1. Patch Notes - 1.0.14
  3. ⭐Changes inspired by our community!
  5. Small Features
  6. Added ambient SFX on The Void room
  7. Readjusted tutorial about NG+ content to hint the player what should be done after finishing a run
  8. Increased number of Auras loot in Exploration Rooms
  9. Removed Steam Achievement : Stubborn Prisoner because it was forcing to play not in Destiny Levels to get it and was unfair for good players
  11. Balancing
  12. Auras balancing: Guardian Shield I: Reduced duration of shield by 3 to 2 seconds and increased CD by 17 to 25 seconds
  13. Guardian Shield II: Reduced duration of shield by 3 to 2 seconds and increased CD by 15 to 23 seconds
  14. Guardian Shield III: Reduced duration of shield by 3 to 2 seconds and increased CD by 12 to 20 seconds
  16. Advanced Wizardry III: Reduced Attack speed buff by 6 to 4 seconds
  18. Nimbus Revenge III: Reduced Attack speed buff for each Nimbus by 5 to 3%
  19. Increased HP for Astral Spirits
  20. community inspired ⭐ Wooden Guardian in World 1 can spawn maximum 2 Black Seeds (instead of 3 maximum) when launching crystals while in Destiny Level 1+
  21. Cancer has now 2 invulnerability moments and recharge his Ultimate faster from 55 seconds to 45 seconds
  22. Balanced Sculptor that was too hard compared to other Star Guardians
  24. Level Design
  25. Modified Level Design in end of Areas
  26. community inspired ⭐ Modified level design of one Exploration Room where you could get stuck when spawning and dashing very fast.
  28. Music & SFX
  29. Balanced sound volume for ""Thousand Knives"" and some Taurus attacks
  30. Oloon first dialog with Kiran had an unmixed line of dialog
  31. Polished sound of Heroes Clones defeat
  33. Interface
  34. Polish of some Auras descriptions
  36. Narrative Design
  37. community inspired ⭐ Aries had sentences not matching voice acting
  39. Bug Fixes
  40. Following Steam Achievements were not unlocking correctly: Guardian Angel, Maximized Friendship and Perseverance.
  41. community inspired ⭐ Several texts fixed in Simplified Chinese
  42. Game could mistakenly save multiple times in Andromeda's bar while entering and exiting the interior multiple times
  43. Libra challenge would not work correctly while playing as Player 2
  46. - The Hibernian Workshop Team