconds
  29. Updated modifier to just show provides instead of 1 second duration, for modifiers specifically applied for a single second
  30. Update building RVT blocking to only dynamically spawn if intersecting with ground
  31. Delayed check for RVT spawning to ensure stability calculation has been initialized, checks an additional time after a longer delay, once
  32. Fixed unsaved interactable DT that changed the 'fill from nearby deployables' button to hold X instead of tap F as we now use F for riding the mount.
  33. Removed fur culling mask on the tuskar mount when you remove the cart from the tuskar
  34. IRONCLAD: Added translatable Est. time string
  35. ADVANCED ORDER: Update quest step to refernce Health Recovery Tonic's new name, instead of Health Enhancement Tonic
  36. Removed the ability to jump while riding mounts that have a cart attached
  37. Hide Units Consumed from UI, this confuses players without tweaking UI more
  38. Added translatable string to wind turbine in-world tooltip and salting station close button
  39. Fixed sticks going to hotbar instead of backpack
  40. Fixed an error in the description for the ceiling light
  41. Added ability to consume meds in the medicine pouch
  42. Fixed Seed Bar, Seed Cracker, Honeycomb Bar and Seed Bread status effects not being affected by the Vegetarian talent
  43. Added Stomach Slot information to player inventory
  44. Replace modifiers BaseStaminaConsumed stats with BaseStaminaActionCost, this fixes water modifiers reducing stamina consumption by more than the intended amount
  45. Hid sort from bag UIs (Medicine Satchel, Seed Pouch) as these hold specific items so don't need sorting
  46. Adjusted taming temperatures so creatures found in the arctic are easier to tame in cooler environments and creatures found in warmer environments can be tamed in higher temperatures
  47. Updates to spacialiser settings of seed plough and limiting amount of sow sounds that can be played at once with a cooldown to avoid it playing 3-4 at a time.
  48. Adjusting volume of UI of interracting with plough
  49. Reduced speed of Horses and Terrenus, mainly through reduction of their talents. Both have movement speed increasing talents that reduce the sprint speed, but these are currently not reducing the sprint speed. Will be readdressed when that bug is fixed
  50. Very slight reduction of Moa movement speed
  51. Fix cart saddle audio parameters failing to update if player has dismounted from saddle, potentially causing cart audio to not play or play indefinitely
  52. Added ability to toggle carts on and off while riding the mount. Added 'focusediteminfo' for toggle button
  53. Lots of updates and improvements to the carts. Better spacialization, adjusting pitch speed based on velocity of the cart. Reduction in volume to some layers and reduction in sound size for better riding experience
  54. Updated bonus mining rewards description (notably on Egg based foods) to specifically mention the bonus is stone
  55. Fixed Honey Mead stat order
  56. Changed toggling the harvest cart to be a binding rather than hard coded to 'x'. removed hard references to tuskar and buffalo mounts and instead added a saddle row in the saddles json for psuedo saddle mesh. Added stats to slow down the mounts when cart is active
  57. Fixed building piece grass culling not working after recent changes
  58. Building piece grass culling volume is now centred on building mesh (was previously offset for things like beams or half/quarter pieces)
  59. Buffed Buffalo and Tusker movement speed, but reduced the effect of the movement speed talent while Buffalo is pulling a cart
  60. Reduced movement speed while creatures are pulling a cart
  61. Increased capacity of Pack Saddle
  62. Updated descriptions of carts to no longer mention they are unridible
  63. Updated Medical Satchel description to communicate that it allows instant use of medicine inside
  64. Fixed tooltips showing 0 - 0 Damage when items are not valid (such as blueprint sets)
  65. Future Content
  67. Undo changelist 122831
  68. Undo changelist 122804
  69. Undo changelist 122787
  70. Undo changelist 122785
  71. Undo changelist 122781
  72. Add a UE4 Insights stats label for when a tile boundary is crossed 'TILE LOADING' (internal dev)
  73. Added BLD_Stairs_Corner_Wood_R and BLD_Stairs_Corner_Wood_L with their BPs. Will still need to be added to the Datat table, etc
  74. Adding 1ST person CHAC pistol reload to be a clip instead of a single bullet, gun animation still needed as well as 3RD person but thats much trickier to track down, hold please
  75. Updated placement rules for corner stairs
  76. Adding Chac Pistol reload clip audio, events and animation notifys
  77. Added and updated hunter helmet and chest v2 sk meshes, materials and textures
  78. Further fine tunes to chac reload timings
  79. Adjustment to chac reload notify timing
  80. Added APEX DM meshes, as well as many of their blueprints, for multiple buildable assets for all tiers
  81. Fixed material mismatch between SM and APEX DM for BLD_Roof_Peak Connector_Iron
  82. Added half stairs test datatable entries
  83. Added multiple Scoria building skin entries to the D_BuildingSkins Data Table, as well as added sockets the the Half Stairs assets for all tiers, and also adjusted the placement of one of the railing sockets for the regular Thatch stairs
  84. Saving test assets to dev folder
  85. Adding lots more details to the chac pistol. adding cloth moves for various parts to enhance the overall feel etc
  86. Update collision on many Prometheus foliage to allow player overlap
  87. Increased Overflow Bag capacity further for future proofing
  88. Increased stability collision area for dirt ramps and corner ramps
  89. Add widget for future internal cooking balance
  90. Added some extra insights logging to VoxelResource expensive init function
  91. Update delayed shelter checks to only be delayed for pieces previously inside, aka favors the player
  92. Remove burnt (unharvested) trees as part of FibreFoilageRespawn
  93. Remove some history on voxels (GPU compute, treasures). Unroll some loops, precache some vars, add some statics
  94. Further Voxel Code decomposition/refactor (fix the build)
  95. Further Voxel Code decomposition/refactor
  96. Move voxel init to async task for cached meshes (experimental)
  97. Fix issues with voxel thumper reinit after making init async