1. Version 0.4.0
  3. [Added] Hangar
  4. [Added] Airplane
  5. [Added] Pilot
  6. [Added] We now receive notifications when we are fined for throwing garbage to the forest
  7. [Added] Whistle Equipment to call dog and cat
  8. [Added] Buildings where customers without a car arrive
  9. [Added] 2 new animation variation to customers when buying something
  10. [Added] Give money animation for female customers
  11. [Added] Bribe animation to police
  12. [Added] Shopping List presets to easy order
  13. [Added] Park points added for customers, electric charging area is usable as parking too if empty
  14. [Added] Water Pump
  15. [Added] Water Tank
  16. [Added] Now vehicle inventories can carry single items like drug
  17. [Added] New points added for customer spawning for more natural looking
  18. [Added] 21 New customer model
  19. [Added] 2 New trash model
  20. [Added] 1 New customer vehicle as electric
  21. [Added] Can Bribe option to manager
  22. [Added] Can Sell Lemonade option to cashier
  23. [Added] Oil Pumps to map
  24. [Added] An indication for grocery order panel to show how many in stock
  25. [Added] Now you can change sprinkler intensity to reduce bill
  26. [Added] New minigame to tablet
  27. [Added] An indicator showing how many days until the bills arrive
  28. [Added] Fill airplane with drug option to stockers
  29. [Added] Same item limit to box shelves and inventories to limit amounts
  30. [Added] Sell oil option to manager
  31. [Added] Getting on the bus now fast forwards time
  32. [Added] Now ice creams melt if they are not put in the freezer
  33. [Added] Now some items can spoil(like milk) if they are not put in the cooler
  34. [Added] Now, if customers buy spoiled or melted products, they have a certain chance of noticing and complaining
  35. [Added] Now cleaners create trash when emptying trash bins
  36. [Added] Now you can lock the vehicle camera with Y key
  37. [Added] Now you can look back in the vehicle with B key
  38. [Added] Confirm resolution box added to prevent misclicks
  39. [Added] 5 New achievement
  40. [Added] Shadows option to disable shadows completely (has big performance impact especially on low end gpu's)
  42. [Changed] Reset Tools button now resets lemon squeezers too
  43. [Changed] Wind Generator now generates more electricity
  44. [Changed] Solar Panel now generates more electricity
  45. [Changed] Now Cannabis Plant produce more drug
  46. [Changed] Dog thief detect range reduced
  47. [Changed] Employees energy is now renewed when we sleep
  48. [Changed] Permanent winter status removed
  49. [Changed] Police now catch any drug they see nearby, even if it is not on the shelves
  50. [Changed] Customers and workers path calculation improved at early stages
  51. [Changed] Security camera quality improved at high quality settings
  52. [Changed] Security camera quality now affected from camera quality upgrade
  53. [Changed] Inventory areas of vehicles have been reduced to make it easier to pick up dropped items
  54. [Changed] Day length setting options increased and now text is more understandable
  55. [Changed] Reduced HBAO radius
  57. [Fixed] Cannot process in tutorial when language is chinese
  58. [Fixed] Christmas Tree achievement not achievable
  59. [Fixed] Sometimes customer vehicles can connect to wrong pump
  60. [Fixed] You can put more items to shelf with hand
  61. [Fixed] Some NullReferenceExceptions
  62. [Fixed] Default gas pump is destroyable by fire
  63. [Fixed] Converted to worker babies start getting paid after loading the game
  64. [Fixed] Convert to worker panel does not scrollable
  65. [Fixed] After the tutorial is over, if you don't sleep, time passes slowly
  66. [Fixed] When you hit the employee sitting on the chair, the chair becomes unsittable
  67. [Fixed] If we don't bribe the police, they can stay where they are forever
  68. [Fixed] Vehicle modify panel can not closeable with esc
  69. [Fixed] Notifications not visible above panels
  70. [Fixed] Sellable trashes does not saving if day is 1
  71. [Fixed] When player is 21 at blackjack turn is not ending
  72. [Fixed] Given money to police now seen as bribe in economy panel not social
  73. [Fixed] If we are far from the vehicle we put up for sale, we constantly receive notifications
  74. [Fixed] Sometimes selected language is not setted properly
  75. [Fixed] Sometimes can insanely huge bears can spawn in customer hands
  76. [Fixed] Sometimes vehicles coming from the opposite direction block the road
  77. [Fixed] Nightclub door takes 0 money when exiting
  78. [Fixed] Pumps make noise as if there is gasoline even if there is no gasoline
  79. [Fixed] We gain achievement when customers throw baskets into the hoop
  80. [Fixed] We can't put enough ice cream in the ice cream fridge
  81. [Fixed] Multiple drugs can not carriable with extra carry upgrade
  82. [Fixed] Sometimes can not take trashes from under vehicles
  83. [Fixed] Sometimes security panel cameras freezing
  84. [Fixed] Bwm car does not have inventory
  85. [Fixed] Teleportation bug when it is customers' turn at the checkout line
  86. [Fixed] You can sleep at the start of the game while tutorial active
  87. [Fixed] After resolution changed current resolution text stays same
  88. [Fixed] Sprinklers can have negative intensity
  90. [Performance] Memory and disk space improvements
  91. [Performance] FSR 3 Implemented
  94. *I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long