1. Bears in Space | Patch #2
  3. PATCH #2
  5. We're back with an update! The main ones in this are that we added support for DLSS and made some tweaks to weapon upgrading. Read below for the full details:
  7. Gameplay
  8. Ghost Bots in the Carnival level can no longer attack after death
  11. Levels
  12. Carnival - Fixed an issue where the player could become stuck during the Karate Demonstration
  13. Radium in the Stadium - Reduced the crowd particles to improve performance
  14. The Warden - Fixed an issue where the player could escape the elevator down to the boss fight
  15. Trainstation - Fixed an instance where the player could become stuck after combining the metal and plunger
  16. Trainstation - Added a new secret
  17. Grobia - Fixed the chest outside the gym not opening when it should
  18. Grobia - Added a save point after the guard activates the alarm in the gym
  19. Spaceport Terminal - The player is now given some extra loot after defeating the boss
  22. Weapons
  23. Reworked some weapon VFX
  24. Scatterlaser Tier 3 Kill Requirement 1000 > 700
  25. Gatling Laser Tier 3 Kill Requirement 1500 > 900
  26. Gamma Launcher Tier 2 Kill Requirement 800 > 600
  27. Flak Blaster Tier 2 Kill Requirement 400 > 250
  28. Heat Ray Tier 2 Kill Requirement 400 > 250
  29. Fixed Pyrite gun having unlimited ammo, it now only has 1 bullet as intended
  32. Miscellaneous
  33. Added DLSS
  34. Added an option to display your playthrough time on screen while playing
  35. Added a Restart Level button to the in game options menu
  36. Added a Level Select button to the in game options menu
  37. Added a slider to adjust the amount of screen shake when firing weapons, getting attacked etc.
  38. (Weapons will still have recoil animation when firing, just no added screen shake when slider is set to 0)
  39. Most cutscenes are now skippable
  40. Redesigned Level Select screen
  41. Remade UI buttons and borders
  42. Fixed loot amount not being shown properly in Journal