1. Zero Division Hotfix 1.01f Update
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  4. Balance Changes
  6. - The Silichameleons normal and Nightmare encounters in Providence Reach have been adjusted so that enemy units have significantly reduced HP and slightly reduced attack.
  7. - The Starstalker normal and Nightmare encounters in Sidereal Arcology have been adjusted so that the enemy unit has significantly reduced HP and slightly reduced attack.
  8. - The Voltaic Horrors normal and Nightmare encounters in Sidereal Arcology have been adjusted so that each encounter has 1 less enemy unit.
  9. - The Dissector Swarms normal and Nightmare encounters in Jinshui Port have been adjusted so that each encounter has 1 less enemy unit.
  11. Notes: Consistent with the approach in the previous hotfix, these non-elite encounters may be too punitive for some builds due to the power of their Camouflage, Shock and Swarm mods.
  13. Bug Fixes
  15. - We are aware that some players have an occasional freeze during start of combat. We are investigating this further, and this build includes some improved logging to help us narrow down any issues.
  16. - Fixed a keyword tooltip which incorrect stated that units with the Guardian mod (i.e. Wirewolf Alpha) do not have the Skirmisher effect.
  18. Zero Division Hotfix 1.01e Update
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  21. Bug Fixes
  23. - Although the last hotfix did resolve the Malevolence targeting issue for some players, we are aware that a number of players are still finding it difficult to target the boss properly. Although we can't fully reproduce the bug at this stage, we believe we have identified a potential cause of the problem and this hotfix includes an experimental fix to this issue. Third time lucky!
  25. - Fixed the challenges which require completing a run with 3 operators of the same class.
  26. - Fixed an issue with Paladin's Energize card when played on a non-operator ally.
  27. - Fixed an intermittent bug which occasionally caused additional copies of the starting neutral cards to be added to operators' decks when starting a new campaign.
  28. - Fixed a decimal point error with displaying the Win Rate % in the Challenges screen.
  29. - Fixed a possible issue with the Satellite Rain challenge not triggering properly in some circumstances.
  31. Balance Changes
  33. - Mayhem's HP has been increased to 30 (up from 20) and her attack has been increased to 3 (up from 2).
  35. Notes: Mayhem's low HP meant that she was too fragile in comparison to the other Guardian operators. Mayhem is intended to be a more offensive Guardian who tanks by dealing Strike damage, with a corresponding weakness that her HP is subject to much sharper swings. This buff is intended to preserve these characteristics, whilst making her more viable for higher difficulty play. We will continue to monitor and tweak Mayhem's toolkit as required.
  37. - The Nightweavers encounter in Blindside Ruins has been adjusted slightly to make it less lethal.
  39. Notes: Although some encounters are intended to counter specific operator builds, these mechanics are normally restricted to elite and boss fights. The Nightmare version of this normal encounter was a little too punitive, especially since this appears in Act 1. Accordingly, the HP and damage values have been adjusted to make this encounter slightly easier.