- Final Update. Version 1.19 is available.
- Hello guys,
- We started working on this update back in November, but it's only now that we’re able to deliver it. During this time, we released around 13 new game builds and made over 300 changes to the game code. This update is equivalent to three regular updates combined and serves as the final update for Age of Defense.
- First and foremost, we revamped the resource loading system, reducing the game's loading time from nearly 8 minutes to just 8 seconds.
- Achivements rework.
- We have been reported that sometimes Achievements are not scored even if they were completed in the game. So, we added extra saving scripts. We have tested. it works flawlessly now.
- Also, It occured that some achiements work wrong, and some were to yough to get. We revised all of them. And we give 100% guarantee you can achieve all of them now.
- Achievement Fixes & Improvements
- Mission 14. Required damage reduced from 700,000 to 500,000.
- Mission 3. Mode 2. Previously unachievable. Now requires completing the mission without using Spikes or Spear Defender Level #2.
- Mission 7. Mode 2. Placing extra defenders no longer prevents the achievement from being awarded.
- Mission 8. Mode 2. Achievement previously tracked total Hex count instead of currently hexed monsters. Now works properly.
- Mission 9. Mode 2. Achievement tablet displayed an incorrect value (55). It now correctly shows 24.
- Mission 10. Mode 2. Achievement did not fail under incorrect conditions. Fixed.
- Mission 13. Mode 2. Achievement counter fixed.
- Mission 1. Mode 3. Required placing no more than two Stonemen but failed when the second was placed. Bug fixed.
- Mission 2. Mode 3. Placing extra defenders no longer prevents the achievement from being awarded.
- Mission 4. Mode 3. The game did not indicate which achievement failed when defenders were placed. Now fixed.
- Mission 7. Mode 3. Required Blood Golems reduced from 6 to 3.
- Mission 8. Mode 3. Previously failed when the player placed Stonemen. Fixed.
- Mission 10. Mode 3. Placing extra defenders no longer prevents the achievement from being awarded.
- Mission 11. Mode 3. Achievement counter fixed.
- Mission 12. Mode 3. Time limit increased from 26 minutes to 35 minutes.
- Mission 14. Mode 3. Achievement progress bar previously only counted Plants. Now tracks all three required conditions.
- Sounds Changes
- We rushed the game's release and didn’t have time to include all the sounds, but now we’ve finally added them! All player spells now have sound effects, and we’ve introduced many system sounds, such as those for learning skills. We also added sounds for all bosses except the final one.
- During testing, we discovered several sound-related issues—some were too loud, while others played even when the volume was set to 0%. We’ve fixed all of these problems, ensuring that the game now delivers the immersive sound atmosphere we originally envisioned. Enjoy the game!
- Other sound fixes
- Bitrate of all sounds has been increased.
- Added victory and defeat jingles.
- Fixed the loud sound of Blue Balloon enemies (World #2).
- Added a relaxing ambient theme to the Pause menu.
- Added sound effects for clicking on all buttons in the main menu. Hovering over a button now plays one of three random sounds.
- Fear spell sound has been adjusted.
- Added background sounds for Mission 12 and 14.
- Added portal-related sounds for Mission 12.
- Added Ambylocetus (giant shark in ice) related sounds for Mission 14.
- Added a cool sound effect for learning a new skill in the skill tree.
- Pre-placed objects from spells like spikes, barricades, and totems no longer play sounds at the start of the battle.
- Fixed an annoying sound that played once when starting a new mission after finishing Mission 4.
- Fixed a bug where almost no sounds played in the game. This was caused by the death sound of the Big Insect monster.
- Some sounds were too loud and played even at 0% volume: Blood Golem (Voodoo Defender) spawn sound, Caviar explosion (Fish Defender), and Bird Boss Blaster hit. These have been fixed.
- Removed a repetitive, annoying sound from Boss #4’s movement.
- Ape projectiles now play only a single hit sound instead of multiple overlapping sounds.
- Berserker’s Breach ability played a sound effect with every strike. Now it only plays when the effect's power changes.
- The volume of the "jumping out of water" sound has been significantly reduced.
- The regeneration sound in Mission 5 has been completely disabled.
- Fixed a bug where clicking on an unavailable skill played the learning skill sound.
- Lowered the damage sound of the Berserker.
- Lowered the poison sound effect for the Snake.
- The Sniper ability's targeting sound was played twice. Fixed.
- Slightly increased the damage sound of the Voodoo Defender.
- The scratching sound no longer plays when hovering over unavailable mission icons.
- Fixed a bug where the scratching sound played endlessly after selecting another option in the help menu.
- Removed excessive sound from the Colossus’ Gold ability, which added extra splash damage.
- Music now resumes normally after a Boss Battle music track finishes.
- The volume of the water splash sound (when enemies emerge from water) has been dramatically reduced.
- Pre-placed Rage Totems in Mission 6 and Mode 3 no longer make sounds.
- Removed an annoying sound that played when Boss #3 appeared on the field.
- Added missing sounds for Boss #1.
- Reduced the volume of the "stepping into oil" sound (Fish Keeper ability).
- Fixed a bug in Mission 5 where an error message about the "Oh God of Water" music track could appear.
- Fixed a bug where entering the Pause menu before a battle start could cause the pause ambient sound to persist into the battle.
- Getting hit by a Spike Trap now plays a sound.
- Game Balance Changes
- During the final tests, we decided to replay the entire game from the beginning. Two of our game designers played through all three modes, allowing us to make small adjustments across nearly all 45 missions. As a result, the game now has a more balanced difficulty curve.
- Other Gameplay Changes
- The final skill upgrade for the Totem now works properly and correctly hexes monsters.
- Mission 14 performance has been dramatically improved.
- A 1-second delay has been added before monsters start damaging the big barricade.
- The skill button now shakes slightly when there are available points.
- A new visual effect has been added for the Dino Defender's Damage Aura bonus.
- A special background effect has been added to the menu.
- A command for resetting progress has been added.
- New graphics have been added for the Bird Keeper’s Fly Egg ability.
- Poison Explosion no longer affects air units.
- A special command for unlocking the Skill Tree has been added.
- A special command for recovering basic skills in the Skill Tree has been added.
- Mission 11 has been made easier.
- Mission 5 Mode 2 has been made easier.
- Bug Fixes
- Originally, we just wanted to polish the game a bit. However, after changing the preloader, a lot of hidden bugs appeared, leading us to put in a huge effort to fix them. Just take a look below at how much we’ve improved!
- This is the final update for the game, but we will continue fixing important issues throughout the next month. So if you encounter a bug, please let us know!
- All Spearmen now throw their spears at a more pleasant curve, making it look better.
- Fixed a critical bug where pressing ESC in the pause menu could break the game.
- Fixed a critical bug where enemies could become permanently stuck when Tall Bird or Tall Mutant monsters were present on the map.
- Plants from air units could appear in unavailable zones and prevent the placement of defenders later.
- Chevrons now work for defenders at Level 1 as well.
- Fixed a bug where a Jerboa under the Fear effect could go underground and make an area unpassable.
- Curse of Voodoo didn’t increase the damage bonus from Spike Traps and Boulder Launch.
- Fixed a visual glitch where hit effects could remain on the screen.
- Fixed a bug with an error window when the Beast created Poison plants.
- Fixed a bug with an error window when Voodoo created Meat Golem.
- Fixed a bug where an error window appeared in Mission 13 when using bonfires.
- Added the missing blood map for Mission 4. Blood from enemies now leaves stains.
- Fixed a bug in Mission 13 where Jerboa mobs could make the ground unpassable.
- Moved the torchlights in Mission 10 at the central path from the left to the right (where enemies go).
- Fixed a funny bug where Angry Totem increased the food count by 1 after upgrading the Keeper defender.
- Fixed a bug where defenders did nothing for a short duration after using an ability/spell.
- Fixed a bug with the Stone Barricade ability. It didn’t work if the last skill in the Stone Branch of the Skill Tree was learned.
- Colossus’ ultimate ability no longer stuns air units.
- Colossus’ ultimate ability no longer affects Bosses.
- Fixed the bug where a player could unlock the Dino Keeper’s ultimate ability even if it wasn’t unlocked in the skill tree.
- Fixed a bug with the Totem spell, where it played the animation for only 1 cycle.
- Fixed a critical bug where the game could break if the player changed the music volume during the boss phase in the pause menu.
- Fixed the bug where Poison Explosion from Ape Level 4 cost more than from Ape Level 3.
- Fixed the bug with Battle Trance (Berserker Ability), where it didn’t work if another ability was learned.
- Blood Golem sometimes didn’t attack nearby enemies and appeared visually off-center. This has been fixed.
- Fixed the bug where the Rock Boulder (spell) skill upgrade, which places a stone barricade, gave 1 meat after expiration.
- Fixed an important bug in Mission 14 Mode 3, where lives were lost when enemies reached the end of Path #1.
- Fixed a bug with slow performance when the player changed sound/music volumes in the pause menu.
- Fixed a bug where the new track didn’t start if the pause menu was opened during the pause.
- Fixed the bug with the Ultrasound Bird Keeper’s ability.
- Fixed a bug where Rex in Armor (miniboss of World #3) didn’t appear in the encyclopedia after the player encountered it in the game.
- Made improvements to the animations of Boss #3.
- Fixed a bug with Keeper Defenders where their animation worked incorrectly near other Defenders.
- Removed the wrong frame from the appearing animation of Pink Creatures mob (Boss 1 Spawns).
- Oil of Fish Defender looks more accurate now.
- Fixed a bug with the Horse Rider mob, which didn’t release riders if it died from a spike trap.
- Fixed a bug with Dino Keeper where the Dino looked in the wrong direction when it devoured an enemy.
- Some fixes to skill descriptions in the Russian localization.
- Fixed an error window when starting Mission 15 of Mode 3.
- Fixed the bug where resetting the progress didn’t reset the encyclopedia.
- Fixed visuals for the Target buff.
- Removed a place in Mission 14 where the player could place a defender above obstacles.
- Set the proper icon for Hexed mobs.
- Set the proper icon for Boss #3 Altar.
- Set the proper icon for the snowdrift in Mission 15.
- Fixed the iced zone in Mission 11, which didn’t slow units.
- Fixed the bug where Mutant Mammoth couldn’t be unlocked in the Encyclopedia.
- Fixed the bug where the restart confirmation window could remain on the screen if the player pressed ESC.
- Pre-placed Rage Totems in Mission 6 and Mode 3 no longer bug nearby defenders.
- Fixed the bug where pressing ESC during a movie sequence brought the game to windowed mode.
- Fixed the bug where, when losing/winning a mission while placing a Spike Trap, the effect could remain on the screen even after the battle.
- Fixed a slight visual glitch where the button for placing defenders became transparent at the start of the mission.
- Fixed a bug where the Curse effect could remain on the field if the unit was in the process of dying.
- Fixed a bug where the Fear effect from Dino Keeper’s Ultimate ability affected bosses.
- Fixed a bug with Big Mutant enemies that could cause an error window and break the game.
- Fish Keepers now play animations.
- Fixed a bug where Dino Keepers stopped playing animations after eating an enemy.
- Fixed a bug where Yeti paratroopers recovered all health after landing.
- Fixed a visual glitch where the UI monster boosted ally health by the health bar but didn’t react.
- Thanks for playing our games
- The development of Age of Defense was a REAL challenge for us. We’re incredibly happy that we were able to bring it to the finish line in such great condition. Now, we can focus on our future projects.
- Stay with us,
- Battlecruiser Games