1. Major buffs to skills!
  2. Version 1.0434
  3. 🎯 [UI] The local player map icon is now presented in the transparent map.
  4. 🎯 [World bosses] The behavior of the world bosses has been revised. In particular, they have been given more distinguishable attack patterns. They now also have a unique map icon.
  5. 🎯 [Balance] Most skills that provide fixed buffs (e.g., the Xinthu skill "Warp Plasma Replenisher") now scale with player level. Some of these skills have also been buffed.
  6. 🎯 [Balance] Most skills that provide % increased damage or % attack speed have been buffed.
  7. 🎯 [Balance] Several skills that provide increased resistances have been buffed.
  8. 🎯 [Balance] The Xinthu T7 skill "Warp Enhanced Weapon Array" has been buffed.
  9. 🎯 [Balance] The Axiom T7 skills "Divine Saviour" and "Grim Reaper" have been buffed.
  10. 🎯 [Balance] The Founders T4 skill "Killing Spree" has been buffed.
  11. 🎯 [Balance] The Founders T7 skill "Mind vs Body" has been buffed.
  12. 🎯 [Balance] The Xinthu T1 skill "Enhanced Shields" has been buffed.
  13. 🎯 [Balance] The T4 Founders skill "Wormhole Mastery I" now reduces the warp plasma cost by 50% per point spent.
  14. 🎯 [Balance] Enemy damage has been slightly increased pre-Continuum mode and slightly decreased for Continuum XL and XXL.
  15. 🎯 [Balance] The spawn rate of world bosses in Continuum XXL has been increased (by 5x).
  16. 🎯 [Bug fix] Fixed a bug that enabled equipping arbitrary items in the secondary ship slot.
  17. 🎯 [Bug fix] The controller-specific radial menu is no longer activated when pressing the button to switch weapons config.
  18. 🎯 [Bug fix] Fixed an issue that could cause the "Press to set skill as highlighted" to overlap some skill descriptions given some font scales.
  19. 🎯 [Bug fix] The "Mix Colors" Continuum Transmuter recipe now no longer works if any of the slots are filled by non-applicable items.