1. Update v1.14:
  2. Achievements
  3. The Speed Demon achievement unlocks correctly now.
  4. The Influencer achievement unlocks correctly now.
  5. Hovercraft-Related Fixes
  6. Hovercraft performance on the Hub has been optimized to reduce lag.
  7. Fixed a rare crash when entering Level 4 with the Bit Racing DLC active.
  8. Hovercraft levers no longer spawn excessive hovercrafts.
  9. The player camera shaking issue has been resolved when the host bumps into obstacles while using a hovercraft.
  10. Byteland Fixes
  11. Joining a game after beating the Trojan Horse no longer disrupts game flow.
  12. Fixed a rare issue where platforms lacked collision at the end of Level 1.
  13. The first tutorial upload point no longer causes lag.
  14. Returning to the Hub no longer triggers Coulombot's commentary on Kernel's tape unexpectedly.
  15. Gamepad vibrations are now active and functional during gameplay.
  16. Ladybug trampolines now work properly for players.
  17. The player now teleports in front of Boti's house after finishing the tutorial with the host.
  18. The player's camera no longer falls through water under certain conditions.
  19. Fixed a rare issue preventing the player from defeating the Magnetic Spider.
  20. Visual and Audio Improvements
  21. The Halloween Confusion effect visuals no longer persist after the effect ends.
  22. Multiple audio tweaks have been implemented for improved sound quality and consistency.
  23. Regular Data Files no longer flicker for players after being collected.
  24. The Shredder obstacles now loop their sound properly.
  25. Sliding double sounds have been fixed (rare issue).