1. Update v1.0.73323:
  2. Headline Changes
  3. Performance and memory optimizations
  4. Civilian units can no longer defend cities
  5. Game of the Week now uses all DLC nations and dynasties and will randomise enabled DLC regardless of DLC ownership
  6. Design
  7. Civilian units (Workers, Caravans, etc) can no longer defend when in a city center and will get bounced out if attacked when the city has no HP
  8. Game of the Week now uses all DLC nations and dynasties and will randomise enabled DLC regardless of DLC ownership
  9. Temporarily set Game of the Week to use the No Events setting
  10. Only Diplomat leaders can control the units of their national ally. All leaders can still control tribal allies units
  11. Cohorts now requires Manor instead of Land Consolidation
  12. Land units can no longer stun units on water tiles
  13. Stunned units now keep their Zone of Control
  14. Removed attack penalty for Tactician leader general
  15. Inland Sea map script no longer has desert and mountains at the top and bottom of the map
  16. Tweaks to eligible events for Minimal Event Level and No Events
  17. Kush Scouts with a Schemer leader are no longer invisible when building Forts
  18. Starting leaders now have more protection against dying in the first 20 turns (up from 10)
  19. Caravans no longer exist in 1v1 duels or games with one nation
  20. Truce with a tribe no longer costs legitimacy in some cases
  21. Caravans can enter Anarchy-owned tiles
  22. Impious characters are no longer restricted from becoming Clergy (Sacred and Profane)
  23. Colosseum now creates a Swordsman every 10 turns instead of 5 (Wonders and Dynasties)
  24. Programming
  25. AI no longer builds other projects in border cities if it can build walls
  26. AI now buys resources for unit upgrades
  27. AI no longer plans to expand against a player or tribe if it would otherwise have a zero percent chance to declare war against them
  28. AI improvements to handle worker blockades
  29. AI performance optimizations
  30. Many memory optimizations
  31. Mods can now have custom event art
  32. UI
  33. Updated localization text
  34. No Events toggle moved to Event Level dropdown
  35. Improved road visibility on minimum terrain detail
  36. Added new hotkey (Ctrl+L) to toggle between the two most recently used languages
  37. General name is a now a link on the unit selection panel
  38. Adjusted spacing in unit tooltip bonus table
  39. Rural specialists on non-resource tiles are now shown on the resources/improvements overlay
  40. Improvement help reorganization. Added Potential Bonuses / Other Bonuses links to some improvement tooltips to help readability
  41. Added organized tribal unit concept and indication on unit tooltip
  42. Added notification icon for Occurrences (Era of Peace, Civil War etc)
  43. Laws screen now potentially scrollable (affects mods that add laws)
  44. Units can now be selected through world UI elements (Harvested icon, text from overlays)
  45. Attack preview tooltip prioritized over other world UI tooltips
  46. Improved handling of grammatical gender
  47. Tech cards display now updated when science stockpile changes
  48. Tile yield overlay now shows negative yield values (but does not include consumption)
  49. Moved All Characters list to the right side of character filters.
  50. Character list now sorts by family, with head at top and then by age
  51. Family and Religion heads now have their background highlighted in the character list
  52. Available DLC section added to menu
  53. Active DLC now shown in game parameters
  54. Added divider for CTRL-selection helptext for agent/governor button on city widget
  55. Simplified MP setup screen and added Advanced Options button
  56. Added games completed to Hall of Fame achievements page. Games won now shows games actually won
  57. Enhancements to coloring on recommended improvement widget
  58. Bugs Fixed
  59. Fixed Garrison/Stronghold/Citadel stone upkeep issue in Barbarian Horde scenario
  60. Fixed occasionally-hidden yield costs on production buttons
  61. Fixed null reference in AI bonus value calculation for tribe cities
  62. Fixed artefacts at the edges of fog of war from some viewing angles
  63. Fixed stats breakdown tooltips
  64. Fixed Learn to Play menu scenario expansion
  65. Fixed simple setup screen not correctly applying the difficulty level from the options file
  66. Fixed a No Events event appearing incorrectly
  67. Fixed religion opinion tooltip issue
  68. Fixed reign years display for bypassed rightful heir
  69. Fixed autobuild cities sometimes not selecting something to build
  70. Fixed some issues with in-game language changing
  71. Fixed inland tribes setting for Continent map script
  72. Fixed some truncated link hovering issues
  73. Fixed AI not advancing to occupy a settlement
  74. Fix player power display in German
  75. Fixed truce and peace missions having no outcome in No Events mode
  76. Fixed preset game options from the previous game not being applied on starting a new game
  77. Fixed selection issues around city widget
  78. Fixed clicks on popups / menus affecting the map
  79. Fixed manage luxuries button sometimes closing city screen
  80. Fixed rebels not appearing if the player has no military tech
  81. Fixed several load/save errors
  82. Fixed Game of the week selecting invalid archetype and dynasty option combinations
  83. Fixed premade map MP setup screen with nations that are not enabled
  84. Fixed null reference on improvement tooltip
  85. Fixed AI not finishing Wonders left unfinished
  86. Fixed Tribes not moving when blocked by another unit that then moves
  87. Fixed some missing scenario options
  88. Fixed incorrect default nation selection on setup
  89. Fixed Barbarian sites no longer regenerating after the last Barbarian settlement eliminated
  90. Fixed some shaders failing to render on Macs
  91. Fixed law/improvement help indentation in tech tooltip
  92. Fixed a bug related to AI unit upgrading
  93. Fixed null ref in Hall of Fame when scenario doesn't have a scenario class
  94. Fixed religion opinion load/save error
  95. Fixed Event Browser scaling
  96. Fixed AI ignoring targets that are not reachable from its own territory
  97. Miscellaneous AI fixes
  98. Fixed Grand Vizier incorrectly triggering the "no councilors from our family" opinion penalty (Behind the Throne)
  99. Fixed border expansion preview for building a farm not taking into account the free farmer from the Jerwan Aqueduct (Wonders and Dynasties)
  100. Fixed specialist bug after capturing a city with the Jerwan Aqueduct (Wonders and Dynasties)
  101. Text and event fixes
  103. Update v1.0.73138:
  104. This hotfix fixes a bug with the Barbarian Horde scenario preventing the horde from appearing.
  106. Update v1.0.72907:
  107. Headline Changes
  108. Wonders have been rebalanced
  109. 5 new Crowning Ambitions added
  110. New game options, presets and defaults including an Introductory preset and No Events mode
  111. Grand Viziers can no longer be assigned manually and will only appear through events (Behind the Throne)
  112. Design
  113. Wonder rebalancing:
  114. Ishtar Gate: increased growth per culture level in the city from 1 to 2
  115. Necropolis: Now gives all cities 3 civics per pagan religion instead of 2 happiness per temple
  116. Royal Library: increased science output from connection to other teams, but reduced output from own team (Wonders and Dynasties)
  117. Al Khazneh: Now gives free silk, perfume, ebony, porcelain, and furs, and a Caravan every 5 turns. Removed money bonus and 3 instant Caravans (Wonders and Dynasties)
  118. Mausoleum: increased culture modifier from 40% to 50%
  119. Hagia Sophia: Now gives 2 happiness levels for every city on completion and 2 happiness per turn per culture level in the wonder city. Removed global happiness per turn
  120. Via Recta Souk: Now gives all on-map luxury resources. Replaced wonder city growth by 2 growth per culture level. Removed happiness per luxury and Caravans
  121. All improvements that produce units create one on the first turn they are built. Affects Holy Sites, Al Khazneh, Cothon and Colosseum
  122. Al Khazneh and Royal Library disabled in FFA games with two or fewer human players and no AI nations (Wonders and Dynasties)
  123. New crowning ambitions added.
  124. These are the 10th and final ambition you will be offered in order to claim an ambition victory:
  125. 6 cities with a positive happiness level
  126. 8 Elder specialists in each Family Seat
  127. Polytheism and 4 Elder Acolytes in each Family Seat
  128. Stockpile 2000 of each resource
  129. Send 20 luxuries
  130. Added game option preset Introductory and made it the default. This sets low events, low mortality and no AI development
  131. Added game option No Events. This disables all events except those necessary for game progression or for leaders' unique abilities.
  132. Renamed newer Inland Sea map script to Mediterranean and made it the default initial map for single player games. The original Inland Sea map script is no longer hidden
  133. Added game option to ignore premade map nation starting locations
  134. AI player starting city numbers are now capped at twice the average for the AI Development level
  135. Swapping the position of units now consumes a fatigue point for both units. Units that have used all their fatigue can use Force March to enabled them to be swapped
  136. The Formation effect (Greek UU) now gives +20% strength from having the same unit adjacent, not just +20% defense
  137. All retiring Generals now get the Retiring General trait, allowing them to become governors
  138. Relaxed restrictions on ambition validity when there are no valid ambitions of the correct tier available
  139. Improved east-west team starting location placement adjustment
  140. Team contact is now always symmetric, no longer possible to not be able to change diplomatic relations with a nation that you have met but hasn't met you
  141. Leader and heir now get an additional trait option that is not related to their current job when upgrading
  142. Raging tribes will now get a centralized AI whenever they have at least one city in their possession
  143. Doubled the effect of Righteous and Debauched traits
  144. Increased Harbor net adjacency bonus from 40% to 60%
  145. Units now always advance after kill when attacking camps that are not city sites
  146. Lowered order amount demanded by the AI when giving tribute for truce
  147. Grand Viziers can no longer be assigned manually and will only appear through events (Behind the Throne)
  148. Autonomous Rule now overrules the Grand Vizier (Autonomous Rule cities do not build units but can spend resources) (Behind the Throne)
  149. Ambushed by rebels trait no longer removes character job (Behind the Throne)
  150. The Found Religion project will now preferentially found Zoroastrianism for the Shapur dynasty (Wonders and Dynasties)
  151. Some dynasty starting characters now have the Rising Star and Power Hungry traits (Wonders and Dynasties / Behind the Throne)
  152. Darius now takes a -5 Legitimacy hit if he lets Bardiya take the throne (Wonders and Dynasties)
  153. Programming
  154. Increased value AI places on gaining orders, AI value for garrisons lowered
  155. AI now attacks tribe settlements with a higher priority than roaming tribe units
  156. AI takes into account the strength of allies and enemies of both players when deciding whether to go to war or ask for truce
  157. Tweaks to AI diplomacy with Ruthless AI set:
  158. AI will not accept a player mission to declare war on a third party, if it would not consider doing so independently
  159. AI will not accept truce from a player, if it has zero chance of initiating truce from its side
  160. AI will not automatically accept peace or truce when another AI player offers it
  161. Improved vizier city build management (Behind the Throne)
  162. Steam now respects the DLC checkboxes in the Steam library, treating any DLCs disabled there as unowned.
  163. Steam now uses rich presence and displays information about the current game state
  164. Mod Browser change to ensure Mod.io website mod commenting is enabled properly on mods
  165. Added the Behind the Throne XML files to the Reference folder
  166. Added setsafe console command which sets characterID safe (not able to die) for numberOfTurns
  167. Added SUBJECT_CHARACTER_WORLD_RELIGION for use by modders
  168. AI is more mindful of danger when moving units from one location to another, if it can't get there on the same turn
  169. Removed UI XML hotloading
  170. Possible fix for occasional reconnection failures in MP
  171. Added some logging to better identify reconnection failures
  172. Mapscript mods consisting of a source file are now deprecated and will show warning message in Manage mods screen
  173. UI
  174. Added turn summary entry for new techs and consolidated some categories
  175. Added loading hourglass cursor to menu screens
  176. Game option positions in setup menu re-organised
  177. Split "Show Single Objects" into "Show Single Units" and "Show Single Resources" in graphics options
  178. Added "Increase Border Visibility" to accessibility
  179. Unit effects now show both the general trait and promotion icons when the unit has the same effect from both
  180. Notification reminder button now bigger and shine effect applied
  181. Updated Learn by Playing scenario icon
  182. Agent candidates are now shown on the Assign Agent tooltip even when they cannot be assigned due to no Spymaster
  183. Revised description of traits that do not allow any jobs (e.g. Ascetic) to dynamically include all jobs
  184. Changed the art for Shrine of Serapis (Ptolemy's unique shrine) so that the dynasties shrines art are unique (Heroes of the Aegean)
  185. Border expansion preview now contains city territory information so that players know which city will get which tile
  186. Updated display of rivers when using Minimal graphics setting
  187. Border expansion now shown when hovering over the unit widget of a worker constructing an improvement
  188. Changed 'Default Settings' Option Preset name to 'Standard Settings' to reflect it no longer being the default
  189. City founding previews now update only borders, rather than all terrain. Borders now only update vegetation when "increase border visibility" is enabled
  190. Ignore to-be-occupied tile for calculating potential bounces during attack preview
  191. Tweaks to notification tooltip for Steam Deck
  192. Bugs Fixed
  193. Fixed a nested link issue with council characters
  194. Fixed some AI issues where it had trouble getting out of its own way
  195. Fixed particle sound effects firing too often
  196. Fixed duplicate crest in notification text for units killed or captured
  197. Fixed doubled pillage/burn buttons for allied tribe units
  198. Fixed bug allowing fort or road construction in non-allied tribe city territory, including territory of cities being captured
  199. Fixed resource improvement pings not always setting the location for resources for some events that add them
  200. Fixed time victory not being disabled by default in some of the game option presets
  201. Fixed mod browser tooltips not showing for picture & changelog edit boxes, and dependency/incompatibility/whitelist buttons on mod upload screen
  202. Fixed unrevealed tiles being targetable with ranged units
  203. Fixed bug with tile distance pathfinder that caused nations to be placed too close together
  204. Fixed bug with SUBJECT_CITY_DAMAGED
  205. Fixed unit combat animations pausing when offscreen and resuming when in view again
  206. Fixed heir naming relation tooltip
  207. Fixed autobuild governor not honoring items that it had previously queued
  208. Fixed bug with events that remove citizens
  209. Fixed gender prerequisites not showing in event options
  210. Fixed locked tooltips causing issues on SP setup screen
  211. Fixed issue where selecting things between turns could lead to UI issues
  212. Fixed ask to declare war mission sometimes failing to lead to a result
  213. Fixed resource display issue in the Map Editor
  214. Fixed some traits causing the trait display to be inaccurate
  215. Fixed Seaside map script help text (no longer default)
  216. Fixed turn summary popup scrolling
  217. Fixed raiders sometimes not finding the city they are supposed to raid
  218. Fixed replay for server games
  219. Fixed rare bug that could cause city sites to be joined on the Imperium Romanum map
  220. Fixed game failing to start correctly when username can't be set
  221. Fixed links breaking in turn summary
  222. Fixed city health bars sometimes not displaying properly after undo
  223. Fixed bug where Developing wonders would grant AI the Weak legitimacy bonus, +2 instead of +4
  224. Fixed diplomatic status icon not being removed from city widget when city is no longer owned by a tribe
  225. Fixed default setup options sometimes not displaying correctly
  226. Fixed cloud game state being able to be changed by non-active players
  227. Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 raider and unit bounce fixes
  228. Fixed opinion boost from Opulence not showing in the Encyclopedia (Behind the Throne)
  229. Fixed Heroes of the Aegean scenario 4 intrigue techs sometimes not triggering events (Heroes of the Aegean)
  230. Fixed Nero wiki link (Wonders and Dynasties)
  231. Fixed reform eras getting stuck from imprisoned or exiled viziers (Behind the Throne)
  232. Fixed wine harvest goal not failing in event of death or divorce of spouse (Behind the Throne)
  233. Fixed delay in victory triggering when final VP came from Opulence project (Behind the Throne)
  234. Fixed Behind the Throne being unavailable in World Map and Barbarian Horde scenarios
  235. Text and event fixes
  237. Update v1.0.72492:
  238. This hotfix updates the version number to the same across all platforms to allow cross platform multiplayer