1. DOOM Plus DOOM II Definitive and Enhanced Update 1
  2. --------------------------------------------------
  4. Improvements
  6. General
  7. Added 21:9 resolution graphics for DOOM, DOOM II, The Plutonia Experiment, and TNT: Evilution
  8. Left turn, right turn, and strafe keys added to keyboard bindings, allowing playing with old-school keyboard-only tank controls
  9. Added 3D sound option in Sound Menu, allowing more than 2 speaker setups to be used – this allows individual sound effect levels to be taken into account compared to the original DOOM sound system
  10. Cheats can now be activated from the pause menu. Entering the original game’s cheat codes will unlock them for future use. You can also unlock all cheats from the Gameplay Settings menu
  12. Multiplayer
  13. The multiplayer match browser can now be filtered and sorted
  14. Added timer and frag limit added to the multiplayer scoreboard
  16. Mods
  17. Players can now search for mods by name in the Mod Browser
  18. Release notes for mods are now visible in the Mod Details screen
  19. Checking for Mod updates can now be manually done from the Play Menu
  20. Added a link in the Play Menu to the Mod’s details page to allow quicker access to unsubscribe, like, and report
  21. The current page and last selection are kept when backing out from a Mod’s details screen
  22. Play Mods menu now shows locally installed Mods
  23. Added a menu option to pop up the folder where you can drop new WAD files
  24. Added “wad” console command to quickly load a WAD file and restart the game
  27. Fixes
  29. General
  30. When a save game is incompatible due to a map update, you will now restart the level from the beginning, with the inventory you had at the time of the save
  31. Globally reduced input latency by at least one frame at 60hz
  32. Various audio issues fixed, including ones around playing looping sounds, positioning, and limits on simultaneous voices
  33. Loading saves no longer causes enemies to attack other map objects
  34. Loading saves will correctly restore enemy infighting and tracking of Arch-Vile and Revenant targets
  35. The correct DOOMguy expression is now displayed on the HUD when being damaged with more than 120 HP
  36. Progress on the “Until It Is Done” achievement can now be made when playing DOOM & SIGIL
  37. All difficulty modifiers will restore correctly when loading a save game
  38. Weapon lowers properly when dying when turning view bobbing off
  40. Episode-Specific
  41. Resolved soft-locks in MAP03 in Legacy of Rust and TNT: Evilution MAP06 (at the lift near the start of the map)
  42. Fixed an issue in which some enemies were getting stuck in TNT: Evilution MAP31
  44. Multiplayer
  45. Fixed an issue in which all platforms could not see each other in the Match Browser
  46. Fixed an issue in which wall textures would sometime not scroll correctly for multiplayer clients
  48. Mods
  49. The game will no longer force quit when attempting to load incompatible Mods, sending you back to the Menu instead
  50. Fixed an issue in which saves made from certain Mods would not load
  51. Automap will render correctly for large maps in Mods
  52. Extended Boom feature compatibility to support a broader range of Mods. If your Boom or MBF21 Mods were having issues prior to this update, please try them again, and thanks everyone for all the reports so far!