1. Update v1.13.1:
  2. Added 4 new single scenarios: End in Poland, Attu, Imphal, and Rhone River
  3. Fixed a few minor issues in War Stories: Fall of Poland campaign
  5. The first scenario we’d like to cover is fittingly set to the current season and takes place during a stormy winter battle, the Battle of Attu. In this scenario, you’ll get an opportunity to lead a joint US and Canadian force in the struggle to liberate Attu, part of the Aleutian islands off the coast of Alaska, which had been occupied by the Japanese in June of ’42.
  7. Be prepared for a very unique amphibious landing battle that actually takes place during a snowstorm, definitely a one-of-a-kind battle with that element in it. But that’s not the only surprise in store in this historical scenario, and we don’t want to spoil every surprise here in this reveal...
  9. The second free scenario takes you back to Poland in 1939, but unlike the recent fall of Poland DLC, in the Battle of Kock you’ll be commanding German forces in the final battle of the Polish Campaign that marked the absolute end of organized Polish Resistance.
  11. Expect to see many of the brand new units added during the Fall of Poland DLC to make their appearances here, as all of those units are included with the base game of Panzer Corps 2 and they are not directly tied to the campaign DLC purchase.
  13. The next scenario in this free content pack moves to India, with the opening stages of the crucial Battle of Imphal, as played from a Japanese perspective. A large roster of Japanese units has been added to Panzer Corps 2 ever since the release of Axis Operations 1946, and that makes this scenario the first ever Panzer Corps 2 scenario with the Japanese as the playable faction.
  15. In the Battle of Imphal, you’ll be fighting a very different kind of war compared to fighting across the plains of Europe or Steppes of Russia. Between your Japanese forces and their ultimate goal of Imphal are thick jungles and mountainous terrain that characterized the border between India and Burma. Good air support and plenty of units capable of fighting in dense terrain absolutely characterize the opening act of this battle. But as for what happens after the breakthrough, well that would be another spoiler...
  17. And last but not least, we have one fictional scenario to join the previous three historical scenarios of this free content package. This one is set during June of 1940, at the end of the Battle of France. In this scenario, you’ll actually be playing as a French force, attempting to stall both German panzers and also Italian invaders from capturing more and more of France before an armistice is reached.