1. Update v1.5.94:
  2. Fixed Flying being properly borked since last patch. Our devs dev'd something too hard and broke it, I gather.
  3. Fixed a bug that could make a certain NPC's max HP be set to 0 if you saved and loaded during combat, making them not quite dead but not quite alive either. Is that what being an undead feels like?
  4. Fixed swapping weapons after triggering Sorak's Bane (Tirmar Paladin) causing quite a few internal errors. Also, the extra attack should now properly apply all the extra damage modifiers (instead of just the base weapon's damage).
  5. Fixed Hoodlum Rogue Dirty Fighting's DC using CON mod. instead of STR mod.
  6. NPCs who died during Act 2 of Palace of Ice should no longer appear in Act 3. Because they're dead. Sorry the DM wasn't taking notes, managing all these NPCs is not that easy.
  7. Fixed the Marilith's Constriction DC being set to 100 instead of 19. Unfair? How about you stop metaming, next time I'll set it to 200.
  8. Fixed Shield of Fortitude using Brightwall's icon instead of the proper +3 Shield icon.
  9. Fixed using a Gem of Seeing not being seen as a valid use of True Seeing in Garrad's Castle.
  10. Fixed Temp HP not being updated correctly if a character takes damage but enough to remove all Temp HP in one go. Oy, stop looking at your phone and update your character sheet.
  11. Fixed Tundra Tigers not being immune to the harsh weather of the mountains they live in. Huh, no wonder there were so few of them, couldn't be easy catching prey while half frozen to death!
  12. Fixed a weird bug during the Elven Settlement portion of Palace of Ice where trying to save the Elder correctly would spawn him outside the map, immediately killing him. Damn, this is some Steins;Gate level shit, poor guy just can't stay alive in this timeline.
  13. Fixed a very old bug in Dark Castle (CotM) where the person answering to Lizzaria would be the one with the lowest skill bonus. Hey sometimes a player wants to talk even if his Persuasion bonus is garbo.
  14. Fixed The Burden Poison tooltip showing that it would apply Anathema instead of Restrained (wat).
  15. Fixed the weapon summoned by Divine Blade (Cleric) being tagged as a Martial Weapon, making it... completely unusable by Clerics. Yea. That was a little awkward.
  16. Daneel Colwall should no longer have a doppleganger inside Garrad Castle. Worse Sorak Infiltrator ever, that guy.
  17. Helga should no longer appear if you return to her location later after leaving without saving her. Because she died. You monster.
  18. Animal Friendship should no longer give the target advantage on their Saving Throw, since RAW there isn't anything stating that (unlike Charm Person)
  19. Fixed Gauntlets to stop preventing the user from casting Somatic spells. I mean if a fully armored Paladin can cast Somatic spell, so should a Monk using Gauntlets.
  20. Fixed Step Back (Marksman Ranger) not providing advantage to the user if they use Crossbows.
  21. Fixed Song of Hope (Hope Bard) resistances being incorrectly bypassed by magical weapons.
  22. Fixed Palace of Ice Act 3 Loading Screen using the wrong artwork.
  23. Magic Quarterstaves can now be dual-wielded as they are versatile weapons. Even if it looks silly.
  24. Fixed Terror and Abomination Quest sometimes not correctly dropping the quest item.
  25. Fixed an error that would occur if Fly / Levitate was cast on a character right as they are about to jump.
  26. Fixed a blocker that could occur in the Crystal Mine if the party used Dimension Door to bypass the combat trigger area. Damn it, and right after we fixed the bug with stealth.
  27. Fixed hostile auras still being active while the target is banished.
  28. Feeblemind should now properly lower the target's saving throws bonus as well.
  29. Fixed a very specific bug where learning Darkness as a Tiefling Warlock would prevent them from unlearning it later on as Tiefling also get access to the spell through racial feature.
  30. Fixed Anathema (Law Cleric) just going poof at level 14 and completely disappearing from their power list.
  31. Fixed Thieves' Tools tooltip incorrectly stating that characters are not proficient even when they are. But I thought you said your thievering days are over, my good rogue?
  32. Fixed Protection from Good and Evil not preventing the Incubus' Demonic Influence possession.
  33. Fixed the dragons not joining the fight to help Kallista Prasigon if you attack her. You're on your own, buddy!
  34. Fixed a bug that was introduced last patch where talking ot the ghost in front of the Hag's Hut would immediately fail the quest. Turns out the poor hag has crippling anxiety and just seeing people talk in front of her house makes her lock herself up in hope that they go away.
  35. Fixed not being locked to the Northern locations after starting the Northern Clans questline.
  36. Fixed a bug that would prevent the quest Ice Trap from updating if the party avoided the Snow Tigers.
  37. Fixed Arcane Shock not properly working if the Wizard succeed their saving throw when using the feature.
  38. Fixed some more missing text in ZH / RU bestiary
  39. Fixed a few NPCs missing from the big fight at the end of Act 2 of Palace of Ice.
  40. Fixed an Xbox crash that could occur when moving around the Blueprint map.
  41. Fixed an Xbox bug where A would no longer work if the user did a certain combination of inputs while on the Blueprint Map.
  43. Update v1.5.92:
  44. Changelog
  45. You will now be able to select which save file to load on the Game Over screen instead of automatically loading the latest save.
  46. POI: Importing Level 12 Characters will now reset their XP to 100,000 (the start of level 12). Previously, characters in CotM and LV would stop leveling but keep on accumulating XP - which meant that some would immediately level up to level 13 or even 14 when starting Palace of Ice.
  48. Bugfixes
  49. Fixed switching between Mouse & Keyboard and Controller sometimes creating weird text spacing issues.
  50. Fixed a rare crash that could occur when using the Blueprint Map with a Controller.
  51. Fixed some Poisoned Conditions such as the Vrock's Spore or the Hezrou's Stench not being properly dispelled by Protect From Poison.
  52. Fixed a freeze that could occur if you shoved an enemy while they were making a decision. The AI simply did not expect you to be so rude, can't you wait a bit?
  53. Fixed a couple of faulty localization strings.
  54. Fixed Hezrou's Bite attack allowing a DEX saving throw for no reason (DM got confused and mixed up different attacks).
  55. Sudden Death Improved Critical Range has been lowered to 19-20 (from 18-20) as it was causing some unforseen issues.
  56. Fixed lipsync being broken with one of the tieflings' faces.
  57. Fixed Breastplate of the Sandraven not giving protection against the Frozen condition.
  58. Fixed Shock Arcanist's Greater Arcane Shock self-damage being maximized too. With great power comes great self-harm apparently.
  59. Fixed some additional missing text in Chinese & Russian versions.
  60. Fixed a very weird bug where you would get a game over if you finished the fight after doing a specific set of actions. It's like a very shitty Konami Code that straight up eats your quarter instead of giving you infinite lives.
  61. Half-Elves no longer look like Valheim characters when increasing the Muscle slider
  62. Fixed a nasty bug that would occur when trying to stack multiple Demon Greases on the same item. Told you that shit's dangerous.
  63. Fixed more areas where you could move and shoot through certain rocks / walls.
  64. Fixed Snow Dwarf Immunity to Frozen being displayed as None in the Character Creator.
  65. Fixed Spirit Tiger and Spirit Eagle using the wrong portraits.
  66. Fixed Prone Immune creatures displaying "Immune to Prone" every time an attack of opportunity hits them. We get it, no need to show off.
  67. Fixed Restrained Condition not preventing special movement (Jump, Fly...) when applied during a Reaction (such as Judgement Paladin's Weight of Justice).
  68. Fixed the game sometimes not understanding that Raise Dead does not have the 10 rounds limit that Revivify has, giving you a Game Over for no reason.
  69. Fixed a couple of beards flying all over the place on Tiefling faces
  70. Fixed Spirit Tiger having wrong AC & HP values displayed. The base values before the Druid's modifiers are applied are now 9 AC and 11 HP.
  71. Fixed a couple of wrong camera angles during cutscenes.
  72. Fixed upcasted Chain Lightning not affecting more targets.
  73. Fixed Dragon Breaths sometimes targeting too low. As in, the floor. Or even below that.
  74. Added more quest markers to help players.
  75. Fixed Oblivion Cleric Mark of Oblivion disappearing from the UI at level 14.
  76. CotM: Fixed a strange bug that creeped back in during the Tutorial, where the Alpha Wolf would hover in the air after the bridge collapsed. Looney Tunes physics be gone.
  77. LV: The Lost Giant quest now properly fails if Rose Fairwind dies.
  78. LV: Swamp Witch Hut quest now fails if you kill the Avenger Ghost.
  79. POI: Fixed Captain Ashdown using a female voice during combat.
  80. POI: Fixed Heldon Surespell scamming you by giving you a Tome of Quickness when you ask for a Tome of Understanding. Hate that guy. Can't trust him.
  81. POI: Fixed being able to trigger a cutscene in Einareum while leveling up, causing all kind of nasty issues.
  82. POI: Fixed Repel the Eastern Attack optional objective being incorrectly set as complete when lighting the beacon.
  83. POI: Fixed the Speaker both lying unconscious on the floor and yet fighting next to you during a certain encounter. Doppleganger be gone!
  84. POI: Made certain exit area easier to reach when using the Game Pad.
  85. POI: Fixed incorrect animations playing during The Lost Convoy quest
  86. POI: Fixed a Glabrezu sometimes appearing invisible during a certain fight... for no reason. Guess it just didn't want to be seen that day.
  87. POI: Fixed a pack of Soraks missing from Necropolis if the party is above level 11.
  88. POI: Fixed a bug which could make the Elder in Elven Settlement disappear from cutscenes. Guess his time has come, he was getting too old.
  89. POI: Fixed Greybeard's friends not defending him if you attack him. Some friends they are!
  90. POI: Fixed an Elven Ranger spawning spawning in the sky and falling to the ground in the Elven Settlement. We'll just say it's an Morrowind reference. Yea, that'll do.
  91. POI: Fixed an issue which could cause part of the ending cutscene to not play properly.
  93. Dungeon Maker
  94. Added short Tavern Ambiance to the list of available tracks.
  95. Added small / large exterior tiles to Dwarven Exterior.
  96. Added Languages as potential dialog choices when creating dialogs.
  97. Virtual Dialog gadgets can now be enabled / disabled via activators.
  98. Reverted change that prevented Unique NPCs & Bosses from being used twice (or more) - we still advise against doing so, but you are no longer blocked from saving custom campaigns if you have duplicates.
  99. Fixed duplicate Bear Carpet assets being available and fixed their orientation.
  100. Fixed Town's different Road assets not being at the same size.
  101. Woodland's Corpse D & F should no longer be covered in snow.
  102. Fixed a strange yellow arrow that would appear in Snowy Forest tile.
  103. When using the Exit to Campaign Map gadget, the exit lore is now correctly displayed
  104. Fixed the virtual exit not correctly working with activators.
  105. Fixed Random Encounters sometimes not properly spawning all monsters
  106. Fixed location nodes always showing a Necropolis image
  107. Fixed Dominion soldiers being displayed as Friendly when spawned as monsters in Random Encounters.
  108. Fixed Mountain Caves Small Room C not showing the correct blueprint.
  109. Catacombs low ground room should now accomodate walls and openings.
  110. Virtual Dialogs now properly appear in the Adventure Log
  111. Fixed Custom Loot Packs not correctly dropping from Custom Monsters
  112. Fixed NPC filter wrongly appearing overlapped with item filters.
  113. Fixed Frost Giants being tagged as POI instead of LV.
  114. Rails can now be placed in openings.
  115. Added Stalactite Trap gadget in Mountain Cave.
  116. Reduced vegetation density in Jungle environment to improve performance
  118. Update v1.5.74:
  119. Changelog
  120. Added new faces for Tieflings without the facial marking and fixed several existing bugs.
  121. Tiefling marks can now be selected as Body Decoration.
  122. Magebane Barbarian: Spellcrusher now takes a Bonus Action (instead of an Action) and recharges on a Long Rest (instead of Short Rest)
  123. Tradition Bard: Manacalon's Perfection now recharges on a Short Rest (instead of a Long Rest)
  124. Court Mage: Spellshield Temporary HP now scales with 4x your level (instead of 5x your level)
  125. Heroism Bard: At Road's End now heals for 4d12 + CHA modifier HP (instead of 1 HP)
  126. Spellblade Fighter: Arcane Escape now grants the benefit of Dodge when activated (instead of +3 movement speed)
  127. Clerics now have access to Divine Blade (level 8 spell)
  128. Druids now have access to Gravity Slam (level 7 spell) and Thunderstorm (level 8 spell)
  129. Wizards can now learn Thunderstorm, Spellward and Sunburst (level 8 spell)
  130. Added the following items: Javelin +2/+3, Handaxe +2/+3, Greatsword +2/+3, Scimitar +3, Gauntlet +3 and their corresponding crafting recipes.
  131. Added a new icon to the following existing items: Javelins +1, Maul +1, Spear +1/+2
  132. Necklace of Focus now grants a bonus to your Max Ki Pool equal to half of your proficiency bonus (instead of +1)
  133. Dungeon Maker: Periapt of the Master Enchanter has been replaced by a DM-only version that also grants Abyssal Agitator crafting proficiency.
  134. Shove will now correctly automatically succeed against incapacitated creatures (as long as they can be shoved).
  135. Monsters will now be able to use an action to attempt to break out of Black Tentacles
  137. Bugfixes
  138. Monks starting pack now properly contains Slippers of Spiderclimb instead of Ring of the Ambassador.
  139. Fixed Blindness not allowing for a saving throw each turn
  140. Fixed Scimitar of Sharpness requiring Attunement
  141. Fixed the recipe for Longsword of Perfection erroneously being a duplicate recipe for Longbow of Perfection.
  142. Fixed some older campaigns having issues due to removing some internal placeholder icons,
  143. Fixed one lore document missing in the Palace of Ice campaign
  144. Fixed a poor Winter Wolf being stuck in the background in Gallivan Border.
  145. Fixed a poor Vrock also being stuck in the background in Elven Ruins.
  146. Added some missing / wrong Quest Markers in the Ruins of Telema, The Lowlife & The Missing Piece quests (CotM),
  147. Fixed being able to break the game by purposefully blasting vital NPCs with AoE spells outside combat. You deranged murder hobos.
  148. Fixed a blocker that could occur in the Elven Questline if you managed to Kallista Prasigon before triggering her dialogue.
  149. Optimized performances in White City.
  150. Fixed a Fire Giant spawning inside a wooden platform in the "Evil Deeds" quest.
  151. Fixed being able to scribe a spell that you already know if you're carrying multiple spellbooks.
  152. Fixed Scourge of the Hidden showing up twice in the combat log when attacking an enemy that is both a shapeshifter and has darkvision.
  153. Fixed Way of the Light appearing twice in the spellcasting UI for no reason
  154. Fixed User Locations being selectable in Multiplayer, leading to a crash. As a reminder, only User Campaigns are playable in Multiplayer, not User Locations.
  155. Fixed Sunbeam sometimes dealing wild amounts of damage (18d6 in one beam let's go).
  156. Fixed several places where characters could move / shoot through walls and other elements of the background.
  157. Fixed a fight not triggering automatically when first entering Lava Tunnels
  158. Added some missing flight corridors that prevented aerial movement in certain combat areas
  159. Fixed some Bestiary entries being duplicated in Palace of Ice when importing a Lost Valley save file.
  160. Fixed dying characters showing Sleep VFX (they're not supposed to show that they're just pretending)
  161. Added a leap movement to Peak Abominations to help them reach enemies in battle.
  162. The Crown of the Magister is no longer invisible when worn by a Gnome (preciouuuus)
  163. Fixed Remorhaz playing a strange animation when the combat starts
  164. Fixed Captain Ashdown being teleported back to camp if you save / reload during the start of the Eastern Front quest (wut).
  165. Fixed being able to duplicate items in Multiplayer if two players loot the same container at the exact same time.
  166. Fixed Symbol - Sleep spell making targets act all weird like running in place instead of peacefully sleeping on the floor. Also fixed not being able to wake the victims, even by attacking them.
  167. Fixed some more desync issues in multiplayer that could occasionally due to small differences in pathfinding calculations between Xbox and PC.
  168. Fixed Cloudkill / Incendiary Cloud VFX and actual area of effect not being aligned since the cloud slightly moves on its own each round.
  169. Fixed summoned creatures sometimes being immuned to AoE spells cast by the party.
  170. Casting a spell summoning multiple creatures will now show markers on the ground while your selecting where to summon each creature.
  171. Fixed Decadence Legendary Crossbow not ignoring Half-Cover as it should.
  172. Fixed Melek not having a proper icon in the bestiary.
  173. Fixed Drag and Dropping an item in the same slot it came from during combat consuming your free item interaction.
  174. Fixed a very specific freeze that could happen with two characters playing exactly one after the other - if the 1st character went down and the 2nd already unconscious character stabilized immediately after, the space time continuum self-destructed.
  175. Fixed a spectral ally in the last act of Palace of Ice being particularly confused and who was attacking the party instead of the enemy.
  176. Trolls no longer abide by the rules of the Ministery of Silly Walks.
  177. Player characters hit by Sessroth no longer pretend to be hit before the blow even lands. Amateurs.
  178. Reduced the waiting time before being able to control your character again after killing an enemy. The dead can wait, the living cannot.
  179. Kebra will no longer have a clone waiting outside the volcano after it blows up in CotM
  180. Fixed severe performance issue that could occur if the game constantly switched between gamepad and mouse/keyboard
  181. Fixed a few inconsistencies and bad camera angles in certain cutscenes.
  182. LV: Fixed being able to get the Dominion Officer Ring twice through pickpocketing.
  183. LV: Fixed Gail Hunt skipping their turn when engaged in combat.
  184. DM: Fixed Destroyed Caravan A having the wrong dimensions
  185. Improved Use Item UI menu when equipped with more than 8 items with active components (Spell scrolls, potions, etc...).
  186. Fixed the number of Indomitable uses not being displayed correction in the reaction pop-up window.
  187. Fixed a blocker that could occur during the "Evil Deeds" quest where Marduk would no longer be present in town if you decide to spam long rests at the tavern. I guess he got tired of waiting for the party and left on his own.
  188. Disabled powers can now be selected with the gamepad to allow reading their tooltip.
  189. Items should no longer be lost in Multiplayer if a save is made while someone is drag & dropping an item.
  190. CotM: Fixed Auroc not having darkvision.
  191. POI: Fixed Gilmar being able to die in sidequests, potentially blocking the questline.
  192. POI: Fixed a brief black cutscene that could occur when leaving Lava Tunnels
  193. Fixed an error that could occur when stacking Fly / Levitate multiple times on the same character.
  194. Hopefully fixed a bug where some creatures would have incredibly high Perception scores, making it impossible to stay stealthed against them.
  195. Fixed being unable to attune to anything if two instances of the same magic items were found in the character's inventory.
  196. POI: Fixed a strange bug where attacking an enemy while stealthed at the Giant Camp would turn Hjlamar hostile. Guess he despises sneaky little thieves!
  197. Removed Scroll of Animal Shapes from the game (the spell does not work, it's a placeholder).
  198. POI: Fixed a strange bug that could permanently disable the long rest firecamp at Gallivan Border.
  199. POI: Fixed choosing "It's Too Dangerous" when talking to Isrid Farsky playing the wrong cutscene.
  200. POI: Fixed a blocker that could occur when using stealth / invisibility to bypass the trigger for the 1st fight of The Eastern Front to light the beacon.
  201. POI: Fix a blocker that could occur when aborting travel after completing Gallivan Border Castle.
  202. CotM: Fixed a rare case where characters could be teleported outside the fighting area during the final fight, preventing the game from continuing.
  203. DM: Fixed Plate activators
  204. DM: Fixed Virtual Dialogs
  206. Update v1.5.52:
  207. Fixed the legendary Jakarbuckler shield missing its model. Although an invisible shield could have been a cool idea, that wasn't the plan.
  208. Fixed the party getting stuck if they re-entered the Glendale Castle after having finished The Wyvern's Nest quest. The castle isn't intended to be some twisted run-ending trap.
  209. Fixed another issue in Glendale Castle where a party member could spawn inside the Castle after a cutscene and remain stuck in there.
  210. Fixed the Experiment Room in Telema missing fly tunnels, preventing flying creatures from crossing the rift. The DM's argument was "Uuuhhh yea dangerous magic currents or something", but considering it was a stupid excuse we decided to override it.
  211. Fixed Custom Campaigns menu not properly showing its content on Microsoft & Xbox versions.
  212. Fixed some Russian & Chinese texts not properly appearing in the UI.
  213. Fixed an issue where Soraks could be neutral or completely missing from the mines in Kaupaapunki, blocking the main quest. We assume they saw what you did to their brethren and simply gave up. We reminded them that it ain't much, but it's honest work - they're now back and ready to fight.
  214. Fixed an issue where the "Attrition" quest flow could be broken by triggering the convoy fight before getting close to it.
  215. Fixed the Barbarian's rage ending early even if they took damage the previous turn. Rage on little guy!
  216. Fixed Globe of Invulnerability sometimes causing an internal error.
  217. Fixed a rare issue where Vigdis and Missouk could be missing from their own cutscene, making the discussion pretty awkward to say the least.
  218. Fixed being able to teleport to the Ruins of Telema before teleporting to Violet's House, bricking the main quest. Little Violet does not appreciate being ignored.
  219. Fixed entering the Temple of Arrivad with a level 13+ party not spawning any enemy, blocking the main quest.
  221. Update v1.5.49:
  222. Fixed our Xbox build machine going rogue and attempting to sabotage the company. Man prevailed over machine... This time.
  223. Fixed a potential blocker that could occur when teleporting at the wrong location after having finished the Ruins of Telema area.
  224. Fixed some saves being unable to be imported due to active powers such as Paladins' Channel Divinity. If you still have a save that can't be imported and that's not modded, make sure to send it to us on Discord.
  225. Added some safeties in order to combat the infinite white loading screen after Bridge Ambush. Hopefully that should prevent it from happening, but please let us know you run into this bug again.
  226. Fixed Wildshape cloning Druids in Custom Campaigns. Druids can think creatively. You will find they are immensely superior to Droids.
  228. Update v1.5.48:
  229. Fixed more "WaitForEvent" errors, which as the name implies are errors that make the DM stand up to grab a coke in the fridge while the players are patiently waiting at the table for them to come back, probably making dice towers in the meantime (one example would be when upcasting Magic Missile).
  230. Fixed Lost Valley's Intro Cutscene Video lagging on some rigs.
  231. Fixed a couple more desyncs. The neverending game of cat and mouse continues.
  232. Fixed a certain monster being invisible in one of the final fights of Palace of Ice. And by invisible we don't mean "I cast invisibility!", but rather "now where in tarnation is that monster's 3D model!"
  233. Fixed an issue that could cause items to be lost in Multiplayer if dragging items around while someone is getting disconnected.
  234. Fixed Rock Gnomes getting +DEX instead of +CON
  235. Improved performance when destroying certain pillars. That's all we're going to say to avoid spoilers.
  236. Fixed some performance issues on the Eastern Front maps
  237. Fixed being unable to apply demonic grease / poison on weapons (from the inventory)
  238. Fixed some inconsistencies that could occur in the last act of Palace of Ice.